This week SAR readers photos selection


Pierluigi De Rubertis with Chiara Melì.
Melì & Pier con Nevena Gicevic @ WAVE Managementt
Shot on A7RII with Sony-Zeiss lens

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3) A selection of most liked pictures by the community and by me SAR admin will be posted weekly on SAR.

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Zeiss Batis 135mm vs Sigma 135mm size comparison


[shoplink 57167][/shoplink] via CameraSize

As you can see from the image above the size different between the new Sony A7rII + [shoplink 57167]Batis 135mm f/2.8[/shoplink] and the Canon 5Dr + [shoplink 57168]Sigma 135mm f/1.8[/shoplink] are small.

In Zeiss defense we have to add: The Batis has weather sealing, in lens stabilization and more importantly it weights almost half as much as the Sigma!

Zeiss Batis 135mm f/2.8 lens at Adorama, Bhphoto, PhotoPorstNeuwied and ParkCameras.
Zeiss Batis 135mm lens shade at Adorama and Bhphoto.


Sony Tidbits…


Sigma 150-600mm F5-6.3 Contemporary Review on Sony A7RM2 | John Sison

Let’s Talk: Visual Arts and Activism (School of Visual Arts)
6 Tips For Getting Better Skin Tones In Video (Sony Alpha Cameras) by Harv Video.
Best Cameras for Teenagers (Adorama Learning Center).
a6000 and photographing in the snow (SonyAlphaForum).
Vintage Lens Review: Non-Retrofocus Ultra-Wide-Angle Lenses (Explora).

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Still hot: Rokinon 14mm FE autofocus lens for $499 and A7 camera bundles with free Lightroom.


Most of these Sony A7 camera bundles deals will en on April 8th:

Sony A7rII:
Free Lightroom 6 with the A7rII sold by Amazon and Adorama.
Various A7rII kits with free grip and cards at Amazon and Adorama.
Free 2 Terabyte USB 3.0 drive with the A7rII sold by BHphoto.
Free Adobe Creative Cloud 12-Month Subscription with the A7rII sold by BHphoto.

Sony A7sII:
Various A7sII kits with free grip and cards at Amazon and Adorama.
Free Rode VideoMic with the A7sII sold by BHphoto.
Free Bag and SD card with the A7sII sold by BHphoto.

Sony A7II:
Various A7II kits with free grip and cards at Amazon and Adorama.
Free bad, SD card and battery witht he A7II sold by BHphoto.

Sony A6500/6300:
Free bad, SD card and battery witht he A6500 sold by BHphoto.
Free bad, SD card and battery witht he A6300 sold by BHphoto.

What’s also super hot at the moment is that Rokinon 14mm Full Frame E-mount autofocus lens for $499 only directly from Amazon US (Click here).

New Batis Preorders:
Zeiss Batis 135mm f/2.8 lens at Adorama and Bhphoto.
Zeiss Batis 135mm lens shade at Adorama and Bhphoto.
