Sony countdown live stream!


The video on top is the official Sony countdown (Click play to start). As you see Sony will announce the A7-A7r and RX10 at 7am London time. I will now take a short break and try to sleep a couple of hours.

I have one last request. At 7am London time things will become very busy and I would glad if you can help me to link to reviews, news and early preorder links to EU and US stores. Just send me an email at if you have something interesting to share.

Thank You all guys! It’s nice to live such an exciting time with you!

A nice FF camera size comparison by Vaclav Mach:


(SR5) UPDATED: And one good Amount news too: 70-200mm G II coming tomorrow!


Last minute good news for A-mount folks: The Sony 70-200mm G II A-mount lens is going to be announced tomorrow too!

Reminder: Sony will stream live the A7-A7r and RX10 announcement at 7am London time. Be sure to be online on SonyAlphaRumors by that time to see the presentation, first reviews, preorders and so on! Spread the word! Big party time here on SAR tomorrow :)

Message to the anonymous source: I got the info from a trusted source 1 hour before your message. The info is definitely correct :)

Message to sources: You can send me more info anonymously by using the contact form you see on the very right of your browser. You can also contact me directly at

For readers: Subscribe the RSS feed (Click here) and Twitter (Click here) stream and the Facebook fan page (Click here) in order to not miss any news!

Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!


(SR5) More lens price info (and A7r costs $100 more than Samys leak).


$1998 is what you pay for that kit (or 1999 Euro)

Got some more pricing info in Euro and Dollars:

– The leaked Samy price for the A7r could be wrong. Instead of $2198 the price should be $2298. In Europe the price is likely 2400 Euro.
– The A7 body only costs $1698 as leaked on Samys.
– $1998 (or 1999 Euro) is what you pay for the A7 kit version with the 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 Lens.
– The RX10 costs $1298

– The Zeiss 35mm f/2.8 prime lens will cost 800 Euro and in US $800
– The Zeiss 55mm f/1.8 prime lens will cost 1100 Euro and in US $1000
– The Sony 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 zoom will cost around 500 Euro (not sure yet about price in USA)
– The Zeiss 24-70mm f/4.0 zoom will cost around $1200 (not sure yet about price in Europe)

Reminder: Sony will stream live the A7-A7r and RX10 announcement at 7am London time. Be sure to be online on SonyAlphaRumors by that time to see the presentation, first reviews, preorders and so on!


Message to sources: You can send me more info anonymously by using the contact form you see on the very right of your browser. You can also contact me directly at

For readers: Subscribe the RSS feed (Click here) and Twitter (Click here) stream and the Facebook fan page (Click here) in order to not miss any news!

Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!


(SR5) First image of the Full Frame Zeiss 55mm f/1.8 Sonnar E-mount lens. Costs around 1100 Euro.


via Mirrorlessrumors: That lens is quite huge but it’s said to deliver a very high image quality. One source said that the big size was necessary to deliver an impressive performance from center to corner. A f/1.4 lens would have become much larger. What does the “Sonnar” mark stay for? Compared to Planar designs the Sonnars had more aberrations, but with fewer glass-to-air surfaces it had better contrast and less flare (Source: Wikipedia).

The price is about 1100 Euro. More or less the launch price of the [shoplink 8450]Zeiss 24mm f/1.8 APS-C lens[/shoplink].

Reminder: Sony will stream live the A7-A7r and RX10 announcement at 7am London time. Be sure to be online on SonyAlphaRumors by that time to see the presentation, first reviews, preorders and so on! Spread the word! Big party time here on SAR tomorrow :)

Only for manual focusing shooter: There are many possible alternatives if you want a smaller 50mm prime lens:
[shoplink 21846 ebay]Zeiss ZM 50mm f/1.5 (here on eBay)[/shoplink] [shoplink 21847 ebay]Canon FD 50mm f/1.8 (here on eBay)[/shoplink] [shoplink 21848 ebay]Leica M Summicron 50mm f/2.0 (here on eBay)[/shoplink]

Message to sources: You can send me more info anonymously by using the contact form you see on the very right of your browser. You can also contact me directly at

For readers: Subscribe the RSS feed (Click here) and Twitter (Click here) stream and the Facebook fan page (Click here) in order to not miss any news!

Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!


