Sony interview: “we are developing longer telephoto E-mount lenses”


The Polish site Optyczne posted the content of an interview with Sony. Here are some key highlights:

Rotating lCD screen on future E-mount cameras:
The A9 does not have the same A99II rotating LCD screen to keep size down. However, Sony said they “understand the needs of consumers and perhaps we will use another mechanism in the future.

Sony A9 touchscreen:
It would be possible to increase the touchscreen features on the a9 via firmware upgrade. But at the moment this is not a high priority.

Menu redesign:
Sony is listening to users feedback but for the moment you should not expect Sony to release a new menu design

Sony A-mount:
Sony promises to never stop the production of A-mount lenses. At the moment they think the current A-mount line up is well suited for photographers. While Sony’s E-mount lens line up need to be extended

Sony medium format:
We are currently not planing to launch a medium format system camera

Future Sony E-mount lenses:
Sony said “After launching α9, customers expect longer telephoto lenses and we intend to develop our offer step by step. What is not so easy because the user expectations are very high.”

3 layer sensor tech:
At present Sony does not plan to use 3 layer sensor tech in new models of cameras.


Fool me once (A7III) fool me twice (A7sIII) you will not fool me now (Oct 25 event)


The last 12 months I posted a long set of correct rumors (Just click on those link to read them: Sony A9, 100-400mm FE, 85mm FE, 100mm STF, 16-35mm GM, 135mm Batis).

But the last two announcement (Sept 12 and Oct 18) something happened with two sources whom shared some of the correct rumors I got in these last 12 months. Both sources shared the correct Sony press event date but also the wrong info on what would be announced (They said A7III and A7sIII ….but it was RX10m4 and a new camcorder). Although I never posted the a7III and A7sIII rumor with the highest SR5 rank it still is unusual for me to post two mistaken SR4 ranked rumors in row.

This drove me crazy and I spent day and night to figure out what happened. Long story short: For obvious privacy reason I cannot go into detail of this. But I think I figured out what went wrong and this kind of errors should happen much much less in future.

I apologize to my readers for my last two mistakes and I kindly ask you to understand that this was done in good faith.

But the October 25 event will hopefully cheer us all up. Like I told you yesterday the October 25 event is a synchronized worldwide event with photographers and journalists invited on different location (New York, London and so on) at the exact same time. I doubt Sony is doing all that buzz for nothing and we will hopefully get something a bit more exciting than just a RX10m4 or camcorder.

Thanks You!

Follow our RSS feed, follow us on Facebook and Twitter to not miss any news and rumors about the new Sony cameras and lenses.

The difference between SAR and other rumors sites: at net of my mistakes: Unlike all other sites I got a number of rumors right while they are not (see list on top). And even now I am the only one giving you the October 25 10am announcement date (with image proof). That news of course is now picked up by all other rumor sites without in many case to credit me. They always do it: shit on this site (perfectly legit in a free world) but at the same time take the information whenever they like without to credit.

Ranking rumor reminder: Rumors from SR1 up to SR3 are not from my usual “pot” of sources (and therefore non-reliable). Rumors from SR4 to SR5 usually are (SR4 being 70% reliable and SR5 being 90% reliable).


First time in Stock: the new RX10m4 at BHphoto


The new RX10m4 is in stock at BHphoto (Click here).

New deals and in Stock info:
You can finally preorder the new Rokinon 35mm f/1.4 FE lens for $799 at BHphoto (Click here). That’s exactly half the price of the Sony-Zeiss 35mm f/1.4 FE lens.
Voigtlander did just slash the price of the 65mm FE macro lens by $60. You get it now for $999 on Amazon and BHphoto.
The new Voigtlander 40mm f/1.2 FE lens is now in stock at Amazon and BHphoto.


This Sony October 25 announcement is of the same kind of the A9 announcement


On October 25 at 10am New York time Sony has the next press event. This is the fourth Sony announcement in less than two months (RX0 on August 31, RX10m4 on Sept 12 and the new camcorder this week).

But this October 25 event is entirely different from the previous three. Many photographers and bloggers around the world got invited in different locations at EXACTLY the same time of the New York event. This year we only had this kind of “synchronized” event for the Sony A9. New A7 camera(s) would be appropriate for such a major marketing work.  This time folks, we will get something more…”serious”.

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Macphun answer to Adobe Lightroom will be launched in 2018. And here is the first teaser video!


Pissed off by the fact that Adobe killed the Lightroom standalone version? Well we have good news to report. Macphun (Click here) shared to us this new teaser video of their new Digital Asset Management platform that will be launched in 2018!

After recent Adobe news about Lightroom updates, we received a lot of questions about our plans for creating a photo manager, so we’d like to shed some light on this.
At the moment we’re working on the digital asset manager (“DAM”) which will work with both hard drives and cloud storage platforms. It’s going to be a perfect tool for organizing and managing images. Moreover, users will be able to run it along with LR library to compare both DAMs side by side and choose which fits them better.
The new DAM will be added to Luminar in 2018, and will be a free update to everyone who owns Luminar 2018. We’ll be releasing more details soon.
In the meanwhile here’s a short video about the new DAM from Macphun:

More info will be posted soon here on SAR on November 1 :)

