A first step into real NEX and SLT camera hacking…


DVXuser forum user “Someone1.00” was able to make a first step into Sony SLT and NEX camera hacking. He is asking for support: “If any community will be able to support me I will share algo and key.” I hope some of the smart programmers here are reading this and may can help him out to create a hacker group for Sony cameras. This would be amazing!

The best lens announced in 2018 is the...

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Fourth part of the SAR readers work roundup!


Usi:Here is my Antarctica expedition video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bh708rJeWRg. All done with the A77 and the Sony 18-250 with some nd and polarized filters. It is in Hebrew, there are English subtitles.
I received the A77 4 days before the trip – on Jan 2 – and didn’t have time to really learn the camera. But taking pictures and video in those extreme condition was great fun – I just forgot about my Canon camera and used the Sony.

Troy:All this work was done with an A700 and 80% Sony 16-50 2.8 and 20% Sigma 50-150mm 2.8  I love both these lenses and they compliment each other greatly: Picasaweb

Anthony:Hi mate these iamges i take with the sony a700. using either tamron 17-50, tamron 60mm macro or my 85 mm zeiss lens along with my elinchrom lighting gear http://www.facebook.com/AnthonyByronPhotography

Mattia:Il cliente è BMW Italia ed è un tributo alla 1M. Girato con Nex VG10 e 5N, prevalentemente con ottiche Leica M in una mattinata a Monza. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtlP_MsAVH4&feature=g-user-u

Lee:Out and about with the family, playing around with my new old Canon FD 1.4 50mm Lens on my Sony Nex 5N. All shot with Sunset profile, edited with Sony Vegas and graded using Magic Bullet Looks. https://vimeo.com/40923211

Felix: “At http://blendenwahl.blogspot.de/p/bouldern.html you will see some of my work. Most of the photos are done with an “old” Sony, a Konica Minolta Dimage A2. But the top three are shoot with an A77 and the 16-50 2.8 lens.

Eugene:NEX-5n video at https://vimeo.com/34497071

Alex:Thought I’d share a link to some of my work if your readers might fancy a look! http://www.flickr.com/photos/little_al/

Bert: “I documented the final Space Shuttle Mission, STS-135, using two A900’s. This, as well as my commercial and wedding work, is viewable at http://LifeStoryImages.com.  The color launch image is a
single 24MP frame capture with only minor editing.  The B&W images are stitched panoramics and layering of frames.  Here is the story behind how I shot the series and my launch setup. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1680543143465.2079261.1534152883&type=3  I also do my own artistic work, composing figure images on location (26 states & the Virgin Islands so far) can be seen at: http://LightBrushedImages.com .  The image “Desert Lines” is a 15-frame stitch 250MP image and was recently displayed printed 44″ x 120.”

Yurilee:FS100 videos on my YouTube http://www.youtube.com/user/yurilee1987Oct21

Rick:Dive pics & video shot with NEX 5 & 7 most with 1855 lens at rickldennis.com

Garron:My photos created since the end of 2005 on various Sony cameras; Point and Shoot, A100 and A900 http://www.flickr.com/photos/garron/

Gert: ” i am professionel photographer i Denmark, and godt my nex 7 in marts the best camera ever in that size , the photo’s is from Paris, and Thank you for your fine webside: http://gertpraest.wordpress.com/

Ticknor: “Here is some of my recent shots.  All shot with the Sony Alpha a77. Snail, Endless Hallway, Illumination, Tear, Prelude to Love, Love Story, Watering eye.


(SR4) No new high end NEX camera coming this year…


Trusted sources just told me that a new high end APS-C model is expected for 2013 only and certainly not for Photokina this year. The high end model for 2012 will be (and remain) the already super Sony NEX-7.

Sony NEX-7 price check at [shopcountry 8454]. If you own or (soon will own) the NEX-7 you ahve to pair it witht he superb Zeiss 24mm lens in Stock now at Amazon.


The A99 rumors roundup from the “tester”.


Last week we had some issues on the website because SAR moved to a new more powerful machine. And many missed to read the lastest A99 rumor which we got from an “A99 tester”. He sent us first a short report and than the answer to your questions:

Original tester report:
The final production A99 doesn’t have a built-in flash lamp (Editors note: some prototypes with built-in flash were tested). There is a new hot shoe for accys so a special link is delivered with this camera. The Autofocus is really fast. The A99 (with non final firmware) has an ISO range of 50-25600 (Editors note: Final firmware will probably have a +2 stop push in High ISO). Camera is bit lighter than the [shoplink 3032 ebay]A900 (973 g with battery)[/shoplink]. The A99 weights 827g with battery. The Battery is the [shoplink 12939 ebay]NP FM500H[/shoplink]. The camera has no CF slot! It comes with two slots for SD/MS and [shoplink 12940 ebay]SD cards[/shoplink]!

Testers answer on your questions:
1) He can’t talk about the Image Quality of the camera yet. Firmware is by far not mature enough to make a serious discussion about it
2) Same for video :)
3) The tester confirms that there is no CF nor XQD support.
4) The new hot shoe and the special connector are there to make older accessories work (like the Sony HVL-F56AM)
5) The camera has built-in GPS


This is very likely a correct rumor! Thanks again tester for sending us this! :)


New Cine lenses from Samyang for Alpha mount (and New PMW-200).


We have now some new products to show you today. First, we had that Sony PRO announcement tonight. We have the new PMW-200 that is neither an Alpha nor an E-mount camera. And than Samyang-Rokinon unveiled via facebook page that the: “Rokinon 35mm T1.5 cine lens will be available in U.S in few weeks and Rokinon 24mm T1.5 & 14mm T3.1 cine lens will be available in U.S in September.” They will come in Alpha mount too!


New Kipon adapter allows full electronic control of Canon EOS lenses on the NEX cameras.


The image I posted here on top may not look that professional but what you see really works :)

This is the new Kipon EOS to NEX adapter that will allow full electronic control of the Canon EOS EF lenses on your NEX. Almost like you can do on the new Canon EOS-M camera.

“Manual” Kipon adapters for NEX can be found on [shoplink 5559 ebay]eBay (Click here)[/shoplink].

Website: http://www.dl-kipon.com
