Sony LA-EA2 adpater test at Luminous Landscape (+ more reviews and new Image Data Converter v4).


Luminous Landscape (Click here) posted a full Sony DT 16–50mm f/2.8 and LA-EA2 adapter review: “As with all new Sony Translucent mirror equipped cameras there is a light loss of between one third and one half stop. Some people are concerned about this. Well, in this day of noiseless ISO 800 cameras, and decent image quality up to ISO 6400, if a third of a stop concerns you then you definitely shouldn’t buy an EA2 or any Sony camera using this technology. On the other hand, if you are a sensible photographer who is more concerned with practicing their art and craft then the loss of less than 1/2 EV shouldn’t be of concern.

Soundimageplus (Click here) made a Sony NEX-C3 and 5n High ISO noise test: “However the NEX-5n is definitely “cleaner”. I thought at first that it had smudged more detail, but if you look at the middle word on the headstock, the 5n has actually recorded more detail.

You can now download the new Image Data Converter v4 (Click here to download). DK from Photoclubalpha (Click here) explains you the changes.



Private message: Flying to NYC. Having a busy week.


Dear readers!

While you are reading this post I am sitting into the airplane flying from Munich to New York. I will have an extremely important and busy week in NYC full of meetings where I will show my latest project I am working for three years now. But I am not here to talk about my private project. What matters is that you may will excuse me if I will be less “present” on SonyAlphaRumors this week. I will do my best to keep an eye on the big news and rumors. But if for some reason I will disappear for a while you now know why it is so.

Now let’s hope the snowstorm over the east coast will be over before I will arrive! :(

Kind regards,

P.S.: I scheduled some news for the next hours. It will not be to boring here :)


Pocket-lint reviews the A77. It’s a “Hot Product!!!”

[shoplink 8461][/shoplink] New [shoplink 8461]Sony A77[/shoplink] reviews are coming in from all sides. The next one is from Pocket-Lint (Click here). The camera earns 4.5 stars of 5 and earns a “hot Product” status: “Super-fast and super-sleek: Sony’s SLT-A77 is a grand replacement for the long discontinued A700 model. The camera’s OLED viewfinder is fantastic (though still not perfection), and the camera’s 12fps burst mode and clever continuous autofocus are matched with a sterling all-round performance. The A77 will put SLT cameras firmly on the map.

I have heard that the Thailand flood will soon also affect the A77 shipments. There are plenty of A77 in Stock now in Europe and Asia but there might be a shortage of cameras in a couple of weeks. The only big country that has no A77 in Stock is USA. The good news is that Amazon US is shipping their A77 preorders (and has the A65 in Stock here).

Here are all the A77 links I usually check to see where the camera is in Stock. As usual click on the shop name to check the availability and price:
[shoplist 8461]



NEX-5n news and review roundup (hotseller on Amazon US, UK, DE)


Amanda Schmidt: City Moments: Sony Nex 5n from Mike Kobal on Vimeo.

The NEX-5n has been reviewed by Cnet UK (Click here): “That rather leaves us wondering why you’d choose a conventional dSLR over the NEX-5N, assuming you haven’t already bought into one manufacturer’s body and lens system. It’s smaller, more convenient and much more fun to use. In many cases it’s cheaper, too, which in our book makes it very highly recommended indeed.

Ricoh GXR Mount Sony Nex 5N comparison (Dpreview forum).

Sony NEX-5n Addendum – By Sean Reid on Luminous Landscape (Click here / scroll down to the bottom of the article).

A reader sent me this: “I’ve posted a video on Vimeo It is a BTS video of an AHA Image Studios shoot for Sbyke. I’m using nothing but his lighting, 2 HMIs and one gelled 650 tungsten. NEX 5n with a 16mm f2.8 lens. The entire video was shot on the Program setting. The sound is from the built in stereo mics. The lack of volume control is a big problem. I spent a lot of time in post trying to match levels with less than complete success. I’ll be using double system sound for the rest of my projects. Hope you enjoy, and maybe learn something. I find real world videos more informative than the typical bug and flower test videos.

