Sony Tidbits…


Crazy Clown Photoshoot – Sony a7rii + 70200 f2.8 GM & Godox AD600 + AD200

Editing Sony Raw Files in Lightroom and Photoshop (Jeff Remas)
Sony’s autonomous concept would make a great party bus (Engadget).
(Very) Difficult times ahead for Nikon … (PhotoDanielm).
Is This The Dream Setup For Wildlife? (Alphauniverse).
Roland V-1HD and V-1SDI Video Switchers (Personal View).
Infographic: Essential Tips for Cold-Weather Photography (Explora).

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I kindly invite you all to follow our RSS feed, follow us on Facebook and Twitter to not miss news and rumors


Save $150 on the E-mount Lensbaby Composer with 35mm sweet Optic


Save $150 on the Lensbaby sold by BHphoto.

And if you got the money you can preorder the new Leica Noctilux-M 75mm f/1.25 ASPH. Lens at BHphoto. Use the Techart M adapter and you will have autofocus too!

And those Black Friday Sony-Zeiss-Voigtlander deals are still running:

Sony deals in detail:
$500 off on the Sony A7rII at Buydig, BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama and Focuscamera.
$500 off on the Sony A7sII with free extras at Buydig, BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama and Focuscamera.
$200 off on the Sony A7 at Buydig, BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama.
$200 off on the Sony A6500 at BestBuy, Buydig, BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama and Focuscamera.
$70 off on the Sony 6300 at Buydig, Amazon, BHphoto, Adorama and Focuscamera.
$100 off on the Sony 6000 at Buydig, Amazon, BHphoto, Adorama and Focuscamera.
$100 off on the Sony 5100 at Buydig, Amazon, BHphoto, Adorama and Focuscamera.
$200 off on the A6000 dual kit at Buydig, Amazon, BHphoto, Adorama and Focuscamera.
$50 gift card with the RX10m5 at Adorama.
FF E-mount lenses:
$100 off on the 16-35mm f/4.0 Zeiss lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$100 off on the 24-70mm f/4.0 Zeiss lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$25 off on the Sony 28mm FE lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$50 off on the Sony 28-70mm FE lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$100 off on the 28-135mm PZ lens at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto
$100 off on the Zeiss 35mm f/1.4 lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$100 off on the Zeiss 35mm f/2.8 lens at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.
$100 off on the Zeiss 5omm f/1.4 lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$50 off on the Sony 50mm FE f/1.8 lens at Adorama, BHphoto, Amazon, Focuscamera.
$50 off on the Sony 50mm macro at BHphoto, Adorama and Amazon.
$50 off on the Sony 85mm f/1.8 FE at BestBuy, Buydig, BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama and Focuscamera.
$100 off on the 70-200mm G lens at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.
$100 off on the 90mm macro lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$50 off on the Sony Fisheye Conversion Lens for FE 28mm F/2 at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
$50 off on the Sony Ultra-Wide Conversion Lens for FE 28mm F/2 at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
APS-C E-mount lenses:
$100 off on the 10-18mm lens at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.
$50 off on the 16-50mm lens at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.
$100 off on the 16-70mm Zeiss lens at Amazon, BHphoto, Adorama.
$50 off on the 18-105mm lens at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.
$100 off on the Sony E PZ 18-110mm at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto
$100 off on the 18-200mm lens at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.
$100 off on the 18-200mm PZ lens at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.
$50 off on the 20mm f/2.8 lens at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.
$100 off on the Zeiss 24mm f/1.8 lens at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.
$25 off on the Sony 30mm macro at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.
$50 off on the 35mm f/1.8 lens at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.
$50 off on the 50mm f/1.8 lens at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.
$50 off on the LA-EA3 A-mount adapter at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto.
$50 off on the LA-EA3 A-mount adapter at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto.
$50 off on the HVL-F43M at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto.
$100 off on the HVL-F60M at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto.
$50 off on the Sony VGC1EM Vertical Grip at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto.
$50 off on the Sony VGC2EM Vertical Grip at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto.
$50 off on the Sony ECM-CG60 at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto.
$50 off on the Sony RX100 underwater housing at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto.

Zeiss Batis and Loxia FE deals:
$300 off on the Zeiss Batis 135mm FE lens at BHphoto, Amazon and Adorama.
$180 off on the Zeiss Batis 85mm FE lens at BHphoto, Amazon and Adorama.
$195 off on the Zeiss Batis 25mm FE lens at BHphoto, Amazon and Adorama.
$225 off on the Zeiss Batis 18mm FE lens at BHphoto, Amazon and Adorama.
$195 off on the Zeiss Loxia 35mm lens at BHphoto, Amazon and Adorama.
$210 off on the Zeiss Loxia 85mm lens at BHphoto, Amazon and Adorama.
$225 off on the Zeiss Loxia 21mm lens at BHphoto, Amazon and Adorama.
$140 off on the Zeiss Loxia 50mm lens at BHphoto, Amazon and Adorama.

