$55 off on the excellent Viltrox 16mm f/1.8 FE lens sold by BHphoto


Previous price was $545, but now it’s $494 at BHphoto (Click here).

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Official: Sony CES 2024 Press Conference on Jan 8th at 5 PM PST…will we get a new FX E-mount camera?


Sony officially announced their press release event on January 8th 5pm Las Vegas time. They will be surely focused on all automotive gear tech and not so much on video-photography related gear. At best we will get the new FX camera that could be a successor of both the FX6/FX9 E-mount cameras. But don’t worry folks, soon I will be able to share some RELIABLE rumors about new upcoming Sony gear…I already got “something” ;)

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Sony Tidbits…


Sony 20-70mm F4 G Series lens First Look

Today deals at Amazon, BHphoto, Adorama, Amazon DE, Amazon UK, Amazon FR, Amazon IT, FotoErhardt DE, FotoKoch DE.
Die skurrilste E-Mount Kamera hat KEINE ISO und keine Verschlusszeit! (Amazing Alpha).
Sony a7CR studio scene: robust IQ in a small package (Dpreview).
Looking Back at the Best New Digital Cine Lenses Released in 2023 (Explora).
Using Fresnel Lights: Pros and Cons (42West)
Viltrox AF 75mm F1.2 E Pro Review w/ Sony A6700 (TheHybridShooter).
Santa Made Us Review Some Bull$%&# (PetaPixel).

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