New Adata 290 MB/s SD card is a $70 cheaper Sony SF-G alternative


If the new Sony SF-G cards are still too expensive for you than look here: The new Adata cards are now in Stock at Amazon US (Click here). In Europe at Amazon DE and Amazon UK.

Trade-in deals:
Up to $500 trade-in credit for the Sony A9-A7 at Adorama, Bhphoto and BuyDig.

New Camera savings:
$200 off and free extras on the A7rII at Adorama, BHphoto and Amazon.
$200 off on the A7sII at Adorama, BHphoto and Amazon.
$100 off on the A7II at Adorama, BHphoto and Amazon.
$100 off on the A7 at Adorama, BHphoto and Amazon.

New Lens and accessory savings:
$100 off on the 16-35mm f/4.0 Zeiss lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$100 off on the 24-70mm f/4.0 Zeiss lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$100 off on the 24-240mm lens at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.
$25 off on the Sony 28mm FE lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$50 off on the Sony 28-70mm FE lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$100 off on the 28-135mm PZ lens at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.
$100 off on the Zeiss 35mm f/1.4 lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$100 off on the Zeiss 35mm f/2.8 lens at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.
$100 off on the Zeiss 5omm f/1.4 lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$50 off on the Sony 50mm FE f/1.8 lens at Adorama, BHphoto, Amazon, Focuscamera.
$50 off on the Sony 50mm macro at BHphoto, Adorama and Amazon.
$100 off on the Zeiss 55mm f/1.8 lens at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.
$100 off on the 70-200mm G lens at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.
$100 off on the 70-300mm lens at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.
$100 off on the 90mm macro lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$50 off on the Sony Fisheye Conversion Lens for FE 28mm F/2 at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$50 off on the Sony Ultra-Wide Conversion Lens for FE 28mm F/2 at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$50 off on the LA-EA3 A-mount adapter at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto.
$50 off on the LA-EA3 A-mount adapter at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto.
$50 off on the HVL-F43M at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto.
$100 off on the HVL-F60M at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto.
$50 off on the Sony VGC1EM Vertical Grip at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto.
$50 off on the Sony VGC2EM Vertical Grip at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto.
$50 off on the Sony ECM-CG60 at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto.
$50 off on the Sony RX100 underwater housing at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto.


Glimpse into the future: Sony working on organic sensor with “foveon” alike tech


A newly published Sony patent discloses what might become the future of sensors in a couple of years:

1) It describes an organic sensor (it uses organic semiconductor material to capture photons)
2) Every pixel has three layers of organic material. One top it captures the green light information, below it the Blue and at the bottom the Red light.

So basically this is a more advanced version of Sigma’s Foveon tech. Sony writes:

“Since the chrominance signal, R, G, and B, of 3 colors is acquired by each light-receiving part, a high resolution image is generable by high sensitivity. “

In short the advanatages are:

1) Every pixel contains nearly 100% of the color information
2) Compared to traditional Bayer layout sensors you can a) have much larger pixels at same resolution or b) Much higher resolution at same pixel size.

I guess it will take a couple of years before we see this on a real Sony photocamera.

via Hi Lows Note


Sony Tidbits…


Godox V860ii – Sony a6500 W/Samyang 35mm f2.8 AF, Magmod. Studio shoot on a budget

Camera Comparison: What’s the Best Full Frame Camera Under $2000? 5DIII vs. 6DII vs. a7II (TheSlantedLens).
75mm f/1.5 Biotar test at Streetsilhouettes.
Ethical Photography: Where Do We Go From Here? (Luminous Landscape).
4 Ideas for Your Geotagged Images (Explora).
Sony a9 + Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 ART + MC-11 Photo AutoFocus Test (Jason Vong).
FAQ: How To Clean Camera Lenses (ALC).

We have our own Facebook camera groups and pages you can join to discuss the upcoming new cameras in detail:
Sony A9 group and Sony A9 page.
Sony A7rIII group and Sony A7rIII page
Sony A7sIII group and Sony A7sIII page
Sony A7III group and Sony A7III page
Note: In groups you can post your own stuff like images, news and questions. While on pages you will read the specific camera news from SAR.




