Sony Tidbits…


Sony A6300 vs A6000 comprehensive comparison and review

Sony with APS-C sensors-will they ever be obsolete? (SonyAlphaForum).
Master E Mount lens list from PMRphoto.
2016 January Cipa report: Digital camera sales dropped by 20%! (Mirrorlessrumors).
Cactus V6 Mk II S promises Sony users the abilty to shoot with almost any brand of flashgun – off-camera and HSS (Amateur Photographer).
Sony’s RX10 III is an impressive but overly expensive camera (Engadget).
70-200mm f/2.8 an unbelievable mess on the Amazon (SonyAlphaForum).


Zeiss Batis 85mm in Stock at BHphoto (after exactly 12 months of waiting!)


Bildschirmfoto 2016-04-08 um 09.04.49

The Zeiss Batis 85mm is in Stock now at BHphoto (Click here). And it took exactly 11 months and 16 days to get to this point…to see the lens in Stock at BH! :)

More Sony deals:
Free $200 gift card with the 24-70mm GM lens at Adorama (Click here).
The Batis 25mm lens is in Stock at FocusCamera (Click here).
$300 off on the Zeiss 12mm lens at BHphoto (Click here).
New Vello Nikon F to Sony E autofocus adapter is available for preorder at BHphoto (Click here).
Open Box [shoplink 46662 ebay]24-7mm FE for $857 (Click here)[/shoplink].
Open Box [shoplink 46663 ebay]35mm FE for $559 (Click here)[/shoplink].
Open Box [shoplink 46664 ebay]16-35mm FE for $1,149 (Click here)[/shoplink].


Bad science and dissing the Sony A7 FE concept (David Kilpatrick)


David Kilpatrick on Photoclubalpha  argumented with founded tech background dismisses the groundless myth that a shorter mount to focal plane register (body thickness) cause any problems with lens design.

In fact the E-mount makes it possible to design slightly smaller medium to long zooms and very much smaller wide-angles, and normal sized standard lenses. Where there is potential for Sony native lenses to be small, there’s very limited potential for this with DSLRs.

Thanks David for this!

P.S.: Also Photochirp explained some facts around the E-mount system.


(SR3) Possible 70-200mm GM lens pricing in Australia (Spoiler: expensiv!)


Bildschirmfoto 2016-04-08 um 09.27.11

I just got this from a source. And I really do hope he got a wrong info as it would make the 70-200mm GM lens rather expensive:

“I’ve just got an initial quote for our local supplier in Australia on the GM lenses including the 70-200 F2.8 as follows (All in AUD). I’m not sure if they are retail prices or might include a slight discount as they told us lenses are still around 4-5 weeks away in Australia and we would need to confirm pricing closer to when stock is available as they should be able to hopefully offer slight better pricing…
– 24-70 f2.8 GM – AU$3099
– 85mm f1.4 GM – AU$2899
– 70-200 f2.8 GM – AU$5999
Pricing on the 70-200 F2.8 seems rather crazy!”

If the info is correct the 70-200mm GM lens will cost almost twice as much as the 24-70mm GM lens. This would mean:
– USA the 24-70mm GM lens costs $2,200 at Amazon. This would put the 70-200mm GM price at a bit over $4,000
– In Europe the 24-70mm GM lens costs 2,400 Euro at The 70-200mm GM would cost a bit over 4,500 Euro.

This would make it a very expensive lens! The [shoplink 46652 ebay]Nikon 70-200mm[/shoplink] and [shoplink 46653 ebay]Canon 70-200mm[/shoplink] do cost about the half of the rumored GM price!


(SR5) Bomb rumor! First A9 specs: Dual XQD card slot, unlimited RAW burst.


The new A9 is supposed to be a more “DSLR” alike sized camera (image above is a rendering)

About the source: This one comes from a very top source. It’s the same source that gave us the RX1rII specs months(!) ahead. So this is highly likely to be true!

The Bomb Sony A9 rumor: The source sent me this:

“The next generation flagship mirrorless camera from Sony will be a giant leap. It will drop a huge bomb in the imaging industry. It will not be A7III or A7RIII. It will be a new model above A7 series. I would say A9 (let’s name it as the new model). So the new A9 will have [shoplink 46602 ebay]dual XQD card slot[/shoplink], no CFast version, only XQD. A9 can do UNLIMITED RAW burst, UNLIMITED. The camera wont pause for buffering.”

Just recently Sony announced a new generation of [shoplink 46609 ebay]XQD cards (specs and prices)[/shoplink] which are now for sale bundled with the Nikon D5 (here on Amazon).

I repeat this one is a very top source. I hope he will send me some additional info soon like when will it be announced? What’s the sensor? Thanks :)

SAR readers are welcome comment this post with their wishlist for the A9 camera! And join the Sony A9 facebook group ;)

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Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!


Hasselblad announces the H6D-100c with Sony 100 Megapixel sensor ($32,995)


Bildschirmfoto 2016-04-07 um 17.30.45

Hasselblad announced the new H6D-100c you can preorder now for $32,995 at BHphoto (Click here). The camera is around $18,000 cheaper than the Phase One. CEO Perry Oosting hinted at ePhotozine that this isn’t the big camera surprise he was talking in a previous interview. He says:

“The new H6Ds we are launching have the best in class ergonomics in terms of handling, but they aren’t the most portable.. Portability will be key – but how and which ways it will be portable is yet to be announced.”

Hasselblad H6D – A New Chapter In Medium Format Photography

The all new Hasselblad H6D put to the test by Tom Oldham

The all new Hasselblad H6D presented by Karl Taylor


$500 off on the imported Sony A7II. FE 35mm for $559 at BestBuy.


[shoplink 46670 ebay]Bildschirmfoto 2016-04-07 um 20.54.08[/shoplink]

Electronicvalley is selling the grey imported Sony A7II for $1,199 only through [shoplink 46670 ebay]their eBay Store (Click here)[/shoplink]. The camera is covered by a 1 year US seller warranty. And BestBUy is offering two great new Sony Open Box deals all covered by 1 year Sony US warranty:
[shoplink 46662 ebay]24-7mm FE for $857 (Click here)[/shoplink].
[shoplink 46663 ebay]35mm FE for $559 (Click here)[/shoplink].
[shoplink 46664 ebay]16-35mm FE for $1,149 (Click here)[/shoplink].

More deals:
The Zeiss Batis 85mm is in Stock now at BHphoto (Click here).
Free $200 gift card with the 24-70mm GM lens at Adorama (Click here).
The Batis 25mm lens is in Stock at FocusCamera (Click here).
$300 off on the Zeiss 12mm lens at BHphoto (Click here).
New Vello Nikon F to Sony E autofocus adapter is available for preorder at BHphoto (Click here).
