Competition news: Newly announced Nikon D4s can go up to 409,600 ISO.


This time we don’t have a new Megapixel race. It’s a complete ISO madness :)

Today Nikon announced the new Nikon D4s (specs here at Amazon) which uses a new 16 MP sensor and goes up to 409,600 ISO. This isn’t a revolutionary camera. It has plenty of small improvements and a nifty price tag of $6,500.

Sony flagship:
Sony never had a sort of flagship camera like the Nikon D4 series or Canon EOS 1D series. And honestly I never got any realibale rumor about such a Sony Flagship camera that could comepte against them. Sony’s focus is on the development of $2,000-$3,000 Full Frame cameras rather than $6500 FF.

Would you really suggest Sony to make such a high End DSLR, pardon SLT, pardon A-mount mirrorless cameras? :)


(SR5) Don’t worry, new RX FF is in the works! Release at Photokina.


LLoyd Chambers over at Diglloyd wrote:

where is the Sony RX2R model sporting that nifty 36 megapixel sensor? And where is an RX2R model with an 18mm and 24mm and 75mm lens? Or at least one of those options? The design concept is terrific; it has legs and I’d like to see it move forward. But nary a word from Sony, which is a pity given the appeal of the RX1R.

I can give him a quick answer: “Don’t worry, new RX FF is in the works”. It should be announced before Photokina in September. And I have been told it comes with a huge surprise (that’s all I know for now).

Message to sources: You can send me more info anonymously by using the contact form you see on the very right of your browser. You can also contact me directly at
For readers: Subscribe the RSS feed (Click here) and Twitter (Click here) stream and the Facebook fan page (Click here) in order to not miss any news!

Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!


New A7 and A7r leather cases from “Leather Explorer”, “Ciesta”, “Kaza” and “Dignis”.


[shoplink 24599 ebay][/shoplink]
Leather Explorer has A7-A7r leather cases in [shoplink 24599 ebay]Black (Click here)[/shoplink], [shoplink 24600 ebay]Black-Metallic (Click here)[/shoplink], [shoplink 24601 ebay]Black (Click here)[/shoplink],

[shoplink 24608 ebay][/shoplink]
Dignis has A7-A7r leather cases in [shoplink 24602 ebay]Black-Red (Click here)[/shoplink], [shoplink 24603 ebay]Black (Click here)[/shoplink], [shoplink 24604 ebay]Red (Click here)[/shoplink], [shoplink 24605 ebay]Yellow (Click here)[/shoplink], [shoplink 24606 ebay]Brown (Click here)[/shoplink], [shoplink 24607 ebay]Dark Brown (Click here)[/shoplink] and [shoplink 24608 ebay]Khaki (Click here)[/shoplink].

[shoplink 24609 ebay][/shoplink]
Ciesta leather case in [shoplink 24609 ebay]Brown (Click here)[/shoplink], [shoplink 24610 ebay]Dark Brown (Click here)[/shoplink], [shoplink 24611 ebay]Black Red (Click here)[/shoplink], [shoplink 24612 ebay]Vegetable Leather (Click here)[/shoplink].

[shoplink 24615 ebay][/shoplink]
Kaza has them in [shoplink 24615 ebay]Vintage Brown (Click here)[/shoplink] and [shoplink 24616 ebay]Black (Click here)[/shoplink].

[shoplink 23521 ebay][/shoplink]
Already mentioned on SAR and very requested by A7 and A7r owners is the Gariz leather case in [shoplink 23521 ebay]Black (Click here)[/shoplink], [shoplink 23522 ebay]Brown (Click here)[/shoplink], [shoplink 23523 ebay]Orange (Click here)[/shoplink] and [shoplink 23524 ebay]Red (Click here)[/shoplink].


Sony A6000 AF low light test by Alin Popescu (amazing fast!).