(SR5) Full Sony A7r presentation at Diglloyd


I guess Digglloyd will not be happy to see me posting to his erroneously leaked A7r article (Click here). Just wanted to let him know that I posted the link yet because it’s already all over the web (because it was in his RSS feed and everyone linked to it on forums).

Some key info about the A7r and lenses:
– The sensor is new and RAW images 14bit
– The Sony A7R weights 465g with battery and card which is 32g less than the Olympus E-M1
– The 281 gram 55mm f/1.8 is a Sonnar design.
– The Zeiss 70-200mm f/4 OSS weights 840 gram (without tripod collar)

Mistake: Diglloyd writes f/2.8 FF is f/1.0 equivalent on MFT. Not correct, it’s f/1.4!


Reminder: Sony will stream live the A7-A7r and RX10 announcement at 7am London time. Be sure to be online on SonyAlphaRumors by that time to see the presentation, first reviews, preorders and so on!

Spread the word! Big party time here on SAR tomorrow :)

Message to sources: You can send me more info anonymously by using the contact form you see on the very right of your browser. You can also contact me directly at

For readers: Subscribe the RSS feed (Click here) and Twitter (Click here) stream and the Facebook fan page (Click here) in order to not miss any news!

Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!


Sony live stream event for the A7-A7r (starts at 7am London time)


As you can see from the video on top Sony will stream live the A7-A7r and RX10 announcement at 7am London time. Be sure to be online on SonyAlphaRumors by that time to see the presentation, first reviews, preorders and so on!

Spread the word! Big party time here on SAR tomorrow :)

Message to sources: You can send me more info anonymously by using the contact form you see on the very right of your browser. You can also contact me directly at

For readers: Subscribe the RSS feed (Click here) and Twitter (Click here) stream and the Facebook fan page (Click here) in order to not miss any news!

Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!


35mm lenses for your A7-A7r

[shoplink 21796 ebay]


[/shoplink] Note: I posted a list for 21mm and 24mm manual focusing lenses you can buy for your A7-A7r. After long thinking and searching the one lens I will buy for the A7 is definitely the Voigtländer Ultron 21mm f/1,8 [shoplink 21602 ebay]here on eBay[/shoplink] or here at BHphoto. Fantastic lens! And unlike the Leica 21mm lenses close focusing distance is 0.5 meter instead of 0.7 meter.

35mm lenses: I guess street photography will be one of the main use for the A7 and A7r. This means a 35mm lens is a must have! As you know on Wednesday Sony will also launch a compact Zeiss FE 35mm f/2.8 prime lens. If you don’t care about the missing AF and you want a faster lens here are some options with ny thoughts based on what I saw and read on Internet:

Voigtländer Nokton 35mm f/1.2 Aspherical II LEICA M ([shoplink 21793 ebay]here on eBay[/shoplink] / here at BHphoto):
This is one of the few lenses that even Leica purist do like. It’s sharp in the center straight from f/1.2. Bokeh is nice and it’s rare to find lenses that offer a nice bokeh at 35mm! If you need speed this is the lens you should buy! SOme greta image smaples taken on the VG900 can be seen at DChome.
Leica Summilux-M 35mm f/1.4 ([shoplink 21794 ebay]here on eBay[/shoplink] / here at BHphoto):
One of the most loved lenses of the Leica community. It’s a tiny bit better than the Voigtlander but costs many times more.
Voigtländer Nokton 35mm f/1.4 CLassic ([shoplink 21795 ebay]here on eBay[/shoplink] / here at BHphoto):
Image quality is soso and it has that “Old” Lens look (which means unsharp corners and no top image quality. The real greta thing about the lens is the size. It’s as small as it gets for a f/1.4 aperture lens.
Leica Summicron-M 35mm f/2.0 ([shoplink 21796 ebay]here on eBay[/shoplink] / here at BHphoto):
If you need a high quality compact lens this is the one for you.
Canon FD 35mm f/2.0 ([shoplink 21798 ebay]here on eBay[/shoplink]):
One of the cheapest 35mm f/2.0 you can get.
Zeiss Biogon T* 35mm f/2.0 ZM ([shoplink 21797 ebay]here on eBay[/shoplink] / here at BHphoto):
Very good quality lens. But not as small as the Nokton 1.4 and Leica 2.0.
