The mirrorless protoype shaped like a DSLR from Sony (2014)
Before the A6500 announcement a first time source sent me the info about the A6500 camera and I posted it with low SR2 ranking. Of course now we know the rumor turned out to be correct.
Now he shared some info about the possible new High End E-mount camera from Sony. Please note that there is yet no guarantee he is right on those rumors too. But at least the info is more “Likely” to be true:
- The camera under development seems to have 2 models.
One is high-resolution model around 70MP, and the other is super high-performance AF, super high speed continuous shooting, and super high ISO sensitivity model.
- The first model to be released will be the low rez and super high-performance AF camera
- I don’t know whether both models are released like α7, 7R or A9.
- Many professional photographers introduce Emount, and Sony receives many requests from professional photographers through PRO support. High-end Emount camera (probably α9) will become the camera in response to the demand of professional photographers.
- The camera with lower resolution sensor is very fast and has in its prototype stage shoots around 20 fps
From other trusted sources we know this: The new High End camera has unlimited RAW buffer time, dual memory card slot (probably dual SD and not the dual XQD version as reported 1 year ago), and a larger than A7rII body. Also the model with Lower Megapixel count and higher FPS seems to be the one that will be announced first.
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Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!