The good news for Sony is that the NEX-5n is selling very well in USA. Actually it is the only non-Canon and non-Nikon cameras that made it into the Amazon top-20 cameras (Clcik here to see the full ranking). And that success is also pushing the lens sales (Click here to see the full camera/lens mirrorless ranking). I guess the NEX-7 would have reached an even better ranking. But I guess we will have to wait ealry 2012 until we can see that camera in Stock.

The NEX-5n sells extremely well at Amazon UK too where it is on position one of the mirrorless chart (Click here to see the ranking).

The NEX-5n is on third position of the Amazon De ranking (Click here). The surprise here is that the NEX-7 is on top! Amazon de is still accepting preorders (Click here)!

And here are the rankings for Japan (Click here), France (Click here), Italy (Click here) and Spain (Click here).




(SR4) Sony is changing the NEX lens roadmap (including new NEX pancakes)


Good news folks! Sony is listening to their customers and I have been told that they updated their lens roadmap. The “old” roadmap you see posted on top has been modified and I have been told Sony develop one-two new pancake lenses. The only pancake lens to date is the [shoplink 2998]Sony 16mm f/2.8[/shoplink]. I don’t knwo yet when Sony will announce the new roadmap.

Just my personal wish, Sony, make a lens as small and as good as the [shoplink 9083 ebay]Pentax SMC DA 40mm (Click here to see that lens on ebay)[/shoplink] :)

Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!



(UPDATED) Tricks and tips to get the best from A77 RAW images!


Our reader “QX” sent me a link to an article he posted on Dpreview Forum:

UPDATE: The test caused heavy discussions on dpreview forum and on Sonyalpharumors. Many questioned the conclusion and quality of the test. QX sent me an email that explains better the test and resutls of his test:

My apologies for getting you into that shitstorm.

I have posted a summary of my findings in the comments section, maybe that will help.
I was just trying to put the information out there, and maybe my Original Post in the forums was too strongly worded.
I was alarmed because my A700 did not exhibit this kind of behavior in RAW.

1) If you’re shooting JPEG, choose whatever ISO you want. For High ISO try NR Weak, Clear -2,+2,-2 settings. Those worked for me at 6400 in 6MP mode. 24MP JPG high iso isn’t really… acceptable. You’ll see what I mean.
2) If you’re shooting RAW, stick to ISO 1000, and underexpose by whatever you need to get the equivalent ISO. For example, ISO 1600 means ISO 1000 and -2/3EV compensation. You can bring exposure up later .
3) If you are shooting in good light, don’t bother exposing to the right, as it seems that the RAW file stores almost the same number of levels per stop, so there is no nett gain by exposing to the right. This was my beef in claim 2 in my original post – there is no way to buy yourself any more processing headroom by ETTR (stuff like increasing clarity and contrast will increase noise, and if you tried to boost a properly exposed, low contrast subject, you will get more noise. Traditionally, if you ETTR, reduced exposure in ACR and then boosted contrast, you’d get better results).
4) Make sure you tune the focus correctly for your lenses. The A77 is really high res – it will make you pay for any small front/back focus. I had to tune my 16-50 kit to +3 to make it spot on, and it’s been behaving ever since.

It seems that there are many who just looked at the first post in that thread and jumped to conclusions. There was a lively discussion in that thread punctuated by trolls.
I don’t claim to be perfect, but as in Science, any hypothesis will be tested rigorously, and I am happy that happened in DPReview forum. I also learned a lot from the other posters.

Once again, I’m sorry for the trouble that I caused you.

One more thing: Every RAW file has some form of compression (also Nikon NEF files!). Our reader Oneguy sent me this: “ In the DPR thread that you linked, one of the poster is ejmartin (Real Name:  Emil Martinec, Professor of Physics at  the University of Chicago and a member of the particle theory group. He is also creator of Amaze, Raw demosaicer algorithm). See his article on noise:
Scroll down to “An aside on “lossy” NEF compression” section and read the conclusion:”Bottom line: The “lossy” form of NEF compression is a clever use of information theory to save space by eliminating redundant raw levels. The noise which is unavoidably present in light effectively dithers tonal transitions so that the compression is lossless in that the image is still encoded without loss of visual information. In this sense, “lossy” compression is perhaps an inappropriate appelation.”
