Sony 18-55mm review at Photozone


Image courtesy: Photozone

There is a new Sony lens review at Photozone. They had the good idea to review the Sony 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 SAM DT lens which is probably one of the most used lenses. SO how does it perform? Photozone: “Optically there’s really little to complain about – the lens is very sharp throughout the zoom range and the subjective sharpness perception benefits from quite low lateral CAs (color shadows). There’s a bit of a focus shift issue at the wide end so it’s a good idea to double check your images in shallow depth-of-field situations here.Click here to read the full test.


SonyAlphaRumors reader Shaadi Faris wins the “nature” Sony Photo challenge contest!


I am really proud to give you that news! Our reader Shaadi Faris won the first price of the Sony nature photo challenge! You can see the picture on Flickr (Click here). And the third place goes also to a SonyAlphaRumors reader…Griveous 247 (Click here to see that picture on Flickr). My compliments for both of you!!! Really stunning pictures!

Reminder: You are still in time to participate the next contest with the theme “Travel”. Click that flickr link and tag every photo with “SonyPhotoChallenge” and “SonyAlphaRumors“. Why should you add the SonyAlphaRumors tag? Sony said the blogger that sends more people/pictures will be invited as special guest at the Sony World Photography Awards Ceremony on the 27th April 2011. And you won’t disappoint me or not? ;) I want to be there!!!


Sony A580 vs Nikon D7000. Which is the best?


[shoplink 4617][/shoplink]
So here we are back at SAR! Christmas party is over and I hope you had a nice time with your family!
Ther first after-xmas news is coming via Cameralabs which tested the Sony A580. As you know the [shoplink 4617]Sony A580[/shoplink] shares the same Sony 16 Megapixel sensor featured inside the Nikon D7000 (although Nikon says they designed the sensor). Camerlabs made a very accurate comparison: “The Nikon D7000 metered a slightly longer exposure by default, so we applied -0.3EV of compensation to match the exposure of the Sony. So the D7000 sequence below also starts at 100 ISO with a exposure of 1 second at f8“. The Nikon has a slightly advantage at 12.800 ISO but “despite a minor advantage to the Nikon at the very highest sensitivities, we’d rank the Sony A580 and Nikon D7000 pretty much neck-in-neck here

Now let’s compare the price:
$1,199.95 for the D7000 and $799.99 for the A580.
Although there are some differences between the two cameras (ergonomics, handling and so on) to me the Sony A580 looks like a real winner. The future A77 (and A750?) will play in the same Nikon D7000 price league and probably easily bit the High-ISO performance of the Nikon. So please Sony, release the A77 as soon as possible ;)

Those are direct shop links to the Sony A580:
Amazon, BHphoto, Adorama, [shoplink 4617]eBay[/shoplink], Amazon DE, Amazon FR, Pixmania DE, Pixmania BE, Pixmania AT, Pixmania UK, Pixmania NL, Pixmania PL, Pixmania IT.


It’s X-mas!


Good morning!

As you have noticed I didn’t post anything new on SonyAlphaRumors. Like many of you I have been busy trying to find a few nice presents for my family and for my friends :)

Today it’s time to thank all SonyAlphaRumors readers for the time I spent together with you, for the help you gave me in catching Sony news and rumors. I wish you and your family a quiet, nice and happy Christmas!


P.S.: Regular work on SonyAlphaRumors with new news/rumors will restart tomorrow!


Alpha 580 review at Photoclubalpha!


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David Kilpatrick from Photoclubalpha posted a nine page long and very accurate Sony A580 review: “there is no better APS-C DSLR available from Sony.

P.S: On page eight he writes about the flash delay issue: “Whatever the reason, the new generation suffers from flash exposure delays all round, and this one is set to cause Sony a problem. No matter what the explanation, if other makers can provide near real-time flash and all the other required features, Sony should be able to do so too.” Hope Sony is listening…
