(UPDATED) Focus on the new 24 Megapixel FF sensor image quality…


Image courtesy: Quesabesde.

The A99, RX1 and VG900 all feature the same new 24 Megapixel FF sensor. How good is it? I found three links with A99 image samples you can download and analyze: Official samples at Sony Japan. Many full size samples at Lenstip. ISO test at Fotopolis. Many samples also at ePhotozine. ISO test by Digifotopro.nl. Image samples at Blog Sina (takes a long time to load pics!). Keep in mind that the firmware version is 0.92! Small improvements cans till be achieved before the camera ships. So, what do you think?

I would definitely o for something like...

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Here are the preorder links. To see a full list including for example all Sonystores please go at AlphaCameraDeals.com (Click here).

A99 body Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Jessops, Wex UK, Wex Germany, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH and more links at Alphacameradeals.
A99 with kit lens links Alphacameradeals.
RX1 Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Wex UK ,Wex Germany and more links at Alphacameradeals.
NEX-6 body Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Wex UK, Wex Germany Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH and more links at Alphacameradeals.
NEX-6 with kit lens Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Jessops, Wex Uk ,Wex Germany and more links at Alphacameradeals.
NEX-VG900 Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH, Wex Uk and more links at Alphacameradeals.
NEX-VG30 Adorama, BHphoto, Wex UK, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH, and more links at Alphacameradeals.
Sony E-mount 16-50mm Amazon, Adorama, Wex UK, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH, and more links at Alphacameradeals .
Sony E-mount 35mm Amazon, Adorama, Wex UK, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH, and more links at Alphacameradeals.
Sony E-mount 10-18mm Amazon, Adorama, Wex UK, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH, and more links at Alphacameradeals.
Sony A-mount 300mm f/2.8 Amazon, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH.
Full accessory page Amazon.

P.S.: A full list of preorder links will be continually updated at Alphacameradeals. It would be too much to put up all links inside that news post!


The lens suprise: Zeiss 50mm and Silver 16-50mm pancake (and NEX-6 preorders in Europe)


We had a big and a small lens surprise. The big one is that Sony announced the development of the new Zeiss “Planar T * 50mm f/1.4 ZA SSM Full-frame lens. It’s based on the classic Zeiss lens that exists in different version like for example the 50mm Planar for Nikon and Canon (Here at Amazon). Filter diameter of the SSM lens is 72mm. The lens will be release in Spring 2013 and there is no price info yet.

The other smaller surprise is the Silver 16-50mm E-mount pancake. There is no info about the availability nor preorder for that lens now. The Black version can be preordered at Amazon, Adorama and more links at Alphacameradeals (Click and than scroll down)

European Sony preorder links Europeans like me have a much harder time to find preorder possibilities:
NEX-6 links to JessopsWex Uk, Wex Germany, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLCH (Click on the nationality code to open the sonystore site).
A99 preorders at Jessops, Wex UK, Wex Germany.
VG30 at Wex Uk.
RX1 at Wex UK, Wex Germany.
10-18mm at Wex UK.
16-50mm at Wex Uk.
35mm at Wex UK.
VG900 at Wex UK.
Let me know if you can find more!

New Sony Accessory: Damn, not only cameras and lenses but also a huge amount of new accessories has been announced and an overview can be seen at Amazon (Click here). Longer accessory preorder list of course on Alphacameradeals.

A99 competition rumor. The Nikon D600 having a 1500 Euro price tag was fake. CanonWatch (Click here) posted the real info. 2100 Euro (very likely $2400) is the price.


Livecoverage: New Sony cameras and lenses announced! Surprise: Zeiss 50mm!!!


Note: This post will continually be updated. Reload the page from time to time to see the new links!

Preorder links (full list at Alphacameradeals)
Preorder them through my link and support me through affiliate commission! That would be very important for me if you can do it…Thanks!
A99 body at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Jessops, Wex UK, Wex Germany, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH and more links at Alphacameradeals.
A99 with kit lens links at Alphacameradeals.
RX1 at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Wex UK ,Wex Germany and more links at Alphacameradeals.
NEX-6 body at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Wex UK, Wex Germany Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH and more links at Alphacameradeals.
NEX-6 with kit lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Jessops, Wex Uk ,Wex Germany and more links at Alphacameradeals.
NEX-VG900 links at Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH, Wex Uk and more links at Alphacameradeals.
NEX-VG30 at Adorama, BHphoto, Wex UK, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH, and more links at Alphacameradeals.
Sony E-mount 16-50mm at Amazon, Adorama, Wex UK, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH, and more links at Alphacameradeals (Click and than scroll down)
Sony E-mount 35mm at Amazon, Adorama, Wex UK, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH, and more links at Alphacameradeals (Click and than scroll down)
Sony E-mount 10-18mm at Amazon, Adorama, Wex UK, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH, and more links at Alphacameradeals (Click and than scroll down)
Sony A-mount 300mm f/2.8 at Amazon, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH.
Full accessory page at Amazon.
A full list of preorder links will be continually updated at Alphacameradeals. It would be too much to put up all links inside that news post!

Hot info:
Sony also announced a FF 50mm f/1.4 Zeiss Planar for Spring 2013! Source: Sony Japan.

