Sony 70-300mm and Zeiss 24mm tested by Photozone!


Image courtesy: Photozone

Today I read the article where Ken Rockwell criticizes the Sony lenses. But maybe he should took a look at the following two tested by Photozone! Both lenses do deliver a very good and in case of the Zeiss an impressive image quality!

Zeiss ZA Distagon T* 24mm f/2 SSM

The Zeiss Distagon T* 24mm f/2 SSM may not be as fast as its Canon and Nikon counterparts but it’s capable of delivering a better image quality at comparable aperture settings. Click here to read the review at Photozone. And don’t forget that there is a $100.00 Instant Savings at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto!!!

Sony 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 SSM G

The Sony 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 SSM G impressed during our APS-C format test and it is capable of delivering high quality results within the full format scope as well. The build quality of the lens is very good and a step above than the mainstream. Click hee to read the review at Photozone. And also in that case you have a $50.00 Instant Savings at Adorama and BHphoto!

And visit our full US Instante Rebates page (Click here)!!!


Show your best pictures! Participate the Sony Photo Challenge! (and make SonyAlphaRumors be the special guest!)


At this year’s Sony World Photography Awards there’s an open category for photographers of all levels to enter a photo. Sony thought it’d be a good idea to get more people shooting great photos, by running the Sony Photo Challenge. They contacted me to invite all SonyAlphaRumors readers to participate. And you won’t disappoint Sony or not? ;)
Here is what you need to do to participate. Every week there will be a new challenge theme. The first theme is “Nature”. To add your picture click the following link: Important! Tag every photo with “SonyPhotoChallenge” and “SonyAlphaRumors“. Why should you add the SonyAlphaRumors tag? Sony said the blogger that sends more people/pictures will be invited as special guest at the Sony World Photography Awards Ceremony on the 27th April 2011. And you won’t disappoint me or not? ;) I want to be there!!!

And the best part is you can win some nicePrizes:

Winner of the Best overall photograph will receive:

  • Recipient of the title “Sony World Photography Awards Open Photographer of The Year”
  • $5,000
  • Winning image will be exhibited on the Sony World Photography Awards’ website and promoted to creatives worldwide
  • Flights to London, and 2 nights accommodation in a hotel and receive VIP tickets to attend the evening gala awards ceremony, taking place on the 27th of April, 2011
  • Sony digital SLR camera equipment

Winners of each individual category will receive:

  • Recipient of the title “Sony World Photography Awards category name Open Photographer of The Year”
  • Exhibited in the Winner’s Exhibition and published in the Winner’s Book
  • Winning image will be exhibited on the Sony World Photography Awards’ website and promoted to creatives
  • Sony digital SLR camera equipment
SO why wait? Send your best “Nature” picture at And don’t forget, tag every photo with “SonyPhotoChallenge” and “SonyAlphaRumors“!!!

Ken Rockwell doesn’t like the Sony A55


That review will start a huge discussion on SonyAlphaRumors and elsewhere. After getting tons of positive reviews the Sony A55 camera gets completely “blamed” by the “famous” blogger Ken Rockwell (he usually tests Leica-Nikon-Cony stuff only). He analyzed the pure “photographic” aspects of the camera and came to the conclusion that “I wouldn’t buy one of these, but that’s just me. If you want something similar to a DSLR, but with better video, 10 frames per second and great GPS tagging, check this out. I’m all about photography, not gimmicks like crummy video or GPS.

And:”Image quality is poor, because the A55 lacks some very important image adjustments.” and “Sony could have been brilliant, and made this camera silent. Nope, even without a flipping mirror, the Sony A55 is at least as noisy, and has at least as much sharpness-robbing mechanical vibration as a conventional SLR.”…”Steady Shot doesn’t work as well as VR or IS.”

What’s good? Exposure, AF is good, Ergonomics.

Read his review because he added tons of arguments against the camera. read carefully and please argument why you do or do not agree with his review!


(SR4) Quad Bionz for the new Sony FF camera (+short private message)


Dear SAR readers!

Sorry if I didn’t post many news the last two days but I had connection problems (one) because I lost my iPhone which I usually use to be connected while I am working (two) because I am currently travelling from one place to another. I just solved problem number one because I just got my new iPhone…bye bye 649 Euros :(

Now that I am back I can share with you the next rumor from one of my very trusted sources!

