Sony Tidbits…


Fantasea FA6500 Underwater Housing Review

ZEISS Unveils High-Speed DSLR Lens: ZEISS Milvus 1.4/25 (
Camera Hack: Make A Mirrorless Camera Into A Digital View Camera (Alphauniverse).
canberra floriade 2017 (SonyAlphaForum).

Winston:I thought you may be interested in my relaunched blog – (my domain redirects to that URL).  I am an amateur who enjoys photography as a hobby.  I will normally post pictures that I take along with writeups.  No equipment review, just pictures and short about the pictures.  I don’t discuss techniques, but you may find some of my ruminations useful.  Just photography from an amateur’s point of view.

David:I would love it if you would share a video I made showing how amazing the Sony A9 skin colours are against the canon 5D mark 1V

Anonymous:OCT 18, 2017 — Image & Nature, a french magasine about nature photography just published 4 pages about the Star Eater issue. Thierry Legault, Ian Norman and Frédéric Michaud were interviewed by Marie-Émilie Colle.
Incredibly, Sony did not answered the questions of the journalist…


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Sony A7rIII tests roundup (Untitledshot, Jason Lanier, Patrick Murphy-Racey)


Josselin Cornoufrom “Untitledshot” posted this video on top and also made some RAW images available for free download here: Hew writes:

“The Sony A7r3 is coming, and it feels like an important iterative upgrade over the A7r2. After trying it, it should purely be an update around increasing your productivity, with a better AF, 10FPS, longer battery life, dual SD card and a better grip.
On the image quality side, it is hard to justify upgrading to the A7r3. The image quality is so similar to the A7r2 that I was not – with the current Camera RAW processor – able to find any differences.
Pixel shift may seems like a good feature, but it requires a software to edit the file. No – the camera won’t do the stitching for you. You cannot see the result right away – I think it is a big limiting factor, especially for outdoors/landscape photography. Also the lack of playmemories software might be a limiting factor for those who were relying on apps.
On the other side, I was really impressed by the 24-105mm, the file won’t resolve 42mp, but still – this may be the first decent  all around lens for the Sony A7/A9 series.
P.S.: I also uploaded a quick Slow motion video of the two shutters:”

And here we got some more new A7rIII tests:

Sony A7rIII at Amazon, Bhphoto, Adorama, BuyDig, FocusCamera, Calumet DE, Wex UK. Photo Porst Neuwied. Sony Netherland. Sony Australia. Sony Japan.
Sony 24-105mm at Amazon, Bhphoto, Adorama, BuyDig, FocusCamera, Amazon DE, Calumet DE, Wex UK.

Join the A7rIII facebook group to discuss the camera features and tests!


Sony Imaging Edge has been released!


Sony released the new Imaging Edge software. Those are the features of the new software:

  • Viewer:
    • Browsing and searching images
    • Filtering images by ratings
  • Edit:
    • Adjusting the brightness and color of images
    • Applying Creative Styles to images
    • Cropping images
    • Straightening crooked images
    • Converting adjusted images into the JPEG or TIFF formats
  • Remote:
    • Shooting images according to settings on the computer when the camera is connected to the computer via USB. You can display the shooting screen on the computer in Live View, and shoot images seamlessly while adjusting the shooting settings.
    • Shooting with a higher resolution by combining four images shot with the image sensor shifted one pixel at a time (Pixel Shift Multi Shooting).

RX10 IV tested by Dpreview: “the most wholly capable all-in-one camera package money can buy”


Dpreview posted their RX10IV review:

The Sony RX10 IV is – as of publishing – is the most wholly capable all-in-one camera package money can buy. It is truly a fully-realized RX10 III and the perfect option for anyone seeking a camera that can handle high-quality stills and video duty with total ease. From run-and-gun video shooters, to multimedia news reporters to travelers seeking a camera that can do it all: the RX10 IV is for you.

RX10IV at [shopcountry 64198].



Sony Tidbits…


Samyang 14mm F2 8 AF Lens Review | John Sison

Sony Recognized as a Leader in Combating Climate Change and Water Resource Management by CDP Report
Zeiss workshop next week with Greg Waterman.
Teardown of a Salty Sony A7sII (Lensrentals).
Ledgo Versatile LED Mat 2 Bi color led flexible light (Personal View).
Sony RX10 IV and RX100V = Travel Camera Nirvana (TheDigitalDigest).
iOS Apps Can Secretly Shoot Photos if Given Camera Permissions (PetaPixel).

Ramesh:I wanted to share a short film I shot mostly with RX10 Mk3, A7R2, RX10 IV and Samsung Galaxy S8. I would say Rx10iii was used for nearly 75% of the shots. It was a borrowed RX10 mk3 from a friend and I immediately saw the potential of the camera for movie making. I ordered mk4 right away and have since received RX10 IV after most of the shoot was done with mk3.But I used mk4 for some nature shots in the movie and I could immediately see the advancements in AF with the new model especially in AF-C. I will sure be using mk4 for future movies that I plan to make. Now to the movie.. this was shot with 5 friends and myself. All 5 of my friends acted in the movie and I was the solo crew member handling everything from story to screenplay to camera, editing and direction. The whole shoot was completed in a day and half and I used FCPX on a macbook pro to do the editing.
This movie is about 20 mins long in a foreign language but has English subtitles which you can turn on by clicking the CC option in youtube. Please watch it and let me know any feedback/comments or questions about RX10 cameras.

Eric:I just released a short horror film for Halloween that we shot with a Sony a7Sii.  Thought your readers might get a kick out of it if you’d be willing to feature it.

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I kindly invite you all to follow our RSS feed, follow us on Facebook and Twitter to not miss news and rumors


Last day to save money and get free stuff on the Luminar 2018 preorder


Today is the last day to save money and get free estras on the Luminar 2018 preorder at

Sony and Sigma preorders:
Sony A7rIII at Amazon, Bhphoto, Adorama, BuyDig, FocusCamera, Calumet DE, Wex UK. Photo Porst Neuwied. Sony Netherland. Sony Australia. Sony Japan.
Sony 24-105mm at Amazon, Bhphoto, Adorama, BuyDig, FocusCamera, Amazon DE, Calumet DE, Wex UK.
Sigma 16mm f/1.4 E-mount at BHphoto, FocusCamera and Wex UK.

Reminder: Amazon announced that the Black Friday deals will start on November 17 and go on for 10 days. The Black Friday pages are already up and running here and some early deals can be found: Amazon US. Amazon CA. Amazon DE. Amazon UK. Amazon FR. Amazon ES. Amazon IT.
