Register on SonyAlphaRumors!


Dear readers!
As you know I am currently installing the new theme. Regular news and rumors reporting will follow soon.

But in the meanwhile I would be very happy if you would become a member of SonyAlphaRumors! Register on

As member you can edit your profile, create a network of friends and joing groups. In future we plan to add a new forum, image gallery and wiki. This will make it easy for you to comment our news and partecipate to create new content on SonyAlphaRumors. If you click on “Activity” you will see the new activities from all users. If you click on “Group” you will be able to join groups and to create new groups!


P.S.: The website now works on buddypress

UPDATE: Once registered join my Fullframe ExmorHD group :)


UPDATED-> Work in progress on SonyAlphaRumors (new theme)


Surprise! The new theme has just been installed. As you can see there is still a lot of work to do. But I hope this is a step in the right direction. The theme is based on buddypress which is a social blog. Feel free to register (it doesn’t work now…wait few hours) and you will be able to send messages to each sonyalpharumors members, you will be able to create groups and soon there will be a forum and a wiki!

Now I have a lot of work left and in some cases you could help me!
1) The camera database on the top will contain all Sony cameras and lenses (for now only current and important stuff). For each camera and lens I will list reviews and camera specs. If you want to help me send me links to reviews. Thanks!
2) I need to fix the menu
3) I will try to look for a better fonts for the post-title
4) I need to add a favicon
5) I need to add the register form where you can become a SonyAlphaRumors member
6) I need to add the contact form

Feel free to send me your suggestions!


Thanks for the rumors! -> keep sending us rumors: )


I received many rumors in this days, about the next Fullframe camera, about the 7xx and about new Zeiss and G lenses. I want to thank all anonymous sender! Please don’t expect me to post your rumor quickly because I need to doublecheck them before to post them (don’t want to have a rumorchaos). If you want to stay in touch with me contact me on I am the only one reading those emails. I suggest you to create a fake gmail account. That would make it easy for me to “classify” you as source and you will keep yourself anonymous.
Some tips on how to send anonymous messages and images comes form our friend from Nikonrumors:

(just replace [at] with @ and [dot] with .) by using one of those free services:

Anonymous image hosting (upload an image and just email me the link):

Thanks all!


UPDATE: This is not the mysterious malaysian A560 picture ->looks like the camera shown at PMA


A Malaysian friend sent us that picture from the Sony show in Jakarta. According to the guy who made the photo that is the final design of the new Sony A560 and A580. Both models will replace the current Sony A550Sony A550Sony A550Sony A550Sony A550Sony A550Sony A550Sony A550Sony A550Sony A550Sony A550Sony A550Sony A550.
UPDATE: That camera looks like the camera shown at PMA in February. SO no leak here :(
If one of our readers has seen the final A560 camera can he please tell me if that is the final design? Feel free to use the contact form on the right and avoid to give me your name and email address if you want to be anonymous (P.S.: We do not store your IP-address!)

Reminder: we expect 4 cameras to be announced on late August.
1) A55 (translucent) 16MP 10FPS EVF-1.44M 1.1X magnification 95% AVCHD full hd
2) A33 (translucent) 14MP 7FPS EVF-1.44M 1.1X magnification 95% AVCHD full hd
3) A560 14MP 7FPS MF recording AVCHD full hd
4) A580 16MP 7FPS MF recording AVCHD full hd

SR= Sonyalpharumor
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unkown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!


(SR5) Names, fps and availability of the next four Alpha cameras!


IMPORTANT: Today or tomorrow we will install the new SonyAlphaRumors theme. We will need your help to fix bugs and add new features! Hope you will like it! The main purpose of the theme is to make content even more accessible and also to build a new Sony community ;)

The new rumor:
SonyAlphaRumors is pleased to share some new details about the next cameras! Four new APS-C cameras will be announced late August. All those cameras will be in Stock by September!

1) A55 (translucent) 16MP 10FPS EVF-1.44M 1.1X magnification 95% AVCHD full hd
2) A33 (translucent) 14MP 7FPS EVF-1.44M 1.1X magnification 95% AVCHD full hd
3) A560 14MP 7FPS MF recording AVCHD full hd
4) A580 16MP 7FPS MF recording AVCHD full hd

Those models will replace the actual Sony A550Sony A550Sony A550Sony A550Sony A550Sony A550Sony A550Sony A550Sony A550Sony A550Sony A550Sony A550Sony A550 (which has been discontinued in Japan!).

All four will feature a  HDR 6EV, 15 AF focus point, DOF preview, panorama/3D, ISO 100 (base). Let me say that I expect those cameras to be awesome and real competitor (if not better) of the Canon 7D. Autofocus during video recording is way faster than the Canon, High-ISO very very good and last but not least I like the new design :)

Don’t miss any news and rumors! Follow us also on Facebook or/and Twitter or/and RSS feed!

P.S.: The best way to support us is by using our links to amazon-adorama or bhphoto (or redcoon-pixmania if you are located in Europe) when you do shopping. Once you click on them and buy something (it doesn’t matter what) we get a small commission for it and you do not pay any penny more!
If you often shop in Amazon US or BHphoto you can bookmark following link:


Sony TidBits


Sony NEX-VG10 First Look Preview

Sony Alpha NEX-3 review on Photoreview Australia
Sony Alpha NEX-5 review on
Sony DT 55-200mm F/4-5.6 review (Kurtmunger)
Interview: Sony NEX of “E Mount strategy.” (in japanese, click here to read the terrible google english translation)
Sony’s 3D Plan? We Can Fix It in Post (StudioDaily)
Sony World Photography Awards 2010 Student Winners (Photographyblog)
