Sony A55 and NEX-VG10 winners of the TIPA award 2011


[shoplink 3617][/shoplink]

The winners of the XXI TIPA AWARDS 2011 have been announced. Sony cameras won the price in two categories.

The [shoplink 3617]Sony A55[/shoplink] won the price in the category “Best Imaging Innovation“. That’s the motivation: “Sony has developed translucent mirror technology for a new level of functionality. The advantages of a translucent, fixed mirror technology are evident in the form of real time, phase detect autofocus (also available in Movie Mode) and much increased burst mode speed. By means of SLT design bodies can also be made smaller, thus reducing weight and size without sacrificing functionality and advanced technology benefits.

The [shoplink 3058]Sony NEX-VG10[/shoplink] won the price in the category “Best Expert Camcorder“. Motivation: “This camcorder could be considered the perfect “convergence” imaging system, equally serving the still photo and video worlds. The novel NEX-VG10 uses most of the electronics of Sony NEX-5 CSC, the same Exmor HD CMOS APS-C size sensor and the same E-mount for interchangeable lenses. However, its architecture and layout clearly favours video with a very remarkable performance thanks to 24Mbps codec AVCHD.

Full list of the winners at

Click those direct links to check the price and availability of the cameras:
Sony A55 at [shopcountry 3617].
Sony NEX-VG10 at [shopcountry 3058].


(SR5) NEX-7 for $1,300 and superb build quality


A fake Sony NEX-7 rendering with built-in EVF (Source:

After yesterdays allergy sickness I toke some rest and it did help a lot. I am now again 100% fully recovered! Thanks for your kind words and moral support!!!

A double checked some info I received during the last month. If Sony didn’t change the plan because of the recent Japan Tusnami disaster the Sony A77 and NEX-7 should be announced in July and available in late September/early October. What I also told you is that both will feature the same 24 Megapixel sensor. Some of my sources already had the chance to play a little bit with those cameras. The first impression was extremely positive. Both cameras do have a lot of “mechanical” controls and superb build quality. Sony worked with many photographers to develop those camera so expect major changes in a positive direction. The sources also confirmed the price of the NEX-7 with kit lens (18-55mm). It will be around $1,300. The direct competitor, the [shoplink 4718]Panasonic GH2 + 14-140mm lens (Click here to see the camera specs and price on Amazon)[/shoplink] costs $1500 and $1000 with the 14-42mm lens. There is definitely an electronic OLED Viewfinder but the sources “forgot” to mention to me if the NEX-7 uses a built-in or external viewfinder. I hope that after reading this post they can send me the answer :)

I don’t know how the camera could look like. I would love it would have a design and body-quality a la [shoplink 6503 ebay]Zeiss Ikon ZM (Click here to see that camera on eBay)[/shoplink]. That’s just my very personal dream :)

There are a lot of rumors I am working on:
1) I am trying to find out when the delayed NEX-C3 and A35 will be announced
2) There should be a new NEX lens announcement in late May. I hope Sony will not delay that announcement too
3) I got many info about new Zeiss and Sony lenses. I am trying to understand if those rumors are real and when they will be announced.

As usual you can help me by sending the rumor using the anonymous contact form on the right sidebar. You can avoid to send me your name and email address (send me a fake name so that I can recognize you in future). It also doesn’t store your IP address. Please understand that I try to post rumors only after checking them with other sources. So it could take some time before you see it posted on this website. You can also create a fake gmail account to contact me at That is the only way I can answer you.

What's the one camera you would like to get in 2017?

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Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!


Sony TidBits (Sony A55 Taken Apart)


(via Noisycamera)

A new japanese Sony NEX advertising page (
A new NEX tripod mount adapter ( and a new NEX panorama bracket (
Sony NEX-3 with Konica Hexanon 40mm 1.8 (SonyAlphaNex).
The Lights Down Test at EosHD ( Canon 600d vs Panasonic GH2/GF2 vs Sony NEX-3).
Replacing NEX LCD cover glass (PhotoclubAlpha)

Links to the cameras mentioned in that post:
Sony A55: [shopcountry 3617].
Sony NEX-3: [shopcountry 3000].


Editors note: It’s alergy time. Will be back tomorrow!


Dear readers.

Sorry if I didn’t manage to post any new rumor or news today. I am a sick because of allergy. My head is literally exploding and I need to rest a bit. Will be back tomorrow with new rumors and news!

P.S.: I still didn’t hear of any A77 and NEX-7 announcement delay. So let’s hope they will definitely be announced in July! (P.S.: both do feature the same 24 Megapixel sensor).


Sony TidBits (Some products discontinued?)


