Many of you would have loved to see this :)


An imaginary RX1 interchangeable camera created by EOS20 (via Redbubble).

I know I shocked you by posting this is FAKE(!) rendering! But in yesterdays RX1 poll only 15% of the readers said they would buy the fixed lens RX1. So my question to you now is. Would you have bought the RX1 with 35mm f/2.0 Zeiss lens if it would have an interchangeable lens mount?

Will you buy the new Sony 135mm f/1.8 GM lens ?

View Results

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And now two link to people I do highly respect. They wrote their thoughts about the RX1:

Kai Wong writes on Digitalrev: “This could quite possible change the world of digital cameras. This is huuuuge. It only takes one company to push the ball over the hill for it to become a huge hit. This could potentially lure some of the bigger companies into doing something similar. This could be mirrorless/compact camera 2.0. This could be the first Sony digital camera I ever buy.

David Kilpatrick writes on Photoclubalpha: “I think, perhaps, that after a long time of ignoring photographers Sony finally listened. They may have listened to the wrong ones. The lens enthusiasts of dPreview represent a tiny minority. Those who will spend nearly $3k on a fixed lens compact – even with full frame – are even fewer.

What do you think?



Short roundup before the storm: New VG30 pic, new K-5II with Sony sensor and Hasselblad-Sony partnership?



I have to catch up with some news before to keep talking about the big A99, RX1 VG900 and NEX-6 cameras that are going to be announced tomorrow! So here are three interesting news:

1) We have some new VG-30 pics you can see her eon top. Click on the pictures on top to see the full size version.

2) Pentax announced the new K-5II with 16,3 Sony Exmor sensor without AA filter (Specs and price here at BH).

3) Hasselblad will announce a mirrorless camera with a larger than Full Frame sensor. And it is rumored that the sensor is made by Sony! The camera will be similar to current [shoplink 13933 ebay]Hasselblad Xpan cameras (they are here on eBay)[/shoplink]. I certainly hope that’s a true rumor! More info at MirrorlessRumors.

4) Sony A57 review at Photographic-central.


Important: Announcement tomorrow (Wednesday) at 4-5 int he morning London time. And as I told you yesterday I just noticed that I gave you the wrong links to our social network. Here are the correct links to the RSS feed (Click here) and Twitter (Click here) stream and the Facebook fan page (Click here). By joining us you will not miss any rumor about the future NEX-9, A1 and other cameras to come the months after Photokina :)


The real big achievement of the RX1…it is the smallest digital FF camera ever made!


Our super nice readers OG, Ben and Richard sent me some very useful size comparison images. On top you see the comparison with other FF cameras like the Leica M9 ($6500 camera!) and the Canon 5DmarkII ($3400). The RX1 is incredibly small and has the same size of the already tiny Panasonic GX1 (here on Amazon) that uses a much smaller Micro Four Thirds sensor (Click on the image below):


And if you compare it with a Nikon D700 with 35mm f/2.0 lens than you get this (again click on pic!):

From an engineering point of view this is an amazing piece of technology. I hope Sony is reading the SonyAlphaRumors readers comments and make an interchangeable lens version of the RX1. Our readers already have their hands on the credit card for this :)


Follow SonyAlphaRumors Live Coverage this Wednesday! Announcement at 5am in the morning London time!


I now have the exact time of the announcement. You are going to see all that leaked Sony stuff on Wednesday Sept. 12th at five in the morning London time. That is midnight in New York, 6 am in Berlin and 1pm (13:00) in Tokyo.
As usual you absolutely have to be online on SonyAlphaRumors for that hour. I will give you live updates about all reviews, interesting news and preorders so that you will not to have to search everything for yourself.

Important: I just noticed that I gave you the wrong links to my social…life :) Here are the correct links to the RSS feed (Click here) and Twitter (Click here) stream and the Facebook fan page (Click here). By joining us you will not miss any rumor about the future NEX-9, A1 and other cameras to come the months after Photokina :)

Short deals reminder:
All current SLT cmaeras got a new $100 discount at Amazon (Click here) and BHphoto (Click here).
The super nice RX100 now can get customized with leatherette skins in [shoplink 13921 ebay]Brown (Click here)[/shoplink], [shoplink 13922 ebay]Crocodile Black (Click here)[/shoplink], [shoplink 13923 ebay]Urban Camouflage (Click here)[/shoplink] and [shoplink 13924 ebay]Leica skin (Click here)[/shoplink]. The RX100 can be bought at [shopcountry 13014].
Zeiss 24mm f/1.8 for NEX is in Stock at Amazon (Click here).


First picture of the new pancake 16-50mm E-mount lens!


We now saw pictures of all cameras but not of the new three NEX lenses. But at least I can share another picture I found through an Asian forum. It is the super tiny 16-50mm f/3.5-5.6 pancake(!) zoom lens with buil-in stabilization and power zoom! It is as small as the similar Panasonic 14-42mm X lens (Click here) but covers a larger APS-C sensor. Another amazing achievement from Sony engineers!

Here is the list of the three upcoming E-mount lenses:

  • Sony 10-18 f/4 OSS: available in November 2012 for $850.
  • Sony 35mm f/1.8 OSS: available in December 2012 for $450.
  • Sony 16-50 f/3.5-5.6 OSS (kit lens): available in January 2013 for $350.


Bookmark our RSS feed and follow Twitter stream and join the Facebook fan page to be sure to not miss any SAR news!


New A99, RX1 and NEX-6 pictures leaks…


Here is a huge set of new A99, RX1 and NEX-6 pictures. Click on the image to see a full size version. Again, all that stuff is coming on Wednesday! You have too bookmark our RSS feed and follow Twitter stream and join the Facebook fan page to be sure to not miss any SAR news!




Support: I am putting all my free time on SAR and if you want to support costs and the time I am putting into this you can help me to earn some small commission when doing purchase through those affiliate links: [shopcountry 8450]. Once clicked on them you can purchase whatever you want I will earn a small commission through it. Of course you don’t pay any penny more on the products price. Thanks!



Sony RX1 costs $2799! Same A99 sensor. Electronic and Optical viewfinders coming too!


The upcoming Full Frame RX1 will use the same 24 Megapixel sensor of the A99 and be priced at $2799. Like the A99 it has 14 bit RAW and ISO range from 100 up to 25.600. Shoots 5 fps and It makes video in AVCHD 2.0. The body is made of magnesium but it is not weather sealed. It has the same A99 3 inch screen but without the smart three way tilting system. I have been told there will be many accessories including optical and electronic viewfinders!

Price comparison: A Nikon D800 (Click here) with 35mm f/2.0 Nikon lens would cost you a total of $3350. A Canon 5DmarkII with 35mm f/2.0 lens almost $3800. To be honest the Nikon and Canon 35mm lenses do have a pretty non impressive quality. The RX1 has a Zeiss! Of course we are comparing apple with oranges but honestly…there is no other camera like the RX1 right now! The camera is too expensive to be considered as a Fuji X100 competitor. But you know, between the RX100 and the RX1 there is enough space for an RX10 ;)

Now that we know the price and the specs let’s do the poll again:

What is the "BIG" thing you would like to get in Q2 from Sony?

View Results

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Reminder: The Big Sony announcement DDay is this coming week on Wednesday September 12th. Be sure to be online on this website. I will keep a live updated post about all reviews and news around all the new stuff. Do not miss any single news be sure to follow the RSS feed and Twitter stream and join the Facebook fan page!
