SAR reader Federico sent me this:
Mr. Kenta Honjo, famous marketing guy from Sony Electronics in San Diego, CA. has just moved away from Sony to take a new position as Product Marketing Manager at RED, the revolutionary cine/video camera company, also in California.
Kenta has been notorious for his role in many YouTube and Sony’s own social media channel videos, always explaining with great detail new products. He also was instrumental in Sony’s marketing of the new RX and especially the Alpha line of cameras in the USA, which was actually critical for Sony to have a true global success with their mirrorless models, especially since so many consumers, fans, photographers, bloggers/vloggers and Pros hold the US market as a reference for the industry, online retailing, pricing, product evaluations and for influencers as well.
Having worked at Sony myself, I have to say I’m rather surprised by his move, by I suspect his career outlook wasn’t in symmetrical proportion to his outstanding efforts and more than multiple responsibilities in P.R., social media, event planning, marketing & business analysis (historically a very demanding job within Sony to the point of requiring dedicated people due to the sheer amount of data collected monthly), especially considering the rate of business growth and pace of model announcements.
Anyhow, I thought I’d mention it since the guy’s so recognizable from all of his participation in product launches, events and social media.
He’s a great and hard working guy, so I know he’ll do great at RED, and it’ll be a loss for Sony.
My thoughts on this: I liked Kenta and I will surely miss him.