Send your rumors to sonyalpharumors :)


Some people asks me how I do get rumors. There are two ways:
1) contact me at
2) or use the contact form on the right sidebar.

I keep my sources anonymous. If you want to feel safe just contact me using a fake gmail account. This helps me to create a constant communication with you. You don’t need to give me your name… I will not ask who you are :)

If you use the contact form on the sidebar you can avoid to give me your real name and email but please add some kind of signature. That will help me to classify sources and recognize the reliable sources.

That said I have been working with the 43rumors teams for months. So I am not a newbie with rumors. I know SonyAlphaRumors needs more time to become very reliable and only your help will make that possible.

I want to add one more note: We received some false rumors from sources which gave us correct rumors during the past months. There are some reasons why that happens:
1) A company can spread out incorrect information.
2) Some information I do receive are not detailled and leads to misinterpretation.

During the last weeks I had an increase of new sources and some of them are very good. So expect me to post some good rumor soon.

P:S: Anonimon+ …hope I answered you :)


The 10 most sold Sony mount lenses in Japan


BCNranking just published the lens sales ranking for January-Febraury 2010.

The following lens list contains the 10 most sold Alpha mount lenses (including third-party producer like Sigma). Click on the lens name to see the product page on amazon.

1 Sony 75-300mm F4.5-5.6
2 Tamron AF18-200mm F/3.5-6.3 XR DiII LD Aspherical[IF]Macro
3 Sony DT 50mm F1.8 SAM
4 Sony DT 30mm F2.8 Macro SAM
5 Sony DT 18-55mm F3.5-5.6 SAM
6 Tamron SP AF90mm F/2.8 Di MACRO 1:1
7 Sigma APO 70-300mm F4-5.6 DG MACRO
8 Tamron AF70-300mm F/4-5.6 Di LD Macro 1:2
9 Sony DT 18-250mm F3.5-6.3
10 Sigma 30mm F1.4 EX DC
10 Sony 70-300mm F4.5-5.6 G SSM
10 Sigma 70-300mm F4-5.6 DG MACRO

What can we learn from the ranking?
1) No expensive Zeiss lens made it into the top 10!
2) Thirs-party producer are selling ver well!


Conflicting reports about the new Alphas. Will they have video or not?


Sorry guys I have to make a step back. After posting the latest rumor about the upcoming entry level Alphas I received some conflicting reports. It seems that there have been some doubts with the new Alphas having videorecording or not.

Let’s start with the key-points where everyone of my sources do agree:
All of them do confirm that new announcement about still cameras will be made at NAB (April 10-14). All of them confirm that we are talking about APS-C cameras. And all do confirm that there will be no A7xx.

But I have to “suspend” the rumor which told you that they will not have video. I ask you more time to get some more reliable information about that.

UPDATE: Mirrorless cameras will come in May. They will not be launched on NAB!
