Sony will launch the 135mm and a 400mm prime lens this summer. Will you buy them?


Batis 135mm f/2.8 vs the [shoplink 48572]Zeiss 135mm f/1.8 A-mount[/shoplink] (CameraSize)

While we have to wait til fall to get the new A7III Summer is still going to be exciting with the launch of the new 135mm and 400mm FE lenses. I still have no 100% confirmation on the aperture but the 135mm is likely to get a f/1.8 aperture while the 400mm should be f/2.8.

I will definitely buy the new 135mm FE (I loved the A-mount Zeiss version). So the question for you is:

Which lens are you going to buy?

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Oh and one more thing: New Sigma and Zeiss FE lenses are coming too ;)

Follow our RSS feed, follow us on Facebook and Twitter to not miss any news and rumors about the new Sony-Zeiss-Sigma announcements!
Andrea (SAR editor)


Sony Tidbits…


Customizing AF using the Sony a9 Recall Custom Hold option

A Look At The New Sony FE 100mm f/2.8 STM GM OSS With Smooth Trans Focus (Lensrentals).
5 Photos You Haven’t Taken…Yet (ALC).
How to take Sunset pictures (SonyAlphaForum).
My Sony a6500 Got Soaked (ThatCameraGuy).
How to Back up all Your Family Photos to One Drive (Explora)
In the Field with the Tokina FíRIN 20mm f/2 FE MF lens (Allan Weitz).

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Ivan:I’ve make a user report about using Sony A7R camera for fashion photography

Ernst:With the latest update of playmemories you are now able to download your pictures from your Sony camera to your phone or tablet without telling Sony your exact GPS location. This app is finally usable again. Thank you Sony!



Full Sony A9 review at Dpreview: “a fantastic and highly capable camera”


Dpreview just posted the full Sony A9 review. The camera earned a Gold Award:

While we’ve seen that there are still trade-offs versus high-end DSLRs, the Sony a9 is a fantastic and highly capable camera, and the fact that it’s comparable to those DSLRs speaks volumes. The Nikon D5 and Canon EOS-1D X II are both the result of decades of research and experience, and the fact that Sony has arrived with the a9 less than four years after creating its first full-frame mirrorless camera is nothing to be sneezed at.
If you’re drawn to the ideas of silent operation and a compact package (with the right lenses) and yet you have a need for the type of speed the a9 offers, you won’t be disappointed.

Good job Sony! Now bring on the new A7III, A7rIII and A7sIII :)

Sony A9:
Sony A9 at BHphotoAdorama, Amazon, BestBuy. FocusCamera. Park UK. Wex UK. Jessops.
Sony A9 with Grip Extension Kit at BHphoto, Adorama and Amazon.

And the fastest SD cards are now in Stock:
Sony SF-G 128GB: BHphoto, AdoramaAmazon. In EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, AmazonFR, AmazonIT, AmazonES.
Sony SF-G 64GB: BHphoto, AdoramaAmazon. In EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, AmazonFR, AmazonIT, AmazonES.
Sony SF-G 32GB: BHphoto, Adorama, Amazon.

The new Sony FE lenses preorders:
16-35mm GM at Bhphoto, Adorama, BestBuy, Focus and Amazon. In EU at Calumet DE, WexUK, Jessops.
12-24mm G at Bhphoto, Adorama, BestBuy, Focus and Amazon. In EU at Calumet DE, WexUK, Jessops.
Sony 100-400mm GM at BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama, BestBuy. Park UK. Wex UK. Jessops.



(SR5) A7III specs confirmed and it has the A9 joystick too


Good news folks. A second trusted source (Thanks!) confirmed the validity of the rumor we posted two days ago. The A7III is coming this fall and he adds:

a7mk3 is on the way. 24mpx with improved af system, touch screen, joystick (like a9) and 4k recording. Its on the roadmap after 135mm and 400mm (this two lens are very likely to be announced together).

So to sum up these are the A7III specs:

– New 24 MP sensor
– First source said it hs “Same Sony A9 autofocus system without the 20fps feature”. Second source said it’s “improved AF system”. Hope they mean both the same thing.
– Touch Screen
– Joystick control
– 4K recording
– Launch this fall

A few speculations about the A7III:
We don’t know yet if the A7III 24MP sensor is the same as the A9. My guess is that it’s not also because we know it doesn’t have the 20fps electronic shutter feature. In some way this could be good news as the sensor would be trimmed for Image Quality instead of Speed.
Also we don’t know if the A7III will have the same A9 body. My guess is that it will have the bigger battery but that it will not have the dual SD slot.

What about the A7rIII and A7sIII?
I have no info about the announcement time but it sounds more and more likely those two cameras will be announced in 2018. The A7rIII will have a new 60+ MP sensor. I still have no info about the A7sIII.

What about the new FE lenses?
The new 135mm FE and 400mm FE lenses are likely to be announced this summer. I also heard about a third new FE lens coming this fall.

We have our own Facebook camera groups and pages you can join to discuss the upcoming new cameras in detail:
Sony A9 group and Sony A9 page.
Sony A7rIII group and Sony A7rIII page
Sony A7sIII group and Sony A7sIII page
Sony A7III group and Sony A7III page
Note: In groups you can post your own stuff like images, news and questions. While on pages you will read the specific camera news from SAR.

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Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!



Disappointing news: The new Sony Firmware update did not fix the Star Eater bug


SAR reader Benjamin sent me this:

It seems the “star eater” bug is not fixed. Preliminary findings indicate, that the Sony algorithm now processes both green channels at once instead of seperately. This slightly reduces the overall filtering effect, but also seems to cause a green color cast on the smallest stars.
The details are discussed in these two threads:

Also John Leathwick confirmed on an article written for PetaPixel:

When Sony made their firmware announcement last week with promises of improved image quality for long exposures, many of us thought that this problem might at last have been addressed. However, slowly the evidence began to build that this was not the case – in my own testing of night-sky photos taken with the new firmware, the number of stars detected by the freely available image stacking software DeepSkyStacker is 70% lower in 5 second exposures than in 2.5 second exposures; visual comparison of these images shows the removal or dimming of many of the smaller stars once exposures are four seconds or longer.

Disappointing. Now let’s hope Sony will take quick action on this matter!
