Official press release: Sony will delay the NEX-7 and A65 release!


Image Source: Nationalmultimedia

Sony Japan (Click here) latest press release confirms that the flood in Thailand caused the full camera production stop. The NEX-7, the A65 and the new NEX-C3 and NEX-5n double kit packages will no more released on November 11. Sony could not say at this time when the mentioned cameras will be start shipping. The good news here is that that Sony has already plenty of [shoplink 8461]Sony A77[/shoplink] and [shoplink 8452]Sony NEX-5n[/shoplink] stocks. And the lens production is also not affected by the flood.

Here are the links of the new products that will be on sale without any delay:
A77 at [shopcountry 8461]
Sony NEX-5n [shopcountry 8452].
Zeiss 24mm f/1.8 [shopcountry 8450].
Sony 50mm f/1.8 [shopcountry 8448].
Sony 55-210mm [shopcountry 8444].
NEX-5n viewfinder [shopcountry 9110].


NEX-7 removed from Amazon due “manufactoring concerns”!


After the Tsunami in Japan now we even had the immense flood in Thailand. It is still difficult to get some info about the effects on the Sony camera production but the bad news today is a unique message from Amazon US (Click here to read it on their website). They removed the NEX-7 preorder option and said that: “Due to manufacturing concerns, availability of select Sony products are currently constrained. Some products may be temporarily unavailable from We’re working hard to offer our customers the product selection they expect, but in the event we don’t have the camera you’re looking for in stock, feel free to check out products from Panasonic, Olympus and Nikon. These sleek new cameras with lens versatility are available today from See all products“.

As you see not only due they remove the preorder option, they also invite you to buy Micro Four Thirds or Nikon cameras instead! I have a much better suggestion. Get the amazing NEX-5n instead! Click these search links to check the price at [shopcountry 8452]. As you see it is in Stock everywhere! No need to get the Nikon instead ;)

Anyway, I hope to get some reliable news about the NEX-7 shipment delay. But honestly, I fear the worst…which means no NEX-7 for Christmas!


(SR5) A9x with 24 Megapixel sensor coming in Spring. (SR4) 36 Megapixel FF a couple of months later?


[shoplink 3032][/shoplink]

The [shoplink 3032]Sony A900 [/shoplink]has been discontinued and is no more in production.

Preamble: Working on full frame camera rumors is very tough, actually because of a reason you might be very happy to hear about. Sony wants to launch at least three new full frame cameras within the next 12-18 months and there are many prototypes they are currently testing. And I need to do a lot of work to order the small bits of info I receive. Sometimes it’s not easy to understand what kind of feature will be for what kind of camera

The first rumor (SR5): But I finally got top news from top sources. First, it is 99% sure that the first Sony full frame SLT camera will be the A9x with a 24 Megapixel sensor. Sony is currently testing two different prototypes, one with a 24 Megapixel sensor and very high fps (frame per second) and one with a couple of more Megapixel (with a bit less fps). It seems very likely that Sony will opt for the 24 Megapixel sensor. I guess this makes indeed more sense (who cares about 3-4 Megapixel more?).

The second rumor (SR4): The second full frame camera which will very likely have a 36 Megapixel sensor will be announced right after the A9x. I am not sure yet about the timing as Sony hasn’t chosen the exact date yet. Could be before summer if all goes well. That camera will very likely have a built-in vertical grip and compete against the newly announced Canon 1D X.

And that’s not all! There is a third full frame model in the works. More about that camera will be posted soon on SAR!

Meanwhile, if you can help me with rumors contact me at Use the contact form you see on the right sidebar if you want to send a message anonymously. Thanks! I really need every piece of info you can send me!

One more important thing: I repeat, the sources all seem to be extremely excited about the coming FF cameras. There will be many innovations, many new things you haven’t seen before on any camera. And all will have the new SLT technology (no optical viewfinder).

And don’t forget to follow the community on Facebook and news on Twitter!

All new Sony cameras and lenses links:
A77 at [shopcountry 8461]
A65 at [shopcountry 8459].
Sony NEX-7 [shopcountry 8454].
Sony NEX-5n [shopcountry 8452].
Zeiss 24mm f/1.8 [shopcountry 8450].
Sony 50mm f/1.8 [shopcountry 8448].
Sony 55-210mm [shopcountry 8444].
NEX-5n viewfinder [shopcountry 9110].

Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!




Sony NEX-5n reviews roundup


[shoplink 8452][/shoplink]
There are a couple of new [shoplink 8452]NEX-5n[/shoplink] news and reviews:

Outbackphoto (Click here) reviewed the NEX-5n: “The NEX-5N was a major surprise for us. Combined with the 18-200mm the NEX-5N is our close to ideal travel camera. We hope to be able to check the NEX-7 and see whether it would be an even better choice.”

