Sony TidBits (and Apple deal?)


Sony – New Small Prototype Digital Cinema Camera

According to macrumors.comApple has picked Sony’s 8-megapixel camera chip for the 2011 iPhone, according to supply and manufacturing sources, said Rodman Renshaw analyst Ashok Kumar.
Sony bloggie MHS-CM5 Review (Digitalcamerareview)
One of our SonyAlphaRumors friends toke some pictures from the Sony in Poland:

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(SR4) Mirrorless cameras on late May


During the last days we received many mails from people saying the mirrorless cameras will be announced on April 18. The source of the rumor is the famous “Gustav” (or “jsvogel”) which is a known Dyxum user. But according to our sources the camera will be announced on late May! We don’t have the exact date but we have been told that the camera will be available in stores in June. During the past weeks we have been working very silent to collect reliable informations. There will be two mirrorless cameras called NEX!


NAB news: Sony unveils the cinematic and a 3D camera


Sony’s Shapiro unveiled a prototype digital cinematic camera scheduled to be released next year. The camera has a 35mm sensor and records video on SxS. Release in 2011 :(
I didn’t get any certain information yet but it seems that the camera has an Alpha Mount and you will be able to use current Sony Alpha Lenses.

Sony also presented a concept prototype of the future 3D camera. It features a double 3-inch CMOS sensor, Full HD (1920×1080), interchangeable lenses, convergence control and full metadata support. Field tests are scheduled to start in July.

source: and hollywoodreporter


Concept model: The Sony Alpha A352


The designer Ryan David Francis created a completely new Alpha camera. I don’t know if we should like the design or not but I admire his imagination :)
The idea was to create a camera with a focused design based on how people hold a camera. It is a three-dimensional (3D) model.

source: fotoactualidad


(SR4) No good feeling about the A7xx…


During the past weeks I had long discussions with many of my sources. I didn’t post anything about the Sony A700 successor because I wanted to double check as much as possible the informations I received. As you can imagine there are many false rumors floating around the web, and also some of my sources can be wrong. One of the main questions I (and you) have is when the A700 successor will finally be on market. According to the infos I received there will be no A7xx at least until Photokina. Most of my sources say that it could also come late 2010 or early 2011 only!

Now remember, we are a rumors site and we are still building our solid sources basis. But in this case I received the same kind of rumor from completely different sources located in different parts of the world. I hate it to give you bad news but to me it seems that Sony wants to push their upcoming mirrorless system more than they push the current Alpha system.
Anyway, tomorrow Sony will do a press conference. I hope the Sony manager will tell us “Yeah the A7xx is here” and I hope to give you the damn cool link to amazon to buy the camera. I really hope that I and my sources are wrong!
But my guts tells that the news might be bad, and I wanted to share it with you.