Voigtlander FE savings:
$60 off on the Voigtlander 40mm f/1.2 FE lens at BHphoto.
$100 off on the Voigtlander 12mm FE lens at BHphoto.
$100 off on the Voigtlander 10mm FE lens at BHphoto.

Laowa FE savings:
$50 off on the Laowa 12mm f/2.8 FE Zero Distortion lens at BHphoto and Adorama.
$50 off on the Laowa 15mm f/2.0 FE Zero Distorion lens at BHphoto and Adorama.
$100 off on the Laowa 105mm f/2.0 FE STF lens at BHphoto and Adorama.

Other lens and adapter savings:
$100 off on the Sigma MC-11 E-mount adapter at Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto.


Sony A7rIII now officially shipping from all US stores. Watch the BH A7rIII livestream event.


Last but not least our US readers reported their A7rIII preorder finally shipped out from all major US stores. And at 12.30 NYC time you can watch the special BH A7rIII event.

Sony A7rIII at Amazon, Bhphoto, Adorama, BuyDig, FocusCamera, Calumet DE, Wex UK. Photo Porst Neuwied. Sony Netherland. Sony Australia. Sony Japan.
Sony 24-105mm at Amazon, Bhphoto, Adorama, BuyDig, FocusCamera, Amazon DE, Calumet DE, Wex UK.

Join the A7rIII facebook group to discuss the camera features and tests.


Non-serious Sony A7rIII first impression review from myself


Disclaimer: We have plenty of technical reviews out there and I am not going to bother posting my own review. I will simply write my first “emotional” impressions of the camera and the lenses I received yesterday:

Sony A7rIII ([shopcountry 64780]):
I confess my fear was that the new camera upgrades would not be interesting enough to make me “WOW” on this camera. But I was wrong:

First WOW:
The first time I had my eye on the new A7rIII EVF I had my first WOW moment. If you plan to keep the A7rII and not to upgrade to the a7rIII do yourself a favour: Never look inside the A7rIII EVF! It really feels much bigger and brighter than the A7rII.

Second WOW:
Focus speed. Oh damn…I really did not miss a single shot yesterday. It nailed it fast and accurately every single time. I did some Ice Skating shooting and it’s a really strange feeling to see an A7r camera acting like a professional sports camera.

Third WOW:
The battery life! Now, the idea of going back to using the A7rII makes me sick :) Richard Butler from Dpreview wrote this yesterday: “This eliminates the constant battery anxiety I’ve previously felt with many mirrorless cameras

Sony 24-105mm ([shopcountry 64781]):
Disclaimer: I am a prime lens shooter. And never fell in love with any zoom.

The one WOW:
Having a 105mm instead of a 70mm makes all the difference. So unless you really need the f/2.8 aperture go for this 24-105mm lens instead of the 24-70mm GM. I never found the 70mm focal length to be really useful. Too far away from the 85mm standard and too close to the 50mm I use most of the time. But at 105mm you enter in a different “world”.

Sony 12-24mm ([shopcountry 64782]):
First a confession. I am a wide-angle “virgin”. I mainly bought this lens because of the many good reviews and I wanted to see if it could suite my needs for landscape photography (I do a lot of hiking and climbing).

The first WOW:
Damn is this thing light

The second WOW:
Oh what a funny lens! I am running like a child to take one shot after another. And yes, this is a completely unprofessional and non-serious behavior. But this is the only zoom I ever fell in love with.

In summary, yes after 24 hours I can say the A7rIII is worth the upgrade and that’s the biggest surprise (and thanks to the Colby Brown tips and tricks guide for helping me figure out the perfect A7rIII settings. The 24-105mm lens is a nice lens but I will not keep it and wait for the 105 or 135mm FE prime lens. The 12-24mm is superb and I will keep it in my bag all the time!

Way more serious and useful new A7rIII tests and reviews:
NFL with the Sony a7RIII and a9 by Chad Wadsworth.
Sony a7RIII Review by Dan Watson


Capture One 11 released


Capture One 11 is a major release containing new features, performance improvements, bug fixes and new camera and lens support.

New Feature Summary

  • Annotations
  • Export with Assets
  • Improved “Back-up And Restore” mechanism for Catalogs
  • Duplicate checker for the Importer
  • LAB Readouts
  • Levels as a Layer Adjustment
  • Color Balance as a Layer Adjustment
  • Create new Filled Layer
  • Presets for Layer capable tools
  • Master Layer Opacity
  • Feather Mask
  • Re ne Mask Edge
  • Clear Mask
  • Greyscale Mask preview mode
  • Expanded AppleScript


  • Catalog load speed improved
  • More responsive sliders for Mac
  • Faster masking

Miscellaneous Improvements

  • Redesigned Local adjustments concept (now Layers)
  • New Custom tool tab icons
  • Color editor logic for blending multiple Layer adjustments
  • Layer creation options
  • Toolbar Auto tool aligned with Tool Auto
  • Added Brightness and Contrast parameter to Auto

UPDATE: Alexander sent me this:

I’ve prepared a detailed overview of all the new features – And here is my short video review as well:

More info here: Tutorial videos on Youtube.