NAB 2011: Zeiss CP.2 E-mount adapters

Holding a candle to the Sony PMW-F3 (Abelcine)

Sony NEX Viewfinder with Magnifier (SonyAlphaNex)

I received quite a few messages about possible discontinued products:
Paul: “IF you look on the canadian sony style site, the A390 and all of the 500 series have been pulled. The only remaining DSLR cameras are the sony 850 and the 900.“. Answer: I checked SonyStyle USA and some other european Sonystyle websites and they did not pull the A390 and 500 series. So it might be a temporary issue on Sonystyle Canada.
Xxx: “Hi, I just ordered an A850 from Crutchfield. I went back to the site to check on my order status. To my surprise, the A850 is now listed as DISCONTINUED. Can you please post on the production status of the A850.” My Answer: Sources already told me the A850 would be disocntinued but Sonysyle and other big stores do still have it in Stock!
Kevin: “I have noticed that the Zeiss primes (85mm and 135mm) with screw drives are appearing out of stock at places like Could this mean updated versions with HSM are on the way? Might want to quiz some of your sources and see if there be anything to it or just a shortage due to the quake and tsunami.” Answer: No.

A reader sent me also this: “Here is that 3CMOS 3D Digital SLR that you were talking about previously: Note it is not a digital camera but a video camera. It is a 3D video camera with 6 sensors and two lenses.

And another reader sent me the explanation of the lens patent we talked about last week: “Not really smart, this is the lens is already used on the [shoplink 6491]SONY DSC-HX100V (Click here to see that camera)[/shoplink]. It has A 30X range (27-810. The patent talks about the difficulty of correcting lens aberrations while maintaining proper illumination at the sensor edges (exit pupil angle) with mega zoom lenses (over 10x). Some lens element groups are used to fix certain aberration but can make other aberrations worse. This lens uses a 5th group to help correct such aberrations and provide good performance.”


Market share 2010 now public: Sony very close to Canon!


The gap in the DSLR market between Canon and Sony is still big but if you take into account all sold cameras in the year 2010 (DSLR+Mirrorless+compact cameras) the gap is only 1.1%!
According to Bloomberg worldwide camera sales jumped 10 percent to 141 million units last year, helped by the introduction of new models and economic growth in markets such as China. To win new customers, Sony and Samsung Electronics Co. are among companies unveiling devices that eliminated the need for a mirror in professional- grade cameras, where Canon has the lead.
Sony’s and Samsung’s launching new mirror-less digital cameras helped them obtain more market share,” said Masahiko Ishino, an analyst at Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co.
Most of the sold digital cameras are the small compacts. But you have higher profit margins on system cameras (That’s why Canon and Nikon are making more money than Sony). You can see on Amazon that most cameras in the TOP 20 are compacts:
Amazon US rankings (Click here)
Amazon DE rankings (Click here)
Amazon UK rankings (Click here)
Amazon FR rankings (Click here)
Amazon IT rankings (Click here)

My two cent on that: My crystal ball tells me that Sony will have the chance to surpass Canon if they manage to gain back some trust in the pro business with the A77 and the future full frame translucent cameras. Not to talk if they will manage to release a fullframe NEX. That would make one of my dreams become true! One more thing: I hope all that will happen before the end of the world in December 2012 -> according to the Maya calendar ;)



Thom Hogan talks about the worldwide supply problems (and Sony mulls two-week summer break to save energy)


As you know Sony had to delay the recent NEX and SLT camera announcements. Some of my sources already saw the cameras and they still don’t know when Sony will release them (a possible date is May 26th). The reasons for the delay are well known. In his latest post Thom Hogan made a brief desription about what’s going on with the digital camera production problems in Japan. It perfectly fits with the info I received from my sources: “I see several different estimates from various sources within Japan, but in no case does the Northern Japan power grid (which includes Tokyo itself) look like it will be anywhere near handling the demand this summer. There could be 50% shortfalls some days, and the average shortfall in July and August could reach 30%. That means frequent and long power blackouts, which is bad news for the camera industry. Sensor fabs, for instance, of which several are in the area, need continuous power (on top of the temperature issues in many critical processes, you’ve got to maintain continuous air filtration to avoid contamination). High quality glass factories can’t be turned on and off easily with rolling blackouts. It appears that the deeper into the supply chain you go (e.g., back to chemicals and raw materials), the worse the problem gets: those plants can’t be toggled on and off at whim. Many need long warm-up periods or continuous power to operate.
Between the March quake and early winter when things even up a bit in the power realm, I’m guessing that the output of the plants in the affected area could be less than 50% of normal. That could mean nearly nine months of significantly reduced production of everything from Nikon FX bodies, to Nikon/Canon/Panasonic lenses, to Sony CMOS sensors, to all those proprietary lithium batteries, and more.

Sony is also  considering having all its employees in Japan take two-week summer vacations to save energy (Source: Breitbart)

I guess the Tsunami-Fukushima disaster will affect the digital camera industry for the whole year and maybe more. Le’s hope Japanese engineers can fix the Fukushima plant as soon as possible…
