Sony a99 Mk II Review (vs a7R II, Canon 5D Mk IV, Nikon D810)


Tony & Chelsea Northrup do think this is kind of the ultimate camera. The real issue Tony has with the camera is the uncertain future of A-mount. Also ePhotozine published their A99II review and do conclude:

Sony last announced new Sony A mount lenses in 2015, which were updates to existing lenses. Sony seem to be more committed to releasing lenses for the Sony FE mount, with new full-frame lenses announced for that system regularly. Yes, the A99-II is an excellent camera, and if you have a collection of lenses for the system, then it would make an excellent upgrade from the A99, but considering Sony’s focus on their mirrorless camera system, it’s difficult to see a long and prosperous future for Sony’s A-mount. 

Sony A99II at [shopcountry 56569].

Note: I want to stress that Sony confirmed once again that A-mount is here to stay :)


Entaniya Fisheye 250 E on Sony a6500 Back to Back creates perfect 360 degree videos


Entapano posted a series of video he shot with the new Entaniya Fisheye 250 E lens. You can find those video here: Keep in mind that once you play the video you have to drag and drop with your mouse cursor to move around.

Now if you want that lens things are a tiny bit complicated: You have to buy the MFT mount lens (here on Adorama) and then buy the official Entaniya Sony E mount Adaptor for MFT 250 Lenses (again here at Adorama).

The official lens site can be found at


New Zeiss Batis 135mm test by Lisa Beaney


Lisa Beaney tested the new Batis 135mm lens:

The lens is a 2.8 lens and not a 1.8 or 1.4 as I know some people were hoping for. I don’t think this would present a problem in the real world and to be honest I’d much rather have a camera/lens combination that feels nicely balanced when I hold it ! 
The focus with the lens was fast and accurate and when I switched to manual focussing the focus ring was very smooth and easy to use. If you are using this lens for filming then you can have very smooth focus adjustments.

One more news she shares:

I know that Zeiss have but more resource in to their manufacturing after the success of the Batis 85mm lens so hopefully there won’t be quite as many delays in getting hold of it.

So hopefully we won’t say the many months shipment delay we had in the past!

And here are new Batis 135mm tests: Dustin Abbott (and video on youtube), PCmag, Lensrentals, The full PDF spec sheet with MTF graph is now available here:

New Batis Preorders:
Zeiss Batis 135mm f/2.8 lens at Adorama, Bhphoto, PhotoPorstNeuwied and ParkCameras.
Zeiss Batis 135mm lens shade at Adorama and Bhphoto.


Sony Tidbits…


Casey Neistat switched from the A7sII to the A6500

How Aspect Ratios Affect the Look of Your Pictures (Explora).
Unsharp images from A3000 using self timer and studio strobe (SonyAlphaForum).
FAQ: What is a Macro Lens? (Adorama Learning Center).
Tokina FiRIN f/2 FE MF Review (CameraaJabber).

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Jimmy:Here’s a video I did comparing the Sony A7rII, canon 5DSR and Leaf credo 50 on image quality, noise, handling and dynamic range.

Fivepin:Good morning Photo Enthusiasts, I would like to share my latest accessory review with you on the Sirui EP – 204s. As a guy who owns 6 tripods and no Monopods I figured it was time to remedy that. Sometimes you need one of these because the footprint they use is much smaller than a full tripod. These are great for any social events where there are lots of people that can accidentally bump your gear and ruin your shots. Also they make great external mic or flash stands. To take a closer look at this monopod you can check out my Review here:


Sony 100mm STF lens is in Stock at Adorama and BHphoto. Hot Rokionon 14mm FE deal still running!


The new Sony 100mm STF GM lens is now back in Stock at Adorama and Bhphoto. The new 85mm FE lens will be in Stock next week at BHphotoAdorama, Amazon, and FocusCamera.

What’s also super hot at the moment is that Rokinon 14mm Full Frame E-mount autofocus lens for $499 only directly from Amazon US (Click here). And the Open Box Rokinon 50mm f/1.4 FE autofocus lens sells also for $499 on eBay (sold directly by Rokinon).

New Batis Preorders:
Zeiss Batis 135mm f/2.8 lens at Adorama and Bhphoto.
Zeiss Batis 135mm lens shade at Adorama and Bhphoto.


Sigma CEO Kazuto Yamaki confirms their new FE lenses will have brand new optical designs!



Imaging Resource just published the full interview with Sigma CEO Kazuto Yamaki. And there is good news folks: He confirmed that their FE lenses are newly designed from scratch and not some current [shoplink 57129]Sigma DSLR lens[/shoplink] recycled as E-mount. This means the lens will be optimized for Sony High Resolution cameras and possibly smaller than their DSLR lenses :)

Here is what he exactly said about that:

It’s possible to make the native E-mount [lens] using the existing glass, but all of our existing lens is not designed for mirrorless. So when you’re designing [a new lens], you can’t easily take an existing lens design [from another mount] and put a little bit deeper mount on it, so that it’s at the right distance for the Sony flange-back distance.

I really can’t wait the day they will launch ART lenses for the FF E-mount! Check out their ART lenses at: [shopcountry 57129]. It’s all High Quality Glad for a relatively affordable price.

A while ago we asked our readers which lens Sigma should make first:

Choose the three FE lenses Sigma should make as first:

View Results

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(SR1) A couple of crazy clickbait :) rumors about the RX1RIII and A7rIII


Before we move on to some more “serious” rumors I want to share this:
With such an important Sony announcement ahead, I obviously keep receiving some crazy or improbable rumors too.  It’s highly unlikely these rumors will become true…although from time to time it happens!  But let’s share some love for highly potential Clickbait Rumors :)

So this is what I got the last couple of days:

Source named “Zorro”:

“The Sony A7R MK3 will have a 63 megapixel sensor.
Sony will introduce a new flagship cine camera (still below the F65) with internal X-OCN raw recording in April 2017.”


Source named “St….”:

The new compact camera WW620081 is the RX1RM3.

– Faster operation
– 4k Video
– Improved finder (similar to Leica Q quality)

42 MP will remain the same.


Source named “D….”:

Sony will make a special camera for drones having 24mp BSI sensor

message for source: I am not testing you.  I got this via an anonymous message form  another source too!

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