More about the FF sensor development and Nikon partnership…
As you remember we received an email from one of our sources about the future Sony Fullframe and Nikon partnership strategy. That email created a lot of heavy discussions. The source contacted me again and sent me following text to publish. Feel free to express your opinion, he is reading your comments!
“It is a total BS that Sony will quit FF sensor business. Sony is gearing up for major push into pro photography because they can make the best video-still convergence cameras including for newsmen. That is why their main DSLR lens push is into FF. Sony does not need Nikon. Nikon needs Sony. Even if Nikon would get their sensors elsewhere, Sony has no problem making FF sensors for themselves only. No one has as much experience as Sony in sensor design and no matter hown much Canon tries, they can’t compare to Sony. Sony is only now getting heavily into DSLR sensor business. Don’t believe the posts that Nikon can make the same quality sensors as Sony. The imaging chipset comes with image processing, including HD video. Nikon can work with another company that would design the chipset for them, with Nikon input, but it would be crazy to try to do that when Sony is getting heavily into the same kind of business and Nikon knows that they would not be able to compete on the same level, even with sensor design outsourcing.”
I know that this text sounds like it was written by a “SonyFanboy” (He says: “Canon can’t compare to Sony”). Fact is that he gave me correct “rumors” in the past. The question now is if after the very good and expensive Nikon D3X ($7,399.95 on Amazon!) and the cheap but still good Sony A850
Nikon and Sony will release a new Fulflrame camera in 2010. My answer? We will have to wait until next year :(
P.S.: We are working to get news about the new NEX and Zeiss lenses, and about the A77 and NEX7 camera. If you know something feel free to share your news using the contact form on the right sidebar. Every little info helps!!! Thanks!