Mike Kobal (Click here) tested the camera with the Canon 50mm f/1.8: “I have the Nex 7 on order, the only reason I am not getting the EVF for the 5N. I am very impressed with the sensor on the 5N, Sony has done a great job here and I can’t wait to get my Nex 7! Exciting times!

Thisstonybrigde (Click here) writes: “So the question has to be asked: could you travel the world and make exhibition quality work with a little camera like this which takes up next to no room? I certainly think so. For me the clip-on viewfinder has made all the difference.

The german website Photoscala (Click here) tested a couple of M-mount lenses on the NEX-5n.

Meanwhile it looks like the current Stocks of NEX-5n are shipping without the “Clicking” issue. And the new user reviews on Amzon US (Click here) are all extremely positive (all 5 star!). More user reviews are available at Amazon UK, Amazon DE and Amazon FR.

Preorder links: [shopcountry 8452].



A77 review at Photoclubalpha and firmware 1.03 ISO test (A77 shipping in US!).


Sony Alpha DSLT A65 TVCF (30″ Korea) from Sony Alpha on Vimeo.

Ther eis a new very detailed A77 review writen by David Kilpatrick at Photoclubalpha (Click here). It’s a must read article because it gives you a lot of info with very personal touch. He is certainly impressed by the A77 but still didn’t fall in love with the idea to use an electornic viewfinder instead of an optical viewfinder.

A reader sent me this Iso noise tests with the A77 (firmware 1.03) + Sony 35/1.8 (at 2.0) in 3200 iso: Click on it to see the pics on Picasa: Extra fine jpeg 3200 iso, RAW 3200 iso (no postprocessing), RAW 3200 iso (50+50 lightroom noise reduction) and Extra fine jpeg 3200 iso (with “multi frame noise reduction” enabled). The reader says: “I would say that mfnr feature works extremely well, very low noise and a lot of preserved details (just compare phone keyboards on each of them), wish they implemented it to RAW also (now only available for jpeg).

The french magazine “Chasseurs d’Images” N°338, writes about the A77: “le piqué est supérieur aux autres capteurs APS-C. C’est logique vu le gain en définition, mais cela méritait d’être vérifié!
La barre de piqué titille celle du Nikon D3X! Gain sur tirage 1600 iso A3 : l’addition des 24 Mpx et du faible niveau de bruit à 1600 iso donne des images très qualitatives. L’Alpha 77 (c’est vrai aussi pour le 65) vient chatouiller le Nikon D3X qui était jusqu’à maintenant le champion incontesté. Et il pulvérise tous les autres reflex dotés du capteur APS-C !!!

One more thing: Meanwhile quite many US SAR readers sent me emails to say that Sonystore US is now shipping the first batch of A77 cameras!

All new Sony cameras and lenses links:
A77 at [shopcountry 8461]
A65 at [shopcountry 8459].
Sony NEX-7 [shopcountry 8454].
Sony NEX-5n [shopcountry 8452].
Zeiss 24mm f/1.8 [shopcountry 8450].
Sony 50mm f/1.8 [shopcountry 8448].
Sony 55-210mm [shopcountry 8444].
NEX-5n viewfinder [shopcountry 9110].


Sony Canada says NEX-7, A77 and A65 shipment will be delayed.


Rob Galbraith got “A note from Sony Canada sent to Canadian dealers today indicates that delivery of the NEX-7, SLT-A77 and SLT-A65 will be delayed because of recent flooding at Sony’s Thailand factories“.

The good news is that we have been told that Sony alredy produced a large amount of A77 and A65 stocks. If you preordere the camera the weeks after the announcement you will very likely receive it with little delay. The A77 is in Stock at  Jessops UK, Pixmania FR, Digitalrev HK, Kameraexpress NL and of course [shoplink 8461 ebay]eBay[/shoplink]. Regarding the NEX-7, Sonystore US (Click here) still says the camera will be “Available on or about 11/09/2011“.

All new Sony cameras and lenses links:
A77 at [shopcountry 8461]
A65 at [shopcountry 8459].
Sony NEX-7 [shopcountry 8454].
Sony NEX-5n [shopcountry 8452].
Zeiss 24mm f/1.8 [shopcountry 8450].
Sony 50mm f/1.8 [shopcountry 8448].
Sony 55-210mm [shopcountry 8444].
NEX-5n viewfinder [shopcountry 9110].


Sony 55-210mm E-mount lens in Stock at Amazon (A77 in Europe and Asia)


For the first time the Sony 55-210mm E-mount lens is in Stock at Amazon (Click here). The 30mm macro lens has been in Stock since a couple of days (Click here) and the 50mm f/1.8 preorder status changed to “Temporarily out of stock” again at Amazon (Click here). The most expensive (and highest quality) new NEX lens, the Zeiss 24mm f/1.8, will be available in November.

One more thing: A couple of stores are having the A77 in Stock. Click on these links to check it: Jessops UK, Pixmania FR, Digitalrev HK, Kameraexpress NL and of course [shoplink 8461 ebay]eBay[/shoplink].
