A fake Sony NEX-7 rendering with built-in EVF (Source: http://timberwolf.zenfolio.com/)
After yesterdays allergy sickness I toke some rest and it did help a lot. I am now again 100% fully recovered! Thanks for your kind words and moral support!!!
A double checked some info I received during the last month. If Sony didn’t change the plan because of the recent Japan Tusnami disaster the Sony A77 and NEX-7 should be announced in July and available in late September/early October. What I also told you is that both will feature the same 24 Megapixel sensor. Some of my sources already had the chance to play a little bit with those cameras. The first impression was extremely positive. Both cameras do have a lot of “mechanical” controls and superb build quality. Sony worked with many photographers to develop those camera so expect major changes in a positive direction. The sources also confirmed the price of the NEX-7 with kit lens (18-55mm). It will be around $1,300. The direct competitor, the [shoplink 4718]Panasonic GH2 + 14-140mm lens (Click here to see the camera specs and price on Amazon)[/shoplink] costs $1500 and $1000 with the 14-42mm lens. There is definitely an electronic OLED Viewfinder but the sources “forgot” to mention to me if the NEX-7 uses a built-in or external viewfinder. I hope that after reading this post they can send me the answer :)
I don’t know how the camera could look like. I would love it would have a design and body-quality a la [shoplink 6503 ebay]Zeiss Ikon ZM (Click here to see that camera on eBay)[/shoplink]. That’s just my very personal dream :)
There are a lot of rumors I am working on:
1) I am trying to find out when the delayed NEX-C3 and A35 will be announced
2) There should be a new NEX lens announcement in late May. I hope Sony will not delay that announcement too
3) I got many info about new Zeiss and Sony lenses. I am trying to understand if those rumors are real and when they will be announced.
As usual you can help me by sending the rumor using the anonymous contact form on the right sidebar. You can avoid to send me your name and email address (send me a fake name so that I can recognize you in future). It also doesn’t store your IP address. Please understand that I try to post rumors only after checking them with other sources. So it could take some time before you see it posted on this website. You can also create a fake gmail account to contact me at sonyalpharumors@gmail.com. That is the only way I can answer you.

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Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!