Surprise: Hasselblad closes design center and ends the “luxury” camera business?



Back in 2011 Hasselblad founded the Hasselblad Design Center in Treviso. The goal was to create unique camera designs. In the years after they launched the [shoplink 22672 ebay]Hasselblad Lunar (here on eBay)[/shoplink], [shoplink 22673 ebay]Stellar (here one Bay)[/shoplink] and the Hasselblad HV (here at BHphoto). And as you likely know these camera were objects of quite some large amount of “irony” on the world wide web.

But today Photoscala reports that Hasselblad has closed the Design Center in Treviso. It is not yet official but this could mean the end of those super “luxurified” Sony A and E-mount camera versions. Maybe Hasselblad wants to focus on a Sony-Hasselblad-Zeiss partnership for a new mirrorless medium format system instead?


Zeiss 16-35mm FE to ship from tomorrow. New full review by Colby Brown.


Image courtesy: Cengiz

According to Sony Canada and Amazon Japan the new Zeiss 16-35mm FE lens will start to ship from tomorrow. And SAR reader Cengiz sent us that 16-35mm FE Stock image from a Hong Kong Store. You can check the shipping dates here:
USA/Canada  at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Sony Store US, Sony Canada.
Europe at Sony DE, UK, ES, IT, FR, CH, AT, NL, BE, FI, SE, NO, PT.
Australia and Asia at Sony AUS, Amazon Japan and Digitalrev.

There is also a new full review written by Colby Brown:

Not only was Sony and Zeiss able to engineer a small and lightweight ultra wide angle lens, they were able to do so without sacrificing image quality. I was impressed with the corner to corner sharpness (although it doesn’t de-thrown the Nikon 14-24 f/2.8) as well as how it handles sun stars and can be used hand held with its built in OSS (optical stabilization), especially with the a7s.

Feel free to post your 16-35mm FE unboxing and test pics/videos on our SonyAlphaForum!


A-mount is dead? Sure, look at that :)


Bildschirmfoto 2014-11-05 um 22.03.54

It’s hard to belive all those sceptical people who A-mount is dead when you see this: The brand new Canon 7DmarkII comes nowhere as close to the excellent Sony A77II performance according to DxOmark sensor tests. Anything else to say? ;)

A77II: Up to $500 off on the body and kits at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto and SonyStore.
$100 off on the body and kits at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto and SonyStore.
A5100: $100 off on the body and kits at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto and SonyStore.
A5000: $100 off on the body and kits at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto and SonyStore.



Sony extends deals on the A77II with free SD card and free bag ($134 value).



Not only got the A77II a heavy discount. Sony US (Click here) now also gives you a 32GB card and bag for free ($134 value)!

Black Friday Deals are already running on Amazon US (Click here to see the long list).
$100 off on the body and kits at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto and SonyStore.
A5100: $100 off on the body and kits at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto and SonyStore.
A5000: $100 off on the body and kits at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto and SonyStore.


Sony patent discloses groundbreaking per pixel exposure sensor!



If Sony is going to make this for real it will change the way we used to take photo! What you see here is a Sony sensor that can change the shutter time of each single pixel on a sensor! It means areas of the sensor gathering more light will have a short exposure time and darker areas will get a longer exposure!

Unlike HDR shots where you take multiple and in time separated pictures on the new Sony sensor all this happens simultaneously:



You will no more have to struggle with extreme highlights or too dark areas. Everything on the image will get the exact light that is needed. There may be one single limit on that. If you take a picture of a fast moving object the image can result in a mess. But Sony is working on that too with the implementation of a special HDR Blending/Blur correcting unit:

Bildschirmfoto 2014-11-03 um 15.39.29

Of course this sensor would work perfectly fine for sports photographer too if they turn off the asynchronous per pixel shutter option. Really smart from Sony!

Full PDF file of the patent at SonyAlphaForum.

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Sony Europe offers 3 year warranty on the 16-35mm FE Zeiss for 1 Euro only.



Sony Europe offers you the chance to extend the warranty on the soon to ship Zeiss 16-35mm FE lens for 1 Euro only! And you will get full 3 years warranty! Grab it here: Sony DE, UK, ES, IT, FR, CH, AT, NL, BE, FI, SE, NO, PT.

Note: UPDATED Zeiss FE 16-35mm preorder links list:
Zeiss 16-35mm FE at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Sony Store US, Sony Canada.
Zeiss 16-35mm FE in Europe at Sony DE, UK, ES, IT, FR, CH, AT, NL, BE, FI, SE, NO, PT.
Zeiss 16-35mm FE in Australia and Asia at Sony AUS and Digitalrev.
