(SR3) New EVF (electronic viewfinder) for the NEX coming soon?


Months ago our sources told us that Sony were working on a new EVF for the NEX cameras. SO the following rumor found on getdpi cuold be true:

Our local retailer (who has a great relationship with Sony and stocks their higher-end lenses like the 24-70 f/2.8, 85mm f/1.4 etc) states that a clip-on EVF is on the way for the NEX range shortly. A side effect is that one will not be able to use the EVF and the clip-on flash at the same time, since they share the same mounting spot. I think this might be interesting for folks who like to frame with a viewfinder than on the screen, and might save some battery power too.”

Source: getdpi


Sony financial report -> Back in Black (photoscala.de)


Milions of cameras sold by Sony

Sony just posted the new “Q1 FY2010 Consolidated Results” (Click here to download the .pdf report). For the first quarter 2010 Sony had a sales growth of 3.8% and an operating profit of 67 billion yen (about 588 million€). In particular the division  “Consumer, Professional & Devices ” that contains the section” Digital Imaging “can come up with a sales increase of 7% to 889.5 billion yen (about € 7.8 billion). Sonys target for 2010 is to sell 23 million digital cameras! Bring out the new Translucent and A7xx cameras and you will reach the goal! ;)

Source: photoscala.de (google english translation)


Register on SonyAlphaRumors!


Dear readers!
As you know I am currently installing the new theme. Regular news and rumors reporting will follow soon.

But in the meanwhile I would be very happy if you would become a member of SonyAlphaRumors! Register on http://www.sonyalpharumors.com/register/

As member you can edit your profile, create a network of friends and joing groups. In future we plan to add a new forum, image gallery and wiki. This will make it easy for you to comment our news and partecipate to create new content on SonyAlphaRumors. If you click on “Activity” you will see the new activities from all users. If you click on “Group” you will be able to join groups and to create new groups!


P.S.: The website now works on buddypress

UPDATE: Once registered join my Fullframe ExmorHD group :)


UPDATED-> Work in progress on SonyAlphaRumors (new theme)


Surprise! The new theme has just been installed. As you can see there is still a lot of work to do. But I hope this is a step in the right direction. The theme is based on buddypress which is a social blog. Feel free to register (it doesn’t work now…wait few hours) and you will be able to send messages to each sonyalpharumors members, you will be able to create groups and soon there will be a forum and a wiki!

Now I have a lot of work left and in some cases you could help me!
1) The camera database on the top will contain all Sony cameras and lenses (for now only current and important stuff). For each camera and lens I will list reviews and camera specs. If you want to help me send me links to reviews. Thanks!
2) I need to fix the menu
3) I will try to look for a better fonts for the post-title
4) I need to add a favicon
5) I need to add the register form where you can become a SonyAlphaRumors member
6) I need to add the contact form

Feel free to send me your suggestions!
