New A7rIII Pixel Shift report by Darren Soh and Albert Dros


Albert Dros (video on top) tested the Pixel Shift feature and concludes:

This function is not a gimmick, it really works. Will I use it as a landscape photographer? I will definitely try. I love to shoot images with as much detail as possible. In reality I will often not be able to use this function because of moving subjects. However, as I am blending images lots of times I can definitely see this function being integrated in my photography. Think of very fine stones on buildings, churches, mostly ancient structures. I would sometimes see slight moire when shooting these. Shooting with Pixel Shift completely eliminates the moire. I could blend a pixel shift image with ‘normal’ images to overcome the moving scene issues. There are definitely possibilities in which I will use this technique. It’s super fast to activate anyway, and if you have your camera on your tripod waiting for a sunset, why not shoot a pixel shift image while you’re waiting?

Darren Soh (Click on image on top) shared his Pixel Shift test findings on our Sony A7rIII Facebook group:

A7rIII pixel shift comparison.
Because of the 1 sec lag in between each of the four exposures, pixel shift imaging has unfortunately been quite limited. Once you are shooting outdoors, many things can happen in the +/-4 secs that you need to get the shot. So I decided to shoot my bookshelf instead. But even then, at 100% the differences were quite subtle.
So this is what I did. I up-rezed both 16 BIT TIFF files that came from the Sony Imaging Edge software in Adobe Photoshop using the new Preserve Details 2.0 algorithm and only then (with an approximately 95 MP file) did the differences show.
So I learnt something today – if you used pixel shift successfully, you’ll be able to interpolate the resulting file 100% with little loss in detail.
Amazing indeed, if only Sony would cut the lag time in the future.

Eddy Hagen (Click on image on top) sent me this:

I got my A7R III yesterday and today I wanted to test the Pixel Shift Multi Shooting. I’ve taken a few pictures and there is definitely a big difference. Attached is a screenshot from Photoshop, at 200%, with at the left the regular image, at the right the PSMS. Both images were converted with the default settings in the Imaging Edge software. The subject is part of an artwork, a screenprint.
I’ve just send out a tweet about it (@insights4print), by mid next week I’ll publish a full report on this at

Sony A7rIII at Amazon, Bhphoto, Adorama, BuyDig, FocusCamera, Calumet DE, Wex UK. Photo Porst Neuwied. Sony Netherland. Sony Australia. Sony Japan.
Sony 24-105mm at Amazon, Bhphoto, Adorama, BuyDig, FocusCamera, Amazon DE, Calumet DE, Wex UK.

Join the A7rIII facebook group to discuss the camera features and tests!


Sony RX0 in Stock in USA. Big Sony deals coming tomorrow!


The new Sony RX0 is in Stock at BHphoto and Amazon. But the very hot deals are coming tomorrow with big savings on A7, A6 And A5 cameras along rebates on lenses:

Specific Sony deals:
Special Sony deals overview page at Adorama, Buydig, BestBuy, BHphoto.

Camera specific Black Friday pages:
USA at Amazon US. BestBuy. Adorama. Amazon CA.
EU at Amazon DE. Amazon UK. Amazon FR. Amazon ES. Amazon IT.

General Black Friday pages:
USA at Amazon USBestBuy. Adorama. Amazon CA.
EU at Amazon DE. Amazon UK. Amazon FR. Amazon ES. Amazon IT.



First Black Friday deals: Rokinon 14mm FE autofocus lens for $549 only. Sony deals on Sunday!


Save $300 on the Rokinon 14mm f/2.8 FE autofocus lens at Amazon and Adorama.
Save $115 on the Rokinon 12mm f/2.0 APS-C E-mount lens at Amazon and Adorama.

And on Sunday the big A7rII, a7sII, A7II and A6x series savings will be back at BHphoto , Buydig and other US stores.

General Black Friday pages:
USA at Amazon USBestBuy. Adorama. Amazon CA.
EU at Amazon DE. Amazon UK. Amazon FR. Amazon ES. Amazon IT.

Camera specific Black Friday pages:
USA at Amazon US. BestBuy. Adorama. Amazon CA.
EU at Amazon DE. Amazon UK. Amazon FR. Amazon ES. Amazon IT.


Sony a7R III added to Dpreview’s studio scene comparison


Dpreview added the A7rIII to their Studio Comparison Tool. SAR readers are welcome to discuss their findings. Seems like the A7rIII has more chromatic aberration and bit more sharpness than the previous A7rII. Noise handling seems to be improved too (Note the Canon in this comparison only goes up to 12800 ISO):

Sony A7rIII at Amazon, Bhphoto, Adorama, BuyDig, FocusCamera, Calumet DE, Wex UK. Photo Porst Neuwied. Sony Netherland. Sony Australia. Sony Japan.
Sony 24-105mm at Amazon, Bhphoto, Adorama, BuyDig, FocusCamera, Amazon DE, Calumet DE, Wex UK.

Join the A7rIII facebook group to discuss the camera features and tests!


Luminar 2018 for Mac and Windows is now shipping. Get $10 discount with “SAR” code


Starting from today you can download the new Luminar 2018 software at If you missed the preorder deal you can use our coupon code “SAR” to save $10 at checkout on

One more thing:

This special Photographer’s projects Collection contains the most popular products of the FRANZIS projects software series: sharpening, denoising, HDR and retouching – now only available for selected newsletter subscriber SAR readers, limited to 300 download packages. Get this $276 value package for $29.00 only if you preorder through this link (Click here). Full info about the single packages can be read here:

What’s included:

Package contains:
SHARPEN projects photographer $ 69.00
DENOISE projects 2 $ 69.00
HDR projects 5 $ 69.00
NEAT projects $ 69.00
Total prices (RRP) $ 276.00

Total saving $ 247.00


Sony apologizes for A7rIII shipment delay. Says real preorders were much higher than estimated.


Sony Japan issues a statement to aplogize for delivery delays on the new Sony A7rIII. They say the real preorder numbers weremuch higher than estimated. They also issues a second statement saying there is a shipment delay on the A5100 double lens kit.

Sony A7rIII at Amazon, Bhphoto, Adorama, BuyDig, FocusCamera, Calumet DE, Wex UK. Photo Porst Neuwied. Sony Netherland. Sony Australia. Sony Japan.
Sony 24-105mm at Amazon, Bhphoto, Adorama, BuyDig, FocusCamera, Amazon DE, Calumet DE, Wex UK.

Join the A7rIII facebook group to discuss the camera features and tests!