Reviews and Previews:
A99: Preview at Dpreview. Preview at Photographic Central. First impressions at ThePhoBlographer. Hands-on at Engadget. Hands-on at Hardwarezone. Preview at Digitalcamerainfo. First look at Videoacademy. Reflexiones de DSLRmagazine. Hands-on at ePhotozine. Preview at Imaging Resource.
RX1: Preview at Dpreview. Preview at Photographic Central. First impressions at ThePhoBlographer. Hands-on at Engadget. Preview at Digitalcamerainfo. Hands-on by Steve Huff. Reflexiones de DSLRmagazine. Hands-on at ePhotozine. Preview at Imaging Resource.
NEX-6: Preview at Dpreview. Preview at Photographic Central. First impressions at ThePhoBlographer. Hands-on at Engadget. Preview at Digitalcamerainfo. Hands-on at ePhotozine.
VG900: First impressions at ThePhoBlographer. Hands-on at Engadget. Preview at Digitalcamerainfo. Focus Numerique.
HVL-F60M Flash: First impressions at ThePhoBlographer.

Image samples
A99: Official samples at Sony Japan. Many full size samples at Lenstip. Image samples at Blog sina (takes a long time to load pics!). Digifotopro.

A99: Sony presentation. A99 video sample from Sony Australia. Official video by Sony Australia. First look review by Charles. Hands-on by Dpreview. A99 menu on youtube.
RX1: Sony presentation. Official video by Sony Australia. Hands-on by Dpreview.
NEX-6: Sony presentation. Official video by Sony. Luca Rossini in Alaska.

Official Press Release:
A99 at Dpreview. ThePhoBlographer. Sony. Sony Japan. Techradar. Photoscala. DC.watch. Quesabesde.
RX1 at Dpreview. ThePhoBlographer. Sony Japan. Techradar. SystemKameraforum. Photoscala. DC.watch.
NEX-6 at Dpreview. Techradar. SystemKameraforum, Photoscala.
VG900 and VG30 at Dpreview. ThePhoBlographer. Sony Japan. Photoscala.
NEX lenses at Dpreview. ThePhoBlographer. Techradar.
Zeiss 50mm f/1.4 news at DC.watch.


Take time to read as much as you can about the new cameras. After that answer…

You believe the next FF camera will be the...

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SAR message:

Keep sending me links to reviews you find interesting and preorder options all over the world! With that huge amount of stuff I really need your help! Thanks!


a couple of hours to go…


It’s 04:20 here in Berlin and it’s only 2-3 hours to go until the final Sony announcement. I am still not 100% sure if the announcement will be made at 5am in the morning London time. I expect many reviews, news and preorders to be posted at that time. I would be happy if you can help me to not miss any of these news. Send me the links at sonyalpharumors@gmail.com. There is such a lot of stuff that a full preorder list will be posted at Alphacameradeals. A shorter list will be available on SAR.

I am incredibly tired and will try to sleep a couple of hours before to get back to work on SAR. I really Thanks you all for the help and support you gave me in these weeks. I am sooo tired I am really looking forward to recover the days after Photokina!

See you soon!

P.S.: One particular thanks goes to the amazing facebook SAR comunity that helped me many times to find the leaks on Asian sites.




$200 off on Sony camera+lens bundles!


BHphoto (Click here) posted a dedicated Sony deals page. And Amazon also offers some deal. Check out the NEX deal page (Click here) and the SLT deal page (Click here). Also the new Rokinon 14mm (Click here) and 24mm (Click here) cine lenses can be preordered.

Reminder: The RX100 now can get customized with leatherette skins in [shoplink 13921 ebay]Brown (Click here)[/shoplink], [shoplink 13922 ebay]Crocodile Black (Click here)[/shoplink], [shoplink 13923 ebay]Urban Camouflage (Click here)[/shoplink] and [shoplink 13924 ebay]Leica skin (Click here)[/shoplink]. The RX100 can be bought at [shopcountry 13014].
Zeiss 24mm f/1.8 for NEX is in Stock at Amazon (Click here).


UPDATED: First A99 ISO test leaked!


ISO 400

Xitek (Translation here) published the first image samples taken with the A99. These are 100% cropped images, JPG straight out, noise reduction full off. Start your pixel peeping!

ISO 1600

ISO 6400

Important: Announcement tomorrow (Wednesday) at 4-5 in the morning London time. Subscribe the RSS feed (Click here) and Twitter (Click here) stream and the Facebook fan page (Click here). By joining us you will not miss any rumor about the future NEX-9, A1 and other cameras to come the months after Photokina :)


(SR5) First picture of the Fulll Frame E-mount VG-900!


This is the first image of the first E-mount Full Frame camera! It’s actually a camcorder to be correct, the new VG-900. Click on the picture to view the full size version. It finally proves that a FF sensor indeed fits into an E-mount. And I was considered as a crazy guy when I told you this was coming… :)
Like the A99 and RX1 the camera uses a new 24 Megapixel sensor. Records video in AVCHD 2.0. Price around $3300 with new Full Frame A-mount adpater included!

P.S.: What if Sony would do some math and resolve the following equation: VG900+RX1= X    -> end of the Leica M series? :)

Important: Announcement tomorrow (Wednesday) at 4-5 in the morning London time. Subscribe the RSS feed (Click here) and Twitter (Click here) stream and the Facebook fan page (Click here). By joining us you will not miss any rumor about the future NEX-9, A1 and other cameras to come the months after Photokina :)