The new Sony Flagship camera (we call it A950 but it could have another name) will feature a new Quad-Bionz processor. This is necessary to elaborate the new huge amount of data created by the over 30 mega-pixel(!) sensor. The camera should be able to shoot at least 8fps (frames per secondin jpg mode)! The source also told me the specs are not 100% defined although at that point he expects only slightly changes. He also confirms the new FF camera will not be announced before the end of the year (2011).

And a new source told us that Sony will discontinue the [shoplink 3028]A850[/shoplink] and sell the [shoplink 3032]A900[/shoplink] only starting by early 2011. I remind you that there are currently instante rebates on those cameras and many Sony lenses (Click here to read the full list of the ongoing rebates.).

That’s it for now! If you can help me to get more info about future Sony products (like the NEX-7, A77 and A950) feel free to use our contact form on the right sidebar. You can avoid to send me your name and email adress. All I need is your anonymous message ;)

I am also available at if you want to contact me! Thanks!

Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources (60-80% the rumor is correct)
SR5=almost certainly correct!


Sony TidBits (A55, A580, NEX)


Sony A55 AF test with 3rd party AF, body AF, SAM & SSM

ePhotozine reviewed the [shoplink 3617]Sony A55[/shoplink]: “There is no doubt that this is an enjoyable and versatile photographic tool, capable of very fine results. Access to the range of Sony/Carl Zeiss lenses has to be a major plus point, and at a reasonable cost too. The lack of mirror slap reduces potential vibration and also enables very high frame rates.

Cgarrard posted the first part of his [shoplink 4617]Sony A580[/shoplink] review, And the first part consists of 7 page long detailed tests! “Since the A580 is a relatively lightweight medium sized DSLR, that makes it a contender for backpacking duty. Given the pretty good feature set of the A580 compared to the competition, and there isn’t much it won’t be able to handle for the outdoor enthusiast- that is unless you shoot quite a bit already in inclimate weather.

DxO Optics Pro Adds Support for Sony NEX-5 and NEX-3 (Photographybay). And Alpha Numerique tested the new DxO Optics software on Sony NEX cameras!

The UK camera industry fears compact system cameras (CSC) will kill off sales in the rest of the photographic market, according to research by industry analysts. (Amateur Photographer)


New Sony reviews (A580, A55, NEX-5, 85mm f/2.8 lens)


SAMSUNG NX100 vs SONY NEX5 from hyunmi kang on Vimeo. (UPDATE: The video is made by a Samsung fan! Keep that in mind when you view it.)

PhotoclubAlpha wrote a 7 page long, very detailed and honest new [shoplink 3617]Sony A55[/shoplink] review (Compliments!): “The Alpha 55 actually replaces something which overlapped with my film cameras – the Dimage 7/A series – and also the various video cameras I owned five, ten or more years ago. The video function is also there in the NEX and the 580, but the A55 would be my first choice. It genuinely can track focus during video even with fast-moving subjects or changes of distance, and do so with all the lenses I can fit to it. It removes any need to own a further compact digital.

Sony A55 vs Nikon D90 in RAW (Fotoactualidad)
PCworld tested the [shoplink 4617]Sony A580 eBay[/shoplink]: “The Alpha 580 is a very impressive camera that’s comfortable to shoot with, and well-designed. Supported by a robust collection of high-quality lenses, the camera is capable of delivering excellent image quality. What’s more, Sony is doing a good job of automating post-production processes like HDR and panoramic stitching directly in camera, turning these “high-end” features into usable, everyday consumer techniques.

The bulgarian website tested the new Sony 85mm f/2.8 lens.


First Micro Four Thirds lens tested on the Sony NEX-5


[shoplink 4840][/shoplink]

What happens if you put the [shoplink 4867]Voigtländer Nokton 25mm f/0.95 Micro Four Thirds lens[/shoplink] on a [shoplink 3003]Sony NEX-5[/shoplink]? That’s exactly what Woodent (a dpreview forum user) made in his latest test! He used the new [shoplink 4840]Micro Four Thirds to NEX adapter [/shoplink] and shared his pictures on Flickr (Click here to see the images). As you can see there is a lot of vignetting when shooting wide open (at f/0.95). Stopped down images are sharp and vignetting almost disappears. Anyway, I would prefer if Voigtländer would produce specific E-mount lenses. As you know they are working very close with Zeiss so this is not an impossible “dream”.

on eBay: [shoplink 4840]Click here to see the current Micro Four Thirds to NEX adapter auctions[/shoplink].
