(SR5) Sony official invitation for “an exciting new camera”….but don’t get too excited, it might be camcorder only


Sony sent out this newsletter to PRO film makers teasing the launch of “an exciting new camera” at the NABshow on October 18. I do hope this use of the word “exciting” will not disappoint us when the camera get’s…”real”. It might as well be something for the professional camcorder market. So please keep your expectations low as we learned from the RX10IV announcement!

Moreover I told you before that there are likely two announcements! One at the NABshow and one at the Photoplus. Don’t know yet if the new A7sIII (still unconfirmed rumor) will be announced at NABshow or Photoplus. What’s sure is that Sony will still announce a camera within the next few weeks as it got registered already (via Nokishita):

Join the new Sony A7sIII facebook group.


Tested: RX0 at 1000fps


The new RX0 and RX10m4 cameras will start shipping out tomorrow. And this video shows how the RX0 1000fps looks like:


Wrote up my experience with the RX10IV and example pictures: http://www.maartentoner.net/filmmaking/gear/rx10-iv-set-phase-detection-on-stun/
And a short example of video with this crazy zoom:

Sony RX10m4 at Amazon, Bhphoto and Adorama.
RX0 at Amazon, Bhphoto and Adorama.


Sony Tidbits…


Shooting sports with the Sony A9 and Canon telephoto EF600mm f/4L IS

Laowa 60mm f2.8 ultra macro review by Mark Alhadeff.
Meyer-Optik-Goerlitz Trioplan 50mm f/2.9 Review (Photographyblog).
Announcing the Flowtech from Sachtler: A New Innovation in Video Tripod Legs (Explora).
DJI Ronin 2 – Full Length Review & Tutorial (Youtube).
Falcon Eyes RGB Led Light (Personal View).
Sei, No… A photographic journey through Japan (Lenspire).

We have our own Facebook camera groups and pages you can join to discuss the upcoming new cameras in detail:
Sony A9 group and Sony A9 page.
Sony A7rIII group and Sony A7rIII page
Sony A7sIII group and Sony A7sIII page
Sony A7III group and Sony A7III page
Note: In groups you can post your own stuff like images, news and questions. While on pages you will read the specific camera news from SAR.



This week SAR readers photos selection


Yuri Afanasiev‎
Heat in Moscow. a7R II + SEL90M28G | 90mm/ƒ/11/1/125s/ISO 160
Model Masha. Details on https://www.facebook.com/photoru.ru
My site: http://www.photoru.ru/

1) Submit your picture with a message and picture here: facebook.com/sonyalpharumors or on the SonyAlphaForum image section.
2) Like and comment the pictures from other readers here: facebook.com/sonyalpharumors/posts_to_page/ and on SonyAlphaForum.
3) A selection of most liked pictures by the community and by me SAR admin will be posted weekly on SAR.

Note: When sending a pic feel free to also add a link to your site to promote yourself!

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