Sony A7III among the BestSellers at Amazon. New tests by Lok and Albert Dros


The Sony A7III is the bestselling mirrorless at Amazon (ranking here) and among the overall best selling DSLR-Mirrorless cams (ranking here