A triple Sony A55 review

[shoplink 3617][/shoplink]

Photographyreview (Click here) tested the Sony A55: “The Sony Alpha SLT-A55 is a great camera with an innovative design, great performance and excellent image quality. It’s not quite the sports camera I was hoping for but it’s a very capable all-round performer that most people will be very happy with – especially people who value video as much as still photos.

Day 5 of the Sony A55 review at ThePhoBlographer (Click here). He also made some ISO tests and those are the conclusion for the RAW noise test: “When viewing images at a normal size, noise starts to become noticeable around ISO 1600 but it’s nothing to be concerned about. I probably wouldn’t make any post processing noise adjustments until ISO 6400 unless I was blowing up the image to a larger size. I think this is impressive ISO performance from a consumer DSLR.

Jhpvideotutorials (Click here) also tested the A55: “If you’re looking for a SLR style camera that takes much better HD video than Canon or Nikon SLR’s, and takes very good photos, then this camera might just be the one for you!  If you’re a Photographer looking for the best image quality possible and plan to use studio lights, then I would not recommend this camera for you.” (P.S.: You have to click on the small page numbers at the bottom of the post to see all 5 page long review).

CLick those links to check price and availability of the A55: [shopcountry 3617].


Sony refurbished camera and lenses.

[shoplink 6873 ebay][/shoplink]

UPDATE: Although the eBay Feedback history of the reseller is very positive a reader warned me to buy from that store and linked me to those customers reviews. Hmmm….

– A refurbished [shoplink 6873 ebay]Zeiss 85mm f/1.4 lens (Click here to see the item)[/shoplink] which you can get for 849.00 Pounds (969 Euros). That’s almost 300 Euro less than the cheapest price for a new lens I found in Germany and UK!
– And they are also selling ten [shoplink 6874 ebay]silver NEX-3 bodys (Click here to see them on eBay)[/shoplink] for 189 Pounds (215 Euros). That’s 25 Euro less than a new NEX-3.

From Wikipedia: “Refurbished products could possibly be the products which are returned by the customer within the return policy of the company which sold the product, without any defect with the product. Refurbished products are generally bench tested and certified by the authorized service centers of the company and then re-packaged, labeled as a Refurbished Product.



(SR5) Hot: Sony to announce all the new leaked products on June the 3rd!!!


So, we all saw that pretty nice leaked stuff, like the NEX-C3, the A35, the new NEX flash and the 30mm macro for NEX. And finally I can also tell you WHEN Sony will announce those products! On Friday June 3! You can follow the official announcement on SonyAlphaRumors. Be sure you and your friends will nto miss any rumor join us on Facebook and Twitter and follow our RSS-feed! The big question I cannot answer now is if the Zeiss 24mm f/1.7 will be announced too! Let’s cross the finger!

You can say bye bye to the A33 and NEX-3. Those cameras are now discounted and slowly going out of Stock:
NEX-3 at [shopcountry 3000].
A33 at [shopcountry 3620].

P.S.:  The more “serious” stuff like the A77 and NEX-7 will be announced in July!

Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!


Sony NEX-3 and NEX-5 now listed at “previous models”


We are getting very closer to the NEX announcements! Sony now officially labeled the NEX-3 and suprise suprise the NEX-5 as “Previous Models”! (Check that links at Sony UK). We know the NEX-C3 will be announced within the next couple of weeks but what the NEX-5 replacement is expected to be announced in autumn. Maybe Sony decided to push the NEX-C3 and to stop the production of the NEX-3 and NEX-5. I am now working to find out the exact date of the NEX-C3 announcement. Stay tuned on SAR!!!

Sony NEX-5 at [shopcountry 3003] Sony NEX-3 at[shopcountry 3000]


Sony 30mm macro lens leaked



We all already knew that this lens was coming. And now here it is. The Sony 30mm f/3.5 macro for NEX. Sony Service Canada does list the lens and the french store Camara.fr said the 30mm lens price is 259 Euro. But we can already tell you that’s certainly not the only lens Sony will announce within next couple of weeks More about that soon ;)

P.S.: Sony already made a 30mm but for Alpha mount and with f/2.8 aperture. Check [shopcountry 6843].

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