(SR3) New Sony A7xx specs


Few days ago I received following few specs from a new source. I had the chance to talk with one of my trusted sources and he confirmed the specs but not the release date!

This is the text I received:
I am a professional photographer using Canon + Nikon equipment but I got this info about Sony Alpha 700 replacement Replacement is coming in late May most likely and it will be in the same arena with Canon’s 50D upgrade and Nikon’s D90 upgrades. New Alpha will be very user friendly with controls and preset dials (sports, portrait, landscape shootings, etc.). I don’t know the exact model name/number, all I know it will replace A700. It will be around 15-16 MP with iso up to 12800. New Alpha will have 30fps 1080p avchd video recording.

Thanks to the anonymous sender :)


Sony TidBits


Sony A550 – product demonstration video

Sony Cyber-shot TX7 Review (PhotographyBay)
Sony H55 Hands-On Review (Photographybay)
New weekly Japanese DSLR sales rankings (BCNranking)
And here you have a NO-news: Focus Numerique had an exclusive interview with Hidenori Toyoda from Sony Japan. The Interview doesn’t reveal anything new :(


(SR3) New Alphas to be announced in May


We just received an info from a source we know since months. He told me that “he heard” that Sony will announce at least two new Alpha models in May. And when he says “he heard” “from someone” he certainly didn’t get the info from the mediamarkt guys :)

So May will be definitely an interesting month. Following stuff should be announced:
– two mirrorless cameras
– firmware upgrade for A850 and A900
– at least two new Alpha cameras
– The 500mm and 24mm lens

I got some more details but I will try to double check them before to post them here. If you know something more feel free to contact me at sonyalpharumors@gmail.com. Or use the form on the right sidebar. You don’t need to give me your name or email address :)

Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=fake rumor (1% chance the rumor will become real)
SR2=rumor from unknown and unreliable source (10-20% chance the rumor will become real)
SR3=a rumor unknown source or sources which sounds realistic (20-50% chance the rumor will become real)
SR4=rumor from our trusted sources (50-70% chance the rumor will become real)
SR5=rumor from many of external and internal sources (70-90% chance the rumor will become real)


Many rumors from untrusted sources…


In this days I am receiving many rumors from non trusted sources. I rarely post them because I don’t want to spam the website with tons of false rumors. I keep the new sources in mind and will post the rumors when I will get some more infos from trusted sources.

Anyway the only fact that I receive so many messages may proove that something is going to happen soon!

From trusted sources (which have been correct in the past) I know that mirrorless cameras and the A850 and A900 firmware will come in May. At the same time we also “suspect” Sony could release a new Alpha camera and the new 500mm and 24mm lenses. So May will be definitely an interesting month!

Send me your rumors! More I get more easy it will be to post good rumors :)


P.S.: An example of unreliable rumor is that one:

name: A790
before summer.

I would be happy if that one would not be a fake :)
