POLL: Which was the best new camera and lens announced in 2017?


via CameraSize

In 2017 Sony did announce four cameras (including the somewhat non-mainstream RX0). Three less than last year.

What was the best camera announced by Sony this year?

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We had a lot of lenses in 2017:

Choose the one very best lens of 2017

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Follow me on my new Instagram. This is my gear of the year:

My gear of the year: #sona7riii with 12-24m. #sony #sonyalpha

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Andrea Photographer-Explorer (@andrea_pizzini_photographer) am


First video showing INCREDIBLE tethering speeds of the a7RIII


Evan sent me his latest video showing INCREDIBLE tethering speeds of the a7RIII:

Shooting tethered with the Sony a7RIII over USB-C to a Microsoft Surface Book 2, using Profoto B1 lights, I test the tether speed of single shot for the first part of the shoot and then burst speed in the second part.

Sony A7rIII at Amazon, Bhphoto, Adorama, BuyDig, FocusCamera, Calumet DE, Wex UK. Photo Porst Neuwied. Sony Netherland. Sony Australia. Sony Japan.

And this is a picture I took today with my A7rIII:

100% crop from an image shotwith the new #sonya7rIII and Zeiss 55mm FE #sony #sonyalpha @sonyalpha

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Andrea Photographer-Explorer (@andrea_pizzini_photographer) am


Sony Tidbits…


Sony Alpha a6000 in 2017: What Lenses/Body to Buy? (Sigma 16mm, Sony 18-105, Sony 10-18, and more)

5 Camera HACKS in Under 3 Minutes! (Tom Hitchins).
a7RII hot pixel frame-to-frame consistency (Jim Kasson).
Gear of the Year 2017 – Carey’s choice: Sony FE 85mm F1.8 (Dpreview).
How Much of Minolta is Still in Sony? An Analysis (ThePhoBlographer).
New Camera Cages from Manfrotto (Explora).
Sony Cyber-shot RX10 IV Review (Photographyblog).
Photo Start: Give Your Old Cameras For A Cause (Alphauniverse).

Join the new Sony Alpha Camera Facebook group.
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More informal and personal photos from SAR Admin Andrea on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Youtube.


New Luminar 2018 and Aurora HDR offers


Macphun is now offering new holiday deals on Luminar 2018 (Click here) and Aurora HDR (Click here). You save additional $10 on checkout using the code “SAR”:

——————-Luminar offer:

Current users of Luminar may upgrade at a Black Friday price of $49 ($39 with your coupon code)
New users can purchase Luminar 2018 for $69 ($59 with your coupon code)
A collection of bonuses will also be included with every purchase.

The Shootkit ebook
Preset pack: 20 Festive Texture Presets
500+ Sky overlays for Sky replacement
Video tutorial “How to replace Sky in Luminar”

EXTRA Bonus:
“Capture: Adventures in Photography” ebook by Simon & Lisa Thomas, the world’s foremost adventure motorcyclists

——————-Aurora offer:

Current users of Aurora HDR may upgrade at a Special price of $39 ($29 with your coupon code)
New users can purchase Aurora HDR 2018 for $79 ($69 with your coupon code)
A collection of bonuses will also be included with every purchase.

Deep Dive video tutorial from Trey Ratcliff
“How to create realistic HDR images” Ebook
2 Preset Packs – 40 presets! Preset Pack 1 – Winter Vibes. Preset Pack 2 – Wonderland.


Sony CES conference live stream on January 8 at 5pm PT


Sony will live stream the CES conference on January 8 at 5pm PT. In recent years Sony has used CES to focus on its audio and office lines. Last time Sony did unveil a new camera at CES was in 2014 (Sony A5000). I don’t expect them to announce the A7III or A7sIII on that day. But still, I will embed the live stream here on SAR and let’s see if they might surprise us.

An anonymous source said this:

Sony will be hosting a press conference at CES, 8th of January. An importer source has informed the store I work at that we should “make room” for a couple of new products. One of them is most likely the Panasonic GH5s, but they spoke in the plural, which would hint that Sony has something coming, too. We’re guessing it’s related to the a7 series, because of the recent price drops.

I doubt there will be some E-mount stuff. there might be some actions cameras tough?

And this is just a dream for now: A67000 with 30mm f/1.2 APS-C GM lens:

For 2018 I wish Sony to give me that A6700 with 30mm f/1.2 GM lens :) #sony #sonyalpha

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Andrea Photographer-Explorer (@andrea_pizzini_photographer) am


New updated Lightroom CC v1.1 and ACR add full Sony A7rIII support!



Adobe released new Camera RAW and Lightroom updates. The Sony A7rIII is now officially supported! And don’t forget that yesterday we got a new firmware update for the camera too: Download at Sony Australia, Sony Support. Adobe also added the 24-105mm lens profile support. As expected Adobe does NOT support Pixel Shift.

For US readers: A7rIII in Stock at Amazon US.

Sony A7rIII at Amazon, Bhphoto, Adorama, BuyDig, FocusCamera, Calumet DE, Wex UK. Photo Porst Neuwied. Sony Netherland. Sony Australia. Sony Japan.


Great deal day for Europeans: Save up to 36% on Sony and Samyang E-mount lenses!


This one is a very good deal day for Europen readers: Save up to 36% on Sony and Samyang E-mount lenses at Amazon Germany (Click here). In detail:

Full FrameE-mount:
Sony 50mm macro for 410€
Samyang 35mm 2.8 for 269€
Samyang 14mm FE for 529€

APS-C E-mount:
Sony 10-18mm for 598
Samyang 12mm for 305€
Sony 30mm for 177€
Wallimex 12mm 309€
Samyang 8mm fisheye for 598€

We also have
– Two Wallimex E-mount lenses on Gold Box at Amazon UK.
– Sony 85mm FE for 506 Euro only at Amazon France.
