This is the 100-400mm GM lens. The 400mm FE will be bigger!
Some time I ago I reported about Sony developing a new 400mm lens. I ams still uncertain about the aperture of the lens (f/2.8 or f/4.0). I got some more feedback from sources and it seems the lens is likely to be announced sometimes in Q3 (July-August-September). Some of you might wonder why this lens wasn’t announced along the A9. I have no answer from my sources but my guess is that Sony first wanted to see how the response to the A9 was.
So to recap the lenses we can expect to be announced by Sony:
135mm FE GM: probably f/1.8. No image stabilization but it is weather sealed. To be announced this year.
400mm FE: To be announced in Q3. Weather sealed.
I also got first “hints” about other FE lenses but I am trying to get some specifics before to post them on SAR. But as we rumored earlier this year…2017 will be definitely the year of lenses! While 2018 is rumored to be more of a FE camera lens year too :)
Note: Since October all our lens rumors proved to be correct (Click on the lens name to read the rumor): 100mm STF, budget 85mm, 100-400mm FE, 16-35mm GM. Thanks sources!
The new Sony FE lenses preorders:
16-35mm GM at Bhphoto, Adorama, BestBuy, Focus and Amazon. In EU at Calumet DE, WexUK, Jessops.
12-24mm G at Bhphoto, Adorama, BestBuy, Focus and Amazon. In EU at Calumet DE, WexUK, Jessops.
Sony 100-400mm GM at BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama, BestBuy. Calumet.de. Park UK. Wex UK. Jessops.
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Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!