Kipon adapters now available on eBay!


Last week we told you that a huge ammount of Kipon adapters would be available soon. Now you can order the first adapters on eBay:
Click here to see the full list of Kipon Adapter for Contax, Nikon, M42, Leica L39 and Leica MClick here to see the full list of Kipon Adapter for Contax, Nikon, M42, Leica L39 and Leica MClick here to see the full list of Kipon Adapter for Contax, Nikon, M42, Leica L39 and Leica MClick here to see the full list of Kipon Adapter for Contax, Nikon, M42, Leica L39 and Leica MClick here to see the full list of Kipon Adapter for Contax, Nikon, M42, Leica L39 and Leica MClick here to see the full list of Kipon Adapter for Contax, Nikon, M42, Leica L39 and Leica MClick here to see the full list of Kipon Adapter for Contax, Nikon, M42, Leica L39 and Leica MClick here to see the full list of Kipon Adapter for Contax, Nikon, M42, Leica L39 and Leica MClick here to see the full list of Kipon Adapter for Contax, Nikon, M42, Leica L39 and Leica MClick here to see the full list of Kipon Adapter for Contax, Nikon, M42, Leica L39 and Leica M


(SR4) Sony A7xx to come by end 2010?


So, finally I moved in in my new house and I have Internet connection again ;)

I just checked my emails and I have a bad news and a good news (good news wins!)

BAD news: Sony original plan is (or was) to release the Sony A700Sony A700Sony A700Sony A700Sony A700Sony A700Sony A700Sony A700Sony A700Sony A700Sony A700Sony A700 successor by early 2011! We already know that it will have the new EXmorHD sensor and have 18+ Megapixels. But we also have a..
GOOD news: It seems that many people inside Sony made pressure to anticipate the A7xx release as soon as possible. We now have a good chance to see the new camera by end 2010! If all works best Sony should tell us by Photokina when the A7xx will be on market. Let’s hope guys!

P.S.: In my opinion the Sony A700Sony A700Sony A700Sony A700Sony A700Sony A700Sony A700Sony A700Sony A700Sony A700Sony A700Sony A700 is still an awesome camera so if you don’t need any video go for it!


UPDATE: NEX-5 + double lens kit is coming in US…you save -$150!!!


If you want to save some money ($150) don’t buy the Sony NEX-5 + 16mm annd 18-55mm lens now! A new deal is coming from Sony.

Currently you have to pay $649.99 for the NEX-5 + 16mm combo and add other $299.99 for the 18-5mm lens. That makes $949.
With the new offer which will start very soon you will pay -$150 less for the whole package!

So don’t buy now if you need both lenses, wait!

UPDATE: Sorry, I forgot to say that in Europe and Japan the kit is already available. It was not available in US!
