A triple Sony A55 review

Photographyreview (Click here) tested the Sony A55: “The Sony Alpha SLT-A55 is a great camera with an innovative design, great performance and excellent image quality. It’s not quite the sports camera I was hoping for but it’s a very capable all-round performer that most people will be very happy with – especially people who value video as much as still photos.”
Day 5 of the Sony A55 review at ThePhoBlographer (Click here). He also made some ISO tests and those are the conclusion for the RAW noise test: “When viewing images at a normal size, noise starts to become noticeable around ISO 1600 but it’s nothing to be concerned about. I probably wouldn’t make any post processing noise adjustments until ISO 6400 unless I was blowing up the image to a larger size. I think this is impressive ISO performance from a consumer DSLR. ”
Jhpvideotutorials (Click here) also tested the A55: “If you’re looking for a SLR style camera that takes much better HD video than Canon or Nikon SLR’s, and takes very good photos, then this camera might just be the one for you! If you’re a Photographer looking for the best image quality possible and plan to use studio lights, then I would not recommend this camera for you.” (P.S.: You have to click on the small page numbers at the bottom of the post to see all 5 page long review).
CLick those links to check price and availability of the A55: [shopcountry 3617].