Sony announces the new super fast Memory Stick cards right in time for the upcoming new A77 SLT camera :)


Don’t call that a coincidence! I were wondering if Sony would release a new fast Memory Stick card that can manage the data of the future A77 24 Megapixel camera that can record over 10 frames per second. The answer came today. Sony Japan (Click here) just announced the new Series MS-HXB PRO-HG duo Memory Stick cards. It reads 50MB/s. Worldwide shipment will start on May the 10th. Ther eare 8GB, 16GB and 32GB cards. Price has yet not been disclosed.

Dimensions: 20 × 31 width × height of about 1.6mm thick
Weight: Approximately 2g
Connectors: pink clock frequency 14: 60MHz
Interface: 8-Bit / 4-bit parallel interface and serial


(SR4) Sounds like we will see two new Fullframe cameras in 2012 (Low and High resolution)


[shoplink 3032][/shoplink]The current Sony Fullframe Flagship camera: The [shoplink 3032]A900[/shoplink].

I am still waiting to get some news about the delayed NEX-C3 and A35. But in the meanwhile I got first good news about the next Fullframe camera…oh wait cameras! Yes I have been told that Sony is now planning to release two FF cameras in 2012!

One camera will have a low resolution sensor that can beat the ISO performance of the current [shoplink 6340]Canon 5D markII[/shoplink] and [shoplink 6341]Nikon D3x[/shoplink] cameras.
The second camera will have a high resolution sensor to come very close to medium format cameras like the [shoplink 6342]Pentax 645D[/shoplink] and [shoplink 6343]Leica S2[/shoplink].

Very important: Both cameras will be SLT (translucent). And both will be announced in 2012.  They will certainly feature the same (if not better) 3 million dots OLED Viewfinder as the A77. We should expect a mockup to be displayed at the Cliq (PMA) show in September.

I got the info from very good sources, but 2012 is still far away and I hope Sony will not change that roadmap! Sony is going to let us painfully wait a long time before we can get our hands on it!

Links to the current Sony FF cameras:
Sony A900 at [shopcountry 3032].
Sony A850 at [shopcountry 3028].

Other cameras discussed in the article:
Canon 5D markII at [shopcountry 6340] Nikon D3x at [shopcountry 6341].
Pentax 645D at [shopcountry 6342].
Leica S2 at [shopcountry 6343].


The new NEX-FS100 video roundup (Alexander Schrott, VideoCobra)


To bad Sony had to delete the NEX-C3 and A35 announcements. But at least we got a very nice NEC camcorder! I am going to post a few interesting videos I found on vimeo. The video on top is a “funny” self-interview about the NEX-FS100. It’s a very informative preview!

Alexander Schrott made a unique test. The video shows images of the NEX-FS100 taken with the excellent [shoplink 6331]Canon FD lenses (Click here to see those lenses on eBay)[/shoplink].

SONY NEX FS-100 launch promo video.

Mar Forman tested the camera in NYC. I am not allowed to embed the video so please click the link:

Noise test at +30DB:

The camera should hit the stores in July (Source: BHphoto).


Go as fast as possible: NEX-5 + De Oude Delft f/0.75 pictures

[shoplink 6323 ebay][/shoplink]

If you are completely crazy about fast lenses that you should take a look on this. The Photographer Aldo Navoni used the [shoplink 6323 ebay]De Oude Delft 50mm f/0.75[/shoplink] (!) on the Sony NEX-5. It might be worth t take a look on his Flickr page (Click here). I don’t know if there is any faster lens on earth you can use on a NEX!!!

You can get the lens on [shoplink 6323 ebay]eBay (Click here)[/shoplink]. But damn expensive!!!!


Status of Sony Group Manufacturing Operations Affected by the East Japan Earthquake


Sony released a new press release with an update about the Status of Sony Group Manufacturing Operations Affected by the East Japan Earthquake.

(Tokyo, April 6, 2011) – Sony Corporation (“Sony” or the “Company”) today updated the status of Sony Group manufacturing operations affected by the March 11 East Japan earthquake, tsunami and related power outages, as of April 6, 2011.

As of March 14, 2011, operations at ten Sony Group sites and facilities had been suspended as a result of damage caused by the earthquake, tsunami and related power outages. As announced on March 22, 2011, manufacturing operations at three of these sites had since resumed or partially resumed. As of April 6, 2011, manufacturing operations at five other sites have also resumed or partially resumed.

Sony Manufacturing Systems Corporation, Kuki Plant (Saitama Prefecture) – Resumed on March 15, 2011.
Sony Chemical & Information Device Corporation, Kanuma Plant (Tochigi Prefecture) – Partially resumed on March 15, 2011. Further expanded operations on March 23, 2011.
Sony Energy Devices Corporation, Tochigi Plant (Tochigi Prefecture) – Partially resumed on March 22, 2011.
Sony Chemical & Information Device Corporation
Tome Plant (Miyagi Prefecture)
Nakada Site – Partially resumed on March 28, 2011.
Toyosato Site – Partially resumed on March 28, 2011.
Sony DADC Japan Inc., Ibaraki Facility (Ibaraki Prefecture) – Partially resumed on March 28, 2011.
Sony Energy Devices Corporation
Koriyama Plant (Fukushima Prefecture) – Partially resumed on April 1, 2011. (Coin batteries, etc.)
Motomiya Plant (Fukushima Prefecture) – Scheduled to gradually resume operations by the end of April 2011.
Sony Shiroishi Semiconductor Inc. (Miyagi Prefecture) – Partially resumed on April 6, 2011.
Sony Chemical & Information Device Corporation
Tagajyo Plant (Miyagi Prefecture) – Currently undergoing cleaning and damage inspection.

As also announced on March 22, 2011, manufacturing operations at certain manufacturing sites that were not directly damaged by the earthquake and tsunami have been adjusted in response to planned power outages and the availability of necessary raw materials and components. While the situation varies according to product, Sony is responding to fluctuations in material or component supply by adjusting production levels at the five sites announced on March 22, 2011, and also at certain other domestic and overseas manufacturing sites from time to time. However, as of April 6, 2011, none of those sites has been required to fully suspend operations.

Sony will continue to monitor the availability of raw materials and components, and endeavor to maintain supplies of any products affected by these adjustments by relying on existing inventory to the extent available. The Company also plans to take further measures as necessary, including reallocating available materials and components among Sony Group companies, using alternative components and expanding procurement channels in order to restore full production capacity as early as possible.

The Company is continuing to evaluate the full impact of the earthquake, tsunami and related power outages, including the impact of these production adjustments, on Sony’s businesses and consolidated financial results.


(SR4) Good news: Sony A77 announcement will NOT be delayed.


A few days ago Sony canceled the new NEX-C3 and SLT A35 product announcements due the energy supply problems in some of their Japanese plants. I am constantly in touch with my sources and they told me that Sony has not yet decided when they will announce the new C-3/A35 cameras. The good news is that Sony will not delay the announcements of the important products. That includes the Sony A77 which should be announced in July. The NEX-C3 and A35 were just minor upgrades of the current [shoplink 3000]NEX-3[/shoplink] and [shoplink 3620]A33[/shoplink] cameras. One source told me that both do not have new features but just bring some “fixes”. The only major change would have been the new design of the NEX-3.
P.S.: I posted the rumor with SR4 value only because I don’t want to bring bad luck :)

Both cameras have been discontinued and (in some stores) discounted:
The Sony NEX-3 at [shopcountry 3000].
and the Sony A33 at [shopcountry 3620].

Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!
