A Happy Easter time to all SAR readers!


Dear SAR readers!

I wish all of you a happy time with your families and friends. I will have a long dinner with my parents and you might excuse me if I am not going to post any news or rumors today :)

Enjoy your time and take nice pictures! Feel free to post the links as a comment to that post.

P.S.: You sent me many links to news reviews and new videos during the last week. I will all post them starting from tomorrow! Thanks for your very precious help!


More pictures of the flash and a NEX-C3 vs NEX-3 comparison.


Also the new flash pictures have been leaked on photobucket and than removed after a few minutes. Sony NEX talk forum managed to copy the pictures. Our friend and SAR readers “Skywalker” created a cool animated NEX-C3 vs NEX-3 size comparison at http://alphacorner.eu/index.php/nowe/nex-c3-vs-nex-3-roznice-miedzypokoleniowe. He also calculated the approximate size of the C3: “Width to height it’s 111,7mm x 61,2mm“.


(SR5) Continually updated: Hot! This is the Sony NEX-C3 (and new external flash)!


FInally we found the first pictures of the new NEX-C3!!! It has exactly the same [shoplink 3617]Sony A55[/shoplink] sensor with 16.2MP and HD video. There is als a new external flash! I like the new design and you? it’s a bit more professional than the NEX-3 layout (P.S.: See the NEX-3 at [shopcountry 3000]).

That camera was supposed to be announced on April 4th along the new Sony A35 (which has been delayed too). But due the recent earthquake-tsunami-nuclear disaster it has been delayed. We don’t know yet when Sony will announce both cameras. But we know Sony already planed a new press release in May so maybe….let’s cross the finger!

Reminder: The NEX-7 will be announced in July and we already gave you the first specs yesterday (Click here to read the article). If you have some rumor to share contact me at sonyalpharumors@gmail.com or use the anonymous contact form on the right sidebar. And invite your friends to follow us! Join us at Facebook, Twitter and follow our RSS-feed!

Choose the three lenses Sony or Zeiss have to announce in 2017:

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More pictures below (with the new silver model too). Mugen from Alphaforum copied the pictures found on photobucket before they got removed. Smart move guys! :)

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(SR5) First pictures of the new Sony A35 leaked!!!


And here is the next leak. That’s the Sony A35!!! Like the NEX-C3 that camera was supposed to be announced on April 4th. But due the Japan earthquake the announcement has been delayed. They should be announced within the next weeks.

I would say the design is pretty much the same of the [shoplink 3617]Sony A33/A55[/shoplink]. We have been told the A35 has only a few minor improvements and fixes.

If you have some rumor to share contact me at sonyalpharumors@gmail.com or use the anonymous contact form on the right sidebar. And invite your friends to follow us! Join us at Facebook, Twitter and follow our RSS-feed!

Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!

We need your support to keep this website running and cover all costs. Just use our affiliate shop links to start your shopping: [shopcountry 3617]. Once clicked on those links you can buy whatever products you want (also Books and Music on Amazon for example) and I will earn a small commission for it. You don’t pay any penny more on the products! This allows me to keep only a low amount of advertising banners and to keep a freedom in speech on this website!


(SR4) The NEX-7 and A77 announcement will not be delayed. But…


I got a small A77 and NEX-7 update for you: A well known and a new SonyAlphaRumors source just sent me a good and a bad news.

The good news first: The NEX-7 and A77 announcement scheduled for mid July has not been delayed due the recent earthquake disaster.
The bad news: Quantities will be limited at first.

If quantities are limited the price might be higher than expected as retailers could higher the margin to compensate the loss in quantity. But that’s just my speculation and I hope I might be wrong. At least this is not true for the Sony A55 which just got a $50 instant rebate on US stores like Amazon, Adorama, B&H, J&R, eBay (Click on the names to directly see the A55 product page and price).

P.S.: I also got one more info from the new source I am checking with my trusted sources. Soon I should learn more about the exact announcement day.


First image samples taken with the chinese 28mm f/2.8 NEX lens.


We are all waitng Sony, Sigma, Tamron and Zeiss to release new high quality lenses for our NEX camera. But in the meanwhile we can only report about new lenses made by chinese companies.
The latest addition is the new 28mm f/2.8 Mitakon lens for NEX. You can see image of the lens on Flickr (Click here) and image samples at Xitek (Click here).
I don’t know where you can buy the lens. I searched on [shoplink 6533 ebay]eBay (Click here)[/shoplink] where I could find Mitakon lenses but not for the NEX.

The other chinese lenses with NEX mount are the SLR Magic 35mm f/1.7 you can already buy on [shoplink 3514 ebay]eBay (Click here)[/shoplink] and the soon to come fast prime 23mm (again from SLRmagic).
There are also a few reseller that do rework the mount so that it can fit on a NEX camera without the need for an adapter. An example: The Kowa 50mm f/1.0 you can find on [shoplink 6534 ebay]eBay US (Click here)[/shoplink].


Sony shows a 18 Megapixel sensor with 120 fps


Sony announced a new near APS-C sensor with 19,3 Full and 17,7 effective pixels. But the really amazing feature of the sensor is that it can capture 120 fps (frame per second) at a full 12 Bit resolution. And it takes 60 fps at 14 Bit! The only real limit here is the mechanical shutter (that’s why the final fps could be lower). The sensor has been designed to limit the Rolling Shutter effect while recording video. The sensor has consumes less power than the current 16 megapixel sensor of the [shoplink 3617]Sony A55[/shoplink].

UPDATE: A reader noticed that “the dimensions are not APS-C as we know them (1.5x crop  3:2 sensor), it’s a few mm short on the height.  It’s closer to aspect ratio of 16:9 than 3:2 , thus probably a video sensor, nothing for a Alpha body.” And another reader (Thom) said: “This sensor uses Clearwid rotated pixels, effective resolution is 27 MP; it is to be used in the new 8K (about 24 MP) Ultra High Definition TV cameras, developed by Sony, in conjunction with NHK. Even BBC participates in this project.

There is a very detailed description of the sensor specs at the japanese DC.watch (Click here) website. To bad the google english translation tool seems to be confised working on the original text. We would welcome if our japanese friends could comment this post and add some more interesting information we might have missed. Thanks!
