Sony savings on Sony A9 and A7 cameras (with free extras)


On most of the Sony A7 and A9 cameras you get free extras too.

Trade-in deals:
Up to $500 trade-in credit for the Sony A9-A7 at Adorama, Bhphoto and BuyDig.

New Camera savings:
$200 off and free extras on the A7rII at Adorama, BHphoto and Amazon.
$200 off on the A7sII at Adorama, BHphoto and Amazon.
$100 off on the A7II at Adorama, BHphoto and Amazon.
$100 off on the A7 at Adorama, BHphoto and Amazon.

New Lens and accessory savings:
$100 off on the 16-35mm f/4.0 Zeiss lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$100 off on the 24-70mm f/4.0 Zeiss lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$100 off on the 24-240mm lens at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.
$25 off on the Sony 28mm FE lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$50 off on the Sony 28-70mm FE lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$100 off on the 28-135mm PZ lens at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.
$100 off on the Zeiss 35mm f/1.4 lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$100 off on the Zeiss 35mm f/2.8 lens at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.
$100 off on the Zeiss 5omm f/1.4 lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$50 off on the Sony 50mm FE f/1.8 lens at Adorama, BHphoto, Amazon, Focuscamera.
$50 off on the Sony 50mm macro at BHphoto, Adorama and Amazon.
$100 off on the Zeiss 55mm f/1.8 lens at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.
$100 off on the 70-200mm G lens at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.
$100 off on the 70-300mm lens at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.
$100 off on the 90mm macro lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$50 off on the Sony Fisheye Conversion Lens for FE 28mm F/2 at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$50 off on the Sony Ultra-Wide Conversion Lens for FE 28mm F/2 at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$50 off on the LA-EA3 A-mount adapter at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto.
$50 off on the LA-EA3 A-mount adapter at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto.
$50 off on the HVL-F43M at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto.
$100 off on the HVL-F60M at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto.
$50 off on the Sony VGC1EM Vertical Grip at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto.
$50 off on the Sony VGC2EM Vertical Grip at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto.
$50 off on the Sony ECM-CG60 at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto.
$50 off on the Sony RX100 underwater housing at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto.


What’s up next from Zeiss, Samyang, Tokina and Sigma…



Sony is rumored to launch at least a new 135mm and a 400mm FE lens. And maybe (unconfirmed!) a new 16mm f/1.4 APS-C E-mount lens too. But also four more companies are rumored to launch new E-mount lenses:

Tokina will release two Firin lenses (Super Wide and a fast wide FE autofocus lens) by end 2017.
Samyang will release one or two wide angle autofocus FE lenses in 2017 (article here).
Zeiss next FE lenses may be announced by end of this year.
Sigma will launch their first FE lenses by very end of this year (35mm f/1.4 FE and a FE zooms some times later)

Nice :)


Sony Tidbits…


Day & Night – Timelapse with Laowa 15mm f/2 FE Zero-D, the widest rectilinear f/2 lens

JB Camera Designs Sony a9 Grip Case Pro Review (HelloMikee).
Video explaining modifiers for the Godox AD200 – Shot with A&r and 85mm f1.8
Sony Alpha Camera Hacks (For Video)
8 Great Full-Frame Cameras for 2017 (ALC).
Aputure LS-Mini20 (daylight version), NAB 2017 measurement using CV600, Russian Lab processing (Personal View).
Time-Lapse Tips and Tools (Explora).

We have our own Facebook camera groups and pages you can join to discuss the upcoming new cameras in detail:
Sony A9 group and Sony A9 page.
Sony A7rIII group and Sony A7rIII page
Sony A7sIII group and Sony A7sIII page
Sony A7III group and Sony A7III page
Note: In groups you can post your own stuff like images, news and questions. While on pages you will read the specific camera news from SAR.


This week SAR readers photos selection


Alexander Ragginer
“Drei Zinnen- Tre Cime di Lavaredo”
Ein Ort den man gesehen haben muss😍
Wunderschöne Sonnenuntergangsstimmung🌄📸

1) Submit your picture with a message and picture here: or on the SonyAlphaForum image section.
2) Like and comment the pictures from other readers here: and on SonyAlphaForum.
3) A selection of most liked pictures by the community and by me SAR admin will be posted weekly on SAR.

Note: When sending a pic feel free to also add a link to your site to promote yourself!

Read more

Sony 16-35mm GM reviews by Imaging Resource and Colby Brown


We have two reviews of the new 16-35mm lens:

Imaging Resource writes:

I was very impressed with the FE 16-35mm f/2.8 despite the limited time I had with it. On both the Sony A7R II and the A9 it focused extremely quickly and with pinpoint accuracy while delivering extremely sharp photos with beautiful bokeh. This is most certainly a lens to be excited about when it releases later this year.

Colby Brown writes:

After using the Sony 16-35 f/2.8 GM this summer in Iceland and finally getting my own copy just before I published this review, I think it is safe to say that Sony knocked it out of the park with this lens. In a relatively small light body, they managed to pack in a ton of optical quality into this lens. Not only it is incredibly sharp corner to corner, but the images that come out of this lens are simply gorgeous. Between the bokeh, contrast and texture detail…there is a lot to love.

Lens store links: [shopcountry 60804].
