Rumors from “Nico” :)


Many of our readers sent us emails with the latest rumor found on a dutch forum. The administrator (“Nico”) posted a list of new rumors. He also copied the SonyAlphaRumors ranking to classify the rumors: NR= Nicorumors instead of our SR= Sonyrumors :)

These are his rumors (we used the google translation tool):
NR4: The 500 f/4 will be launched in April 2011
NR3: A new “budget” full-frame Alpha
NR5: The 16 Mp EXMOR HD “gives” 30% less noise than the 12MP sensor of the [shoplink 3228]Alpha 700[/shoplink]
NR5: The new Alpha 77 sensor gets a completely new APS-C Exmor HD with more than 16 MegaPixels
NR5: The beta version of the Alpha 77 is ready for a large series of field tests
NR5: A major European delegation in Japan will negotiate a Sony version of the Minolta 300mm f/4, Minolta and Minolta 200 f/2.8 200mm Macro.
NR5: The trigger problems in the [shoplink 3617]A55/33[/shoplink] via a firmware update solved
NR5: The Alpha 77 gets a new, more powerful, battery on board
NR5: Newly developed full-frame Alpha’s getting an Electronic Viewfinder
NR2: In five years, the OVF will be past

We can’t confirm or deny any of these rumors because we are waiting to get latest info from our sources. As soon as we have our SR5 rumors we will post it here.

Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unkown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!


Sony NEX sensor beats the rest of the mirrorless world (DxOmark)


DxOmark tested the new Samsung NX100 camera and finally we can compare all compact mirrorless cameras. The Sony NEX sensor beats the rest of the mirrorless world with an over score of “69”. The NX100 has “62” and the GF1 “53” points. Where the NEX sensor really shines is with a 2 stop advantage in dynamic range and a much better noise handling.

Support our website and buy your NEX camera using those shop links. Thanks!
US: Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.
Europe: Pixmania (DE, BE, FR, AUT, UK, NL, PL, IT) or Amazon (DE, UK, FR).


A pink NEX camera. That’s it with the Sony announcement :(


Sony had a new product announcement today. We “warned” you that Sony will announce a colored NEX but of course we were hoping to be wrong with our “prediction”. No way :(

Sony Japan announced a all pink NEX-3 edition. The [shoplink 4321]pink Panasonic GF1[/shoplink] was quite popular in Japan and I guess that’s why they made a separate press release to announce it. By the way, look at the recent BCNranking which shows the weekly most sold system cameras in Japan. The [shoplink 3003]Sony NEX-5[/shoplink] really scores an impressive result! Time for releasing new NEX lenses Sony!!!

UPDATE: There will be a new press release on October 14th with the new firmware upgrade for NEX cameras


NEX firmware test and new review


[shoplink 3003][/shoplink]

Dpreview tested the new NEX firmware and you they started with a nice compliment to Sony: “It’s apparent that the company has listened closely to what users and reviewers have been saying, and has corrected many of the camera’s shortcomings.”

Photographybay reviewed the Sony NEX-5 and became a big fan of the camera: “Aside from a few minor quibbles with regard to its controls and functionality, the Sony NEX-5 is an otherwise great mirrorless camera.”

In US the NEX-5 is in Stock at (Click on shop names):
Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto and eBay.

In Europe the NEX-5 is in Stock at (Click on shop names):
Amazon Germany, Amazon UK, Amazon France or Pixmania (DE, BE, FR, AUT, UK, NL, PL, ES, IT)


First Sony A580 and Zeiss 24mm f/2.0 user hands-on. (Download the A580 manual)


A first A580 user hands-on has been posted at dpreview forum. And you can download the A560/A580 manual here: Another user posted some image samples of the new Zeiss 24mm f/2.0 lens on Flickr.

The Sony A580 is available for preorder in US at BHphoto and In Europe at Amazon Germany

The only store we found that has the A580 in Stock is in Greece at Photoagora :)

The Zeiss lens is available at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto. In Europe at Amazon DE and Amazon FR.


Sony looks to edge Nikon (at least in Korea)


Koreatimes writes that :”Sony is confident that the latest additions to its Alpha series of translucent mirror cameras will prove to be among the first of many intriguing products that could eventually shake the (Canon/Nikon) hierarchy.

They interviewd Mr.Kimihiro Itoki, who heads Sony’s Korean business. He said that “Sony looks to edge Nikon for second-place in the interchangeable lens cameras market here, including both the DSLR and the new breed of high-quality shooters, by the end of next year, to gain on Canon. The latest Alpha models will help us claim and solidify the second-position in Korea’s interchangeable lens digital cameras market and narrow the gap with Canon.’’

Sony had about 20 percent of the Korean market in interchangeable lens cameras at the end of the third-quarter, due to the popularity of its Alpha Nex mirrorless models. Sony has established leadership in the emerging market for mirrorless cameras here with an estimated market share of 40 percent due to the popularity of the Alpha NEX. The goal is to achieve a 50 percent share, Itoki said.