SONY a6000 11 fps AF-C indoor

Sony claims the A6000 has the worlds fastest AF but how does it work in indoor light conditions? Alin Popescu tested the A6000 and posted a couple of videos. And as you can see the A6000 performs pretty well. Still, it’s not really an extreme low light conditions. There is one very low light video shot by Jun-hee Park (youtube) and it looks like the A6000 can autofocus pretty well in these conditions too.

More video from Alin Popescu:
How easy is to move focus print (Flexible Spot) on SONY a6000 (Youtube)
Clip made from photos shot with SONY a6000 at 11 fps and AF-C. Lens used was SONY 18-105 mm f4 mostly on Shutter priority to maintain 1/200s and on Auto ISO (Youtube)

The A6000 could become the real first E-mount camera that has a mature autofocus system. Perfect for family and sport shooting!

Thanks Michael for finding and sharing this!

This is the updated preorder list with US and Europe links:
Sony A6000 at Amazon (Click here), Adorama, BHphoto (Click here), SonyStore (Click here). In Europe at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, AT, NL, BE, CH, FI, SE, PT, WexUK.
Silver A6000 at WexUK (Click here).
Sony A6000 with lens at Amazon (Click here), Adorama, BHphoto (Click here), SonyStore (Click here)Sony Canada (Click here), WexUK (Click here).
Silver A6000 with lens at WexUK (Click here).
Sony 70-200mm FE at Amazon (CLick here), BHphoto (Click here), SonyStore (Click here). In Europe at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, AT, NL, BE, CH, FI, SE, PT


(SR2) Rumors posted by our reader Animalsbarry (A77 successor, Foveon, Z-shift and more).


Long time SAR reader AnimalsBarry claims to have gotten some reliable info from one of his “sources”. I had the chance to talk with him and I told him I would post the rumors with SR2 only because I don’t know if I can trust his source. That’s why you have to take it with a grain of salt. Here is what he writes:

A sony manager just actually called me to share this info so it is sr5
A79..will be 32mp
Ff cameras will be 24 and 36mp a mount
Hybrid camera will have z shift
Stacked sensor will probably be early to mid 2015 not late 2015
Ospdaf in future cameras will work with most 3rd party lenses including tamron and high speed af will be available
This comes from a high level sony us manager and you can safely call this sr5
Big announcement in next couple of weeks..a lot of this info will be released then

Thanks AnimalsBarry!

SAR note: All I can say with an SR5 reliability is, yes there is an announcement scheduled in a couple of weeks (4K camera), and yes there will be an A77 successor (but I am not sure if it will come with the next announcement).

Message to sources: You can send me more info anonymously by using the contact form you see on the very right of your browser. You can also contact me directly at
For readers: Subscribe the RSS feed (Click here) and Twitter (Click here) stream and the Facebook fan page (Click here) in order to not miss any news!
Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!


Hasselblad CEO Larry Hanssen gets replaced.


Ex-Ceo Hannsen with Buzz Aldrin at the Lunar launch event (Source: Hasselblad).

AP reports that “Hasselblad has confirmed it has appointed a new CEO to replace Dr Larry Hansen, the man who oversaw the launch of the firm’s first [shoplink 22672 ebay]Lunar compact system camera[/shoplink], developed in a tie-up with Sony.“.

We don’t know yet if this has to do with any strategy change or if it’s just a personal matter.


New Sony RX1/RX10 deals in USA.


Triple deal on Sony RX1/10 cameras:
1) Save $240 on Select Accessories with the Purchase of the Sony RX10 Digital Camera at Amazon US (Click here) and SonyStore (Click here).
2) Free Sony HVLF60M Flash with Sony RX1 Series Camera Purchase at Amazon US (Click here).
3) Sony sells refurboshed RX1 for $2379 at SonyStore (Click here).

Other A and E-mount deals:
1) Buy a Qualifying Sony A7 Series Camera and Save on Select Lenses and Accessories at Amazon US (Click here) and SonyStore (Click here).
2) Buy a Qualifying Sony NEX Compact System Camera and Save up to $200 on Select Sony Lenses at Amazon US (Click here).
3) Up to $650 off on A-mount boundles at SonyStore (Click here).
