This is why you should be excited about the soon to be announced new Sigma FE lens!!!


Our trusted sources told us that Sigma will announce the first FE lens this summer. And it will be a new 35mm f/1.4 FE autofocus lens. And Sigma will also another zoom FE lens shortly after. And why is this exciting news? Because Sigma makes lenses that are on par or even better than the bets Zeiss Otus lenses for a price that is 3-4 times less. One more proof of that is the new Sigma 135mm f/1.8 lens. The very severe reviewers from Photozone tested the lens and wrote:

In our review of the Sigma 85mm f/1.4 HSM DG ART we were pretty much stunned by its quality. However, the Sigma 135mm f/1.8 HSM DG ART tops that. Those who have followed us over the years know that we don’t easily come up with superlatives but this time it’s hard to avoid them really. The Sigma lens is the best lens that we have tested so far.

The new Sigma FE autofocus lenses will NOT be adapted DSLR lenses. These will be from ground up newly designed lenses. And if they will be as good as their current ART lens lineup it will make the Sony E-mount system much more attractive.a

Sigma 135mm f/1.8 store links: [shopcountry 59635].


Sony Tidbits…


Tokina 20mm F2 FiRIN Lens Review | John Sison

3 Recommended Camera Cases For Checked Luggage (ALC).
Sony FE 100mm f/2.8 STF GM OSS Review (Photographyblog).
Zeiss Batis 135mm f/2.8 Apo Sonnar T* Review (ePhotozine).
Sony RX100 V Review (Imaging Resource).
NAB 2017: Atomos Sumo Enters the Ring (Explora)

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To get news from our Forum subscribe that RSS feed.
To write a guest post on SAR follow the instruction on that page
I kindly invite you all to follow our RSS feed, follow us on Facebook and Twitter to not miss news and rumors!

We have our own Facebook camera groups and pages you can join to discuss the upcoming new cameras in detail:
Sony A9 group and Sony A9 page.
Sony A7rIII group and Sony A7rIII page
Sony A7sIII group and Sony A7sIII page
Sony A7III group and Sony A7sIII page
Note: In groups you can post your own stuff like images, news and questions. While on pages you will read the specific camera news from SAR.


First $100 price drop on the A6500


Yesterday Sony US launched new savings on many cameras and lenses (overview at BHphoto). I missed to highlight that for the first time there is a price drop on the A6500 too! You save $100 on the body only at Amazon, BHphoto and Adorama. You save even more if you buy the kit options.

More savings:
$200 off on the A7rII at Amazon, BHphoto and Adorama.
$100 off on the A7sII at Amazon, BHphoto and Adorama.
$50 off on the A7II at Amazon, BHphoto and Adorama.
$50 off on the A7 at Amazon, BHphoto and Adorama



$350 off on the Vello Canon EF and Nikon F autofocus E-mount adapters!


Today only you save $350(!!!) on the Vello Canon EF and Nikon F autofocus E-mount adapters sold by BHphoto (Click here).
And Save up to 25% on select SanDisk memory products at Amazon (Click here).
There is also a Gold Box on the Neewer GN40 TTL Flash for Sony at Amazon (Click here).

And we have a $1,000 mail in rebate on the Sony PXW-FS5 sold by BHphoto and Adorama.

You save up to $500 on Sony E-mount camera and lenses sold by BHphoto (Click here to see the full list). The great camera savings are back in USA:
$200 off on the A7rII at Amazon, BHphoto and Adorama.
$100 off on the A7sII at Amazon, BHphoto and Adorama.
$50 off on the A7II at Amazon, BHphoto and Adorama.
$50 off on the A7 at Amazon, BHphoto and Adorama.
$100off on the A6500 at Amazon, BHphoto and Adorama.


(SR4) First info on the A7rIII says it has around 60+ Megapixels. Will not be released for 3-4 months


Name for the new Sony High Megapixel camera is still unclear yet: A9r or A7rIII?

