(SR2) Surprise! Will there be a Sony A75 soon???


What the hell is that? Another APS-C model called A75? That leak is coming directly via Sony websites. See here: http://www.sony.net/Products/Linux/DI/SLT-A75.html. Could it be a typo? Hm, if it would be in text my answer would be maybe yes. But fact is that also the URL contains the same name! I hope to get more news via my trusted sources very soon! Stay tuned!

P.S.: Imagine the A75 having the [shoplink 8461]Sony A77[/shoplink] body and [shoplink 8452]Sony NEX-5n[/shoplink] sensor. That would be something cool or not?

Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources (60-80% the rumor is correct)
SR5=almost certainly correct!


A new version of the Bionz processor may be the cause of the A77 issues?


An anonymous source just sent me this: “I have learned that the production Alpha a77 has a revised set of new Bionz processors but the Firmware updates were for the older processors. Someone messed up and may have forgotten to have the firmware people test with the new processor. There will be a major update to the firmware as soon as full testing is completed. This is going to delay US and Canada Distribution. The current Firmware was never test on the newer processors that is in the production cameras. So there will be major corrections are needed in the firmware before its released again.”

If the “rumor” is correct than this is an embarassing news for Sony but also good news for us because it means that the firmware updgrade will hopefully fix all current issues. Reminder: The rumor hasn’t been confirmed by official sources so as usual take it with a grain of salt!

P.S.: Yesterday I told you that Sony UK stopped the A77 sales. Another reader wrote me: “popped into my local Jessops (Hedge End, UK)and asked when they expected to get A77. they checked on system and said that there were none at “head office” and they were expecting stock on 25th October.

And those are the links to preorder the new cameras and lenses:
A77 at [shopcountry 8461].
A65 at [shopcountry 8459].
Sony NEX-7 [shopcountry 8454].
Sony NEX-5n [shopcountry 8452].
Zeiss 24mm f/1.8 [shopcountry 8450].
Sony 50mm f/1.8 [shopcountry 8448].
Sony 55-210mm [shopcountry 8444].
NEX-5n viewfinder [shopcountry 9110].


Sony NEX-7 news and reviews roundup.


[shoplink 8454][/shoplink]

ThePictureDesk (Click here) posted image samples taken with the [shoplink 8450]Zeiss 24mm[/shoplink] lens: “The Sony [shoplink 8454]NEX7[/shoplink] with the Sony Zeiss Sonnar E 1,8/24ZA seems to be a nice combo for a walk around camera. The lens is slightly larger than I would have expected but feels good in your hand.”

The Russian website Photoru (Click here) posted new NEX-7 studio photography image samples. And other image samples are available on Flickr (Click here). And Dpreview (Click here) update the Zeiss 24mm image samples collection.

Nikon V1 vs Olympus PEN E-P3 vs Sony NEX-7 at Techradar (Click here).

There is a small error at SonyStore Canada which says the NEX-7 can go up to 20.000 ISO!

The NEX-7 is still the most preordered of all new Sony cameras at Amazon (Click here to see the rankings).

The NEX-7 can be preordered at [shopcountry 8454] (Click on store name to visit the search page).
And here are the Zeiss 24mm f/1.8 preorder links at [shopcountry 8450].
The cheaper 50mm f/1.8 lens can be preordered at [shopcountry 8448].


Does Sony UK have put a hold on all A77 orders till they investigate a problem?


A korean video shows the complete blackout of the A77 (Source: blog.naver.com)

Since a couple of days there “rumors” about A77 issues are floating around the web. Many readers contacted me to confirm that there are quite some issues with the first batch of released A77 cameras. The very latest news i got says: “Sony UK have put a hold on all orders till they investigate a problem that seems to be occurring with the cameras failing to recognise any lens attached.

As you know the very first cameras have been shipped to Asian countries and there is where you can find many issue reports like here at Dchome and here at Xitek and here at SLRclub. There are also issue reports on Dpreview, here and here. One of our readers had the A77 for three days and had the following issues: “I had 3 times a system hang. I found 1 or 2 death spot when the system hanged and full Black screen was shown. When I pressed the “Fn” key, two column of icon were shown on both L/R sides.  My a77 EVF also disappeared.

Also other sources or readers contacted me to say they are having problems. In summary it sounds like on some cameras there could be those issues:
1) Top LCD info disappears in some occasions.
2) Crash of the whole camera (you have to remove the battery and reinsert it after to restart).
3) AF points do disappear when using third party lenses (and than it doesn’t work for Sony lenses neither!).
4) There are also a lot of other “minor” issues like that one you can see on youtube.

