Up to $350 off on Sigma and Lensbaby lenses for A and E-mount!


Bildschirmfoto 2014-10-30 um 17.53.38

This is a special deal by BHphoto and to get the special rebate you have to do this:

1) Click on the links below:
Up to $350 off on Sigma Lenses and Flashes (Click here).
Up to $150 off on Lensbaby (Click here).
Bot links link to ALL lenses also non Sony mounts. So pelase scroll to find what your are looking for

2) Use promo code “BHPPE14” in cart to see the rebate!

That’s it! And that same code also applies on other (non-lens) stuff not strictly related to Sony:
Lumiquest photoaccessoires (Click here).
Tiffen IRND (Click here).
Cinetics Axis (Click here).
Zacuto Camera Rigs (Click here).
imac 27 (Click here).
my passport pro(Click here).
Data Color (Click here).
X-rite (Click here).
Adobe Creative cloud (Click here).

UPDATE: ALL PhotoPLus specials can be found on that BHphoto page (Click here).


(SR1) Zeiss Ikon (made by Sony) coming late 2014.


[shoplink 23713 ebay][/shoplink]

This is one of the most curious (and highly unlikely to happen) rumors I received the last couple of weeks:

“Sony/Zeiss manufactured by Sony will release a FF camera similar to the [shoplink 23713 ebay]35mm Ikon (here on eBay).[/shoplink] No optical viewfinder. Will be announced before the end of the year. Manual controls. No REAR LCD!!!”

I certainly would like Zeiss to make some “retro” styled E-mount camera. But I really don’t think Zeiss will do that…

Message to sources: You can send me more info anonymously by using the contact form you see on the very right of your browser. You can also contact me directly at sonyalpharumors@gmail.com.
For readers: Subscribe the RSS feed (Click here) and Twitter (Click here) stream and the Facebook fan page (Click here) in order to not miss any news!

Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!


Sony releases firmware update for the A7,A7r, A6000, A5100 and A5000 (nothing exciting)


Bildschirmfoto 2014-10-30 um 09.53.26

The official note from Sony Japan.

P.S.: I am continually updating this post with links and info (note that Sony hasn’t update all sites yet do it may takes 1-2 hours to have all download links!)

Sony just released the new firmware update for the A7,A7r, A6000, A5100 and A5000 (note only USA seems to have the new firmware yet!). The update is minor and Improves the power-on time after downloading the Smart Remote Control application of the PlayMemories Camera Apps™:

A7R firmware download:
Mac – Sony US, Sony Germany, Sony UK, Sony France, Sony Spain, Sony Italy, Sony Holland, Sony Belgium, Sony Austria, Sony Switzerland, Sony Finland, Sony Sweden, Sony Norway, Sony Portugal, Sony Australia
Windows – Sony US, Sony Germany, Sony UK, Sony France, Sony Spain, Sony Italy, Sony Holland, Sony Belgium, Sony Austria, Sony Switzerland, Sony Finland, Sony Sweden, Sony Norway, Sony Portugal, Sony Australia
A7 firmware download:
Mac – Sony US, Sony Germany, Sony UK, Sony France, Sony Spain, Sony Italy, Sony Holland, Sony Belgium, Sony Austria, Sony Switzerland, Sony Finland, Sony Sweden, Sony Norway, Sony Portugal, Sony Australia
Windows – Sony US, Sony Germany, Sony UK, Sony France, Sony Spain, Sony Italy, Sony Holland, Sony Belgium, Sony Austria, Sony Switzerland, Sony Finland, Sony Sweden, Sony Norway, Sony Portugal, Sony Australia


Meike Sony A7/r/s and A6000 vertical grip now shipping for $85!


[shoplink 30111 ebay]meike[/shoplink]

For the very first time the new Meike A7/r/s vertical grip is in Stock and shipping via [shoplink 30111 ebay]eBay Hong Kong seller (Click here)[/shoplink], Alibabaexpress (Click here) and Amazon US (Click here). It costs just $85. The cool thing is that it also comes with a wireless remote control!

UPDATE: There is also the new [shoplink 30115 ebay]Ownuser Sony A6000 grip (Click here)[/shoplink].


First Fotodiox Tough E-Mount review by David Kilpatrick.



The Fotodiox Tough full metal E-mount replacement is shipping at Amazon (Click here to preorder). And finally we have a first serious review from David Kilpatrick (Click here). He writes

It looks a touch classier than the cheaply machined soft metal Sony original, it is a snug and perfect fit, and lens mounting has a slightly more solid feel without resistance or any scraping sensation.Everything worked perfectly as expected once fitted. Cost – $39.95 plus shipping. I consider it a good upgrade.

David just updated his review and added an important note:

Footnote – one day later – while Sony E mount lenses seem fine, some of my third party adaptors are not fitting well, and very short focal length lenses indicate that the infinity focus may not be accurately retained as they claim. Due to weather conditions I’ve not been able to check properly. If you use lenses 12mm to 20mm on adaptors, proceed with caution.

If you want it grab it now at Amazon!