Back on March 8 we did post an A9 and A9r (or A7rIII) rumor from a reliable source. The A9 info he shared proved to be correct. This means his info about the A9r or A7rII shared BEFORE the A9 launch is correct too:

  • The camera under development seems to have 2 models. One is high-resolution model around 60-70MP, and the other is super high-performance AF, super high speed continuous shooting, and super high ISO sensitivity model. (SAR note: One is obviously the new A9 and one is the new A7rIII or A9r).
  • The first model to be released will be the low rez and super high-performance AF camera

Recently another trusted source confirmed he got similar info:

  1. The new A7rIII (or A9r) will have more Megapixels than the A7rII (probably around 60 MP)
  2. Will not be released soon (not within 3-4 months).

The only reason why I am yet not ready to rank this rumor SR5 is that because Sony might make some last-minute changes. I hope to get some more A9r or A7rIII info soon. In the meantime join us here:
Sony A7rIII group and Sony A7rIII page (I will change the group name to “A9r” if the camera will be named A9r)

Note: I updated this post with a correction on the release time and an upgrade from SR3 to SR4 (as I got one more info from a third source in the meantime).

To not miss any rumor quickly subscribe our social network:
RSS feed:

If you have some “rumor” to share just send me an anonymous messages here:
at or use the contact form you see on the right top of this site.

Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!



Sony A9 with overheating test with new firmware


ThatCameraGuy tested the new 1.01 A9 firmware. And as suspected it doesn’t fix the overheating itself. But it delays the overheating indicator warning time so that it doesn’t appear 10 minutes before the actual shutdown. Note that most people will not keep the camera all time on a 90 Degree Fahrenheit (32 Degree Celsius) hot day under direct sunlight and always on. Moreover even if you do it you will not let the camera standing alone. But you will cover it somehow with your hands while operating the camera, and also make some shadow with your body. Also note that it seems like having the battery grip completely solves the problem!

Sony has still not re-published the new firmware on their support site.

One more overheating test with new firmware by Ron Simon:

The Angry Photographer also tested the A9 overheating problem. He got no issue at all:

Sony A9:
Sony A9 at BHphoto,Ā Adorama, Amazon, BestBuy. FocusCamera. Park UK. Wex UK. Jessops.
Sony A9 with Grip Extension Kit at BHphoto, Adorama and Amazon.
Note: US readers preordering the A9 at BHphoto or Adorama using our links (and our affiliated links only!) have a chance to win a Sony A9.

And the fastest SD cards are now in Stock:
Sony SF-G 128GB: BHphoto, Adorama,Ā Amazon. In EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, AmazonFR, AmazonIT, AmazonES.
Sony SF-G 64GB: BHphoto, Adorama,Ā Amazon. In EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, AmazonFR, AmazonIT, AmazonES.
Sony SF-G 32GB: BHphoto, Adorama, Amazon.

The new Sony FE lenses preorders:
16-35mm GM at Bhphoto, Adorama, BestBuy, Focus and Amazon. In EU at Calumet DE, WexUK, Jessops.
12-24mm G at Bhphoto, Adorama, BestBuy, Focus and Amazon. In EU at Calumet DE, WexUK, Jessops.
Sony 100-400mm GM atĀ BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama, BestBuy. Park UK. Wex UK. Jessops.


Sony Tidbits…


Sony FE 85mm f/1.8 Video AutoFocus Tests on a7R II a6500 4K

Sony RX10 III as a portrait camera (joerghaag).
Samyang 14mm FE AF review by hrimages.
Sony Pro Support? Former Liar? – FAQ Fridays 002 (Jason Vong).
Sony 85mm 1.8 FE review (Watkeysphoto)
Mirrorless vs DSLR Cameras (Tony Northrup)
Lenses to take on trip from Budapest to Amsterdam (SonyAlphaForum).
Wild About Wildflowers (ALC).
Top Tips for Shooting in Extreme Conditions (Explora)

Join the new Sony Alpha Camera Facebook group.
To get news from our Forum subscribe that RSS feed.
To write a guest post on SAR follow the instruction on that page
I kindly invite you all to follow our RSS feed, follow us on Facebook and Twitter to not miss news and rumors!

We have our own Facebook camera groups and pages you can join to discuss the upcoming new cameras in detail:
Sony A9 group and Sony A9 page.
Sony A7rIII group and Sony A7rIII page
Sony A7sIII group and Sony A7sIII page
Sony A7III group and Sony A7sIII page
Note: In groups you can post your own stuff like images, news and questions. While on pages you will read the specific camera news from SAR.
