You can now preorder the new Venus Optics Laowa 105mm f/2 E-mount lens for $699!



You can now preorder the new Venus Laowa 105mm f/2.0 Full Frame E-mount lens for $699 at BHphoto (Click here). There is a review of the lens just posted by 3Dkraft (Click here). His conclusion is

  • Since 1999, the Minolta / Sony 135mm f/2.8 (T4.5) is the classic STF telephoto lens implementation available only for A-mount and providing an unbeatable smooth bokeh together with outstanding sharpness. It is quite sensitive against flares and contrast reduction when shooting against bright light and with 135mm it is already quite long for a portrait lens. With a transmission of T4.5 it is no low light lens, so you should be careful to have enough light when shooting with short shutter times.
  • The Zeiss Batis 1.8/85 is my favourite portrait lens due to its good overall performance. It provides AF (including the most helpful eye-AF) and optical stabilization and for that performance it is quite compact and lightweight. Bokeh is sometimes a little bit harsh and nervous and CAs are less good controlled compared to the STF lenses. Flare resistence and contrast are significantly higher when shooting against bright light due to ZEISS’s well known T* coating.
  • The Laowa 105 STF delivers a bokeh as smooth and pleasing as the Sony STF together with very good sharpness right from open aperture but with 105 mm focal length it is more flexible than the longer Sony STF. It is also quite sensitive when shooting against the light. With a transmission of T3.2 it provides about one stop more light than the Sony STF helping to keep ISO lower when shooting with short exposure.

Check out the image samples at 3Dkraft. And if you like the lens place your order at BHphoto.


90mm macro FE test at Photozone: “Sharpness surpasses the DSRL lens competition”



Photozone posted the full Sony 90mm FE macro lens review and there is good news folks:

Sony has come a long way since they entered the system market several years ago. During this journey We became a bit skeptical because of various quality issues. However, it seems as if they are finally getting their act together now. Unlike with their APS-C format lenses we have yet to experience significant centering issues with Sony’s full format E-mount lenses.
The Sony FE 90mm f/2.8 G OSS macro is a good example how things improved. In terms of optical quality it is easily playing on the same levels as its DSLR counterparts. In terms of sharpness the Sony lens has probably surpassed them.

Sony 90mm FE store links at [shopcountry 46487].


This week SAR readers photos selection.


Stan Moniz
A 6 image panoramic stitch of the Milky Way rising over a beautiful single tree in the Carizzo plains. Shot with the Sony a6300 and Tokina 11-20mm f2.8

1) Submit your picture with a message and picture here: or on the SonyAlphaForum image section.
2) Like and comment the pictures from other readers here: and on SonyAlphaForum.
3) A selection of most liked pictures by the community and by me SAR admin will be posted weekly on SAR.

Note: When sending a pic feel free to also add a link to your site to promote yourself!

Read more

Super FE deals at Adorama: Free $200 Gift Card on the new Sony GM 24-70mm f/2.8 FE lens. $100 on the FE 70-300mm and more!


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There is a first superdeal on the new 24-70mm GM lens. You get a free $200 gift card with the lens at Adorama (Click here). And $100 gift card on the new FE 70-300mm lens too (Click here). But there are gift cards on many current E-mount lenses:

FE lenses:
$100 gift card on the Sony 16-35mm (Click here).
$50 gift card on the Sony 24-70mm (Click here).
$50 gift card on the Sony 24-240mm (Click here).
$25 gift card on the Sony 28mm (Click here).
$150 gift card on the Sony 28-135mm (Click here).
$50 gift card on the Sony 35mm f/1.4 (Click here).
$50 gift card on the Sony 35mm f/2.8 (Click here).
$50 gift card on the Sony 55mm (Click here).
$100 gift card on the Sony 70-200mm (Click here).
$50 gift card on the Sony 90mm (Click here).

APS-C E-mount lenses:
$50 gift card on the Sony 10-18mm (Click here).
$25 gift card on the Sony 16-50mm (Click here).
$50 gift card on the Sony 16-70mm (Click here).
$25 gift card on the Sony 18-55mm (Click here).
$50 gift card on the Sony 18-105mm (Click here).
$50 gift card on the Sony 18-200mm (Click here).
$50 gift card on the Sony 18-200mm (Click here).
$50 gift card on the Sony 18-200mm PZ (Click here).
$100 gift card on the Sony 24mm (Click here).
$25 gift card on the Sony 28-70mm (Click here).
$25 gift card on the Sony 30mm (Click here).
$50 gift card on the Sony 35mm (Click here).
$25 gift card on the Sony 55-210mm (Click here).

More Sony deals:
The Zeiss Batis 85mm is in Stock now at BHphoto (Click here).
The Batis 25mm lens is in Stock at FocusCamera (Click here).
$300 off on the Zeiss 12mm lens at BHphoto (Click here).
New Vello Nikon F to Sony E autofocus adapter is available for preorder at BHphoto (Click here).
Open Box [shoplink 46662 ebay]24-7mm FE for $857 (Click here)[/shoplink].
Open Box [shoplink 46663 ebay]35mm FE for $559 (Click here)[/shoplink].
Open Box [shoplink 46664 ebay]16-35mm FE for $1,149 (Click here)[/shoplink].


85mm GM lens seems to have (temporary?) autofocus noise issues


Crispyphotos on SonyAlphaForum shared that video where you can hear the autofocus ring noise. The noise is heard by all lens owners and is reported on other forums too (Fredmiranda and Dpreview).

Few readers reported that after a couple of hundred shots the noise seems to become less worse. So maybe that’s just a temporary issue that goes away after some use. SAR readers are free to comment thsi post to share their experience!

GM lens store links:
85mm f/1.4 GM FE at BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama, BestBuyAmazon Germany. WexUK. Jessops.
24-70mm f/2.8 GM FE at BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama, BestBuyAmazon Germany. WexUK. Jessops.


(SR5) Zeiss announcement on April 14 at 11am London time!


Bildschirmfoto 2016-04-09 um 08.30.46
The Zeiss teaser at Zeiss Lens Russia (here on Facebook).

We got a confirmation that Zeiss has scheduled a product announcement event on April 14 at around 11am London time. It’s yet not 100% confirmed but it’s highly likely they will announce at least a new Batis 18mm lens!

Just least hope Zeiss will increase the production of all current Batis lenses too!
Batis 85mm in Stock status at [shopcountry 45791].
Batis 25mm in Stock status at [shopcountry 45790].


Sony Tidbits…


Sony A6300 vs A6000 comprehensive comparison and review

Sony with APS-C sensors-will they ever be obsolete? (SonyAlphaForum).
Master E Mount lens list from PMRphoto.
2016 January Cipa report: Digital camera sales dropped by 20%! (Mirrorlessrumors).
Cactus V6 Mk II S promises Sony users the abilty to shoot with almost any brand of flashgun – off-camera and HSS (Amateur Photographer).
Sony’s RX10 III is an impressive but overly expensive camera (Engadget).
70-200mm f/2.8 an unbelievable mess on the Amazon (SonyAlphaForum).