$100 off on the 85mm f/1.2 Speedmaster FE lens


If speed is what you are after you save $100 on this manual focusing 85mm f/1.2 Speedmaster FE lens sold by Amazon (Click here). It’s also $50 off at BHphoto.

Trade-in deals:
Up to $500 trade-in credit for the Sony A9-A7 at Adorama, Bhphoto and BuyDig.

New Camera savings:
$200 off and free extras on the A7rII at Adorama, BHphoto and Amazon.
$200 off on the A7sII at Adorama, BHphoto and Amazon.
$100 off on the A7II at Adorama, BHphoto and Amazon.
$100 off on the A7 at Adorama, BHphoto and Amazon.

New Lens and accessory savings:
$100 off on the 16-35mm f/4.0 Zeiss lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$100 off on the 24-70mm f/4.0 Zeiss lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$100 off on the 24-240mm lens at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.
$25 off on the Sony 28mm FE lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$50 off on the Sony 28-70mm FE lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$100 off on the 28-135mm PZ lens at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.
$100 off on the Zeiss 35mm f/1.4 lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$100 off on the Zeiss 35mm f/2.8 lens at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.
$100 off on the Zeiss 5omm f/1.4 lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$50 off on the Sony 50mm FE f/1.8 lens at Adorama, BHphoto, Amazon, Focuscamera.
$50 off on the Sony 50mm macro at BHphoto, Adorama and Amazon.
$100 off on the Zeiss 55mm f/1.8 lens at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.
$100 off on the 70-200mm G lens at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.
$100 off on the 70-300mm lens at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.
$100 off on the 90mm macro lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$50 off on the Sony Fisheye Conversion Lens for FE 28mm F/2 at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$50 off on the Sony Ultra-Wide Conversion Lens for FE 28mm F/2 at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$50 off on the LA-EA3 A-mount adapter at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto.
$50 off on the LA-EA3 A-mount adapter at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto.
$50 off on the HVL-F43M at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto.
$100 off on the HVL-F60M at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto.
$50 off on the Sony VGC1EM Vertical Grip at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto.
$50 off on the Sony VGC2EM Vertical Grip at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto.
$50 off on the Sony ECM-CG60 at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto.
$50 off on the Sony RX100 underwater housing at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto.



Nikon FF mirrorless: First lenses could be the 50mm f/0.9 and 35mm f/1.2


In 2018 Nikon will launch their first Full Frame mirrorless system camera(s). It will be the first real competitor of the Sony FE system. And to make a splash it seems like they are working on launching very fast primes lenses.

The Japanese website Hi Lows Note spotted the patent of a new 50mm f/0.9 and 35mm f/1.2 lens. There are no such Sony FE lenses yet and for sure this would help Nikon to get some “attention” from photographers. So my take for Sony…beat them and make such lenses too :)

via Mirrorlessrumors


(SR3) One trusted source: 90% chance to see new E-mount announcement within two weeks


Sony Tokyo center

One trusted source who shared many correct info in the past told me this:

After yesterday, it is now time for next announcement. It’s about E-mount mirrorless system now. Within next 2 weeks for 90%

But so far I could not confirm this rumor with other trusted sources. One second trusted source said that yes for sure there will be an announcement some time before the PhotoPlus show (end of October). But he had no idea if the announcement will be within 2 weeks or later. I hope to be able to give you more info within the next few days.

“SR3” ranking explained:
While the one source whom shared the rumor is surely a trusted one I only do rank the rumor SR3 because it has not been confirmed by another trusted source yet. For now I give it a 60% chance that there might be an E-mount announcement within 2 weeks.

One more thing:
I can now confirm that journalists from all over the world are in Tokyo for a meeting with Sony. Sony paid their tickets and hotels. But none of the journalists have been told there might be an announcement. It happens 1-2 times a year that Sony invites journalists for a factory tour or interviews. So it might be that we won’t see any announcement today or tomorrow.

What can we expect to be announced by Sony?
What we know from sources is that new FE lenses should be announced really soon (135mm and 400mm FE). While I don’t expect a new A7 camera to be announced this month but I might be (hopefully for you) wrong.

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Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!