It definitely sounds like all those problems are SOFTWARE issues and that’s at leats a good news. It means that Sony could fix that via firmware upgrade. Anyway, I really think Sony messed it up. You cannot develop a camera for three years and than release it with such basic faults! This sounds even worse than the [shoplink 8452]Sony NEX-5n[/shoplink] “click” problem. Please Sony try to release an official statement as soon as possible if you don’t want to loose all your A77 orders!

Those are the A77 preorder links: [shopcountry 8461]. But keep in mind that there are some issues. You might want to wait until Sony releases or at least announces the new firmware…


New A77 reviews and studio comparison at Dpreview.


In this episode we dive into the new Sony Alpha A77 in a bit more detail and talk about image quality versus the A850, the 12fps, OLED viewfinder etc. In our tutorials section we talk about how cameras measure light at 18% reflectance and what that means to your exposure.

You want to have some fun? Get at Dpreview (Click here) to test the studio comparison tool which now includes the A77 images! And what do you think?

Photoreview (Click here) posted a new A77 review: “Subjective assessments of test image files show them to be extremely good. Colours appear natural and we found the sensor/processor  combination produced images containing a wide brightness range, regardless of whether the Dynamic Range Optimiser was on or off. Image noise only became visible at ISO 6400 and it was mainly  the granularity of luminance noise. Shots taken at higher ISO settings were printable at A4 size but softening and granularity became noticeable by ISO 12,800.

Check the A77 in Stock status by clicking those direct search links: [shopcountry 8461].


Popphoto: A77 is the new King of APS-C (with bugs?).


[shoplink 8461][/shoplink]

There is a new full A77 review at Popphoto (Click here): “The [shoplink 8461]A77[/shoplink] now reigns supreme over APS-C format DSLRs. Neither Canon’s EOS 7D nor Nikon’s D300s can match the A77’s AF speed or resolution. While the Canon 7D does beat the A77 in its noise performance and holds more resolution at the highest ISOs, the A77 ultimately beats it for the overall package, including the video-shooting experience and the versatility of the articulated LCD.

The Chinese website Sheya (Click here) compared the A77 resolution with other top ASP-C models (via RiceHigh).

Sony A77 image samples at Lenstip (Click here).

The Sony A77 manual is available for download at Sony Store (Click here).

One more thing: Please send me your reports or links to posts where people talks about the current A77 issues. I am collecting everything to write an appropriate post. It sounds like Sony will have two cameras to fix, the [shoplink 8452]Sony NEX-5n[/shoplink] and now the [shoplink 8461]Sony A77[/shoplink] too!

P.S.: Those are all the links to preorder the new Sony cameras and lenses:
A77 at [shopcountry 8461].
A65 at [shopcountry 8459].
Sony NEX-7 [shopcountry 8454].
Sony NEX-5n [shopcountry 8452].
Zeiss 24mm f/1.8 [shopcountry 8450].
Sony 50mm f/1.8 [shopcountry 8448].
Sony 55-210mm [shopcountry 8444].
NEX-5n viewfinder [shopcountry 9110].


Analysis: What SonyAlphaRumors wants from the future FF cameras!


Over 4.000 unique voters decided which features are the most important for the future Sony Fullframe cameras. You can see the voting results here: http://www.sonyalpharumors.com/poll-vote-your-future-sony-ff-must-have-features/. First I want to thank you all for participating the voting. I will send the results to Sony and see what they think about it. And now, what did we learn from your voting?

1) Real photography: People wants Sony to stop the Megapixel race and focus on higher dynamic range, low noise, manual controls, and top quality 16bit RAW. I couldn’t agree more with the SAR readers! Well done! Let’s go back to real photographer needs!
2) What are the surprises? Many are waiting for a new Mirrorless Fullframe camera (34% of all voters). And 30% of you want that camera to have in body IS!
3) There is still a big need for optical viewfinders! 26% of you want the “old” DSLR design back in Sony’s roadmap. The question is, will EVF become as good as OVF? If Sony can manage to archive that goal than I am sure that big amount of OVF voters will become less and less in time.

One of our readers made an extremely accurate analysis of the results. He created the graphs you can when clicking on these links:
part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven, part eight.

There are a couple of things to consider here:
1) The poll will have no influence on the products released next year as the development of those products has almost terminated.
2) I want to quote Henry Ford’s famous phrase: “If I’d asked customers what they wanted, they would have said “a faster horse“. Good companies should go beyond the current “believes” of the mass. So Sony, feel free to surprise use! ;)

And now let me know what are your “evaluation” of the poll!!!
