Dear SOURCE: Thanks again for the info! A couple of questions


This is the only way to contact back the source that shared an info through the anonymous contact form. A couple of questions:

  1. Only one or BOTH cameras will be announced on that date you mentioned?
  2. Any info on new lenses coming too?
  3. Possible for you to setup a new anonymous gmail so that you can contact me at instead of using the contact form?

Thanks again for your help! Will as usual be careful with everything you said…maybe one day we meet for real in some hut on the alps :)


Just released: New Topaz Photo AI v1.4


Topaz updated their Photo AI to versions 1.4 (Click here).

Changes since 1.3.12:

  • Auth system internals changed to allow Alpha, Beta, and Release builds to use the same seat
    • You may need to login again and claim seats from pre-1.4.0 versions
  • Added preserve text enhancement
  • Re-designed right panel
  • Re-designed welcome screen
  • When resizing the image, you may now specify pixels per inch or centimeter and how long each edge should be
    • Access these options by clicking the “px” in the width or height text field. This setting will persist after closing the app.
    • If inches or centimeters is selected, the resolution and resolution unit will be read from the image and written on export
  • Optimized autopilot performance when re-running due to switching images or toggling upscale
  • Changed font from Roboto to Inter, and updated various icons
  • Right click and three dot menus should now automatically disappear if you move away from them
  • Fixed Adobe Lightroom Classic Plug-In text being too big for the save button
  • Fixed error when using LrC plug-in with LrC versions below 6 (noting that LrC 3.0 is still the minimum LrC version supported)
  • Fixed face recovery sometimes changing the tone of the face
  • Fixed CLI not allowing you to specify bit depth
  • Fixed status bar sometimes indicating the wrong status when inside an edit mode
  • Potential fix for toggles not updating for some users
  • Updated lensfun

Samyang 24-70mm f/2.8 FE test by Lenstip: “didn’t impress me with its performance”


Samyang  24-70mm f/2.8 FE: In USA  at BHphoto, Amazon US&EU, WexUK. FotoKoch DE. FotoErhardt DE.

Lenstip reviewed the Samyang 24-70mm f/2.8 FE and concluded:

I have to admit the Samyang AF 24–70 mm f/2.8 FE didn’t impress me with its performance. During our test we noticed too many slip-ups and medium results for a good contemporary lens with the journalistic 24-70 mm f/2.8 parameters. Mind you, its dimensions and weight are noticeably higher than those of the majority of its rivals.
As a kind of consolation, you get the price – currently the tested Samyang can be bought for about $800, noticeably less than its cheapest rival, the Sigma A 24-70 mm f/2.8 DG DN which is priced as high as over $1100. The prices of brand name lenses of this class start from $1600.
