Sony TidBits


Sony G Series Telephoto Zoom Lenses

Sony Cyber-shot DSC-TX7 First Look (digitalcamerareview)
Sony Bloggie review on quesabesde (google english translation)
Sony UK Trade In Offer (ePhotozine)
Sony Cyber-shot HX5 Digital Camera Review (ePhotozine)
PRESS RELEASE: Sony Teams Up With Taylor Swift To Promote Latest Cyber-shot Digital Cameras (Imaging Resource)
Canon SX210 IS, Casio FH100, Panasonic TZ10 y Sony HX5V: frente a frente (quesabesde / google english translation)
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(SR3) Chinese store leaks the NEX3 and NEX5 camera specs


We have to be very careful when we talk about leaks coming form China. But that one seems to be more reliable than others. The chinese store posted the Sony NEX3 and Sony NEX5 cameras. The only real news is that NEX cameras will use the “FW50 Special lithium battery

Effective pixels:14,000,000
Sensitivity: ISO200-12800
AF Sensor: 11
Display scale: 3 inch
Video shoot: 1080p format
Body type: Single Lens electronic viewfinder
Manual operation: Full manual support
Sensor type: APS-C CMOS
Battery Type: FW50 Special lithium battery
Memory card type: SDHC Cards / MS Memory Stick
Flash Type: External
Focusing aids: Parameter correcting focus assist lamp
Support hotshoe: Yes
Data Interface: USB2.0
Pixel and class: 920,000-pixel LCD screen
Lens Description: Sony E series lens mount

Is almost the same camera but with following difference:
Video shoot: 720p format

Someone can confirm us if the specs are correct?


(SR5) First pictures of the Sony NEX3 camera!


We just received the two pictures from an anonymous sender. He spotted the Sony mirrorless camera inside an asian pub!
The pictures shows the Sony NEX3. The lens is the 16mm f/2.8 pancake lens. As we told you days ago the lens is chrome finished and has a diameter of 49mm. The lens is bigger than the Olympus 17mm f/2.8 Lens (37mm) and the Panasonic 20mm f/1.7 (42mm).
UPDATE: A second source told me that “the main reason for in lens stabilization is the video mode, which is easier to implement with proper focusing, not to keep the body shallow. ”

Reminder: We expect two Sony mirrorless cameras to be announced on May 11. The NEX3 and the NEX5 will be very similar. There will be only minor differences between the two mirrorless cameras (The NEX5 has faster FPS and 1080p recording, the NEX3 720p). Both will be very aggressively priced compared to MicroFourThirds cameras.
Both cameras will feature the new 14 Megapixel Sony ExmorHD sensor.

Keep following us until the announcement on May11: On Facebook, Twitter or RSS feed

Resumee of all leaks and rumors:
– The latest official Sony video (gave us some details about the cameras like 1920x1080p recording)
Sony promotes the mirrorless cameras for the FIFA World Cup
– The rumored specs of the NEX3 and NEX5 cameras


(SR4) The Sony “NEX” mirrorless cameras


UPDATE: One of our best sources gave us some important “corrections”. He said that “the two cameras are the same size and it is only chrome color finish, no chrome

I made a small summary of alle the recent Sony mirrorless rumored specifications. All I am writing here doesn’t come from Sony, this are just “rumors” we collected and received from you. I expect most of the informations to be true but small changes can still be possible.

General impression:
Since weeks we are receiving pieces and pieces of informations about the Sony NEX cameras. According to informations we collected most of the dealers and photographers who have seen the cameras have been very positive impressed by the cameras.
Sony will present the NEX3 and the NEX5.
The first thing people noticed is that the camera is incredible thin! Someone told me that it is thin like his index finger. The NEX3 and NEX5 are more compact than every digital Olympus PEN made to date.

The cameras:
The NEX3 has a plastic body and the NEX5 has a metal+plastic body. The NEX3 records 720p and the NEX5 1080p. Both do have the same 14 Megapixel EXmor sensor.
The NEX cameras do not have built-in image stabilization and no built-in flash. They have a hotshoe and an external flash (included into the kit-box).
The LCD display is tiltable. It is even better than the screen from the Sony A550 LCD.
All cameras do have “intelligent sweep panorama

The lenses:
There will be two kit zooms and one pancake. Compared to MicroFourThirds lenses they are a little big bigger. Even the 16mm f/2.8 pancake is bigger than the Olympus 17mm f/2.8 Lens lens. But the Olympus lens is made by cheap plastic. Sony lenses are very well built (Chrome).

Important notes:
– This are rumors (sent by anonymous sources or found on worldwide forums) and not official Sony news.
– We also try to double check the rumors we recieve. So if you send us some infos do not expect them to be published quickly.
– Feel free to share your rumors and news by sending us an email on


dealing with tons of rumors…


Dear readers,
as you can imagine I am receiving many emails with “rumors”. And only few of them are probably correct. So don’t be angry with me if I don’t post a rumor you send me. I need to check everything I get before to publish it.

One thing I noticed is that it seems that many people do believe the real camera name won’t be Sony Alpha NEX but something else…like for example Sony Alpha GP. Have no idea why many of you do believe that.

UDPATE: Sony GP is “just a code name

If you find something interesting on forums or somewhere else please send me an email at Thanks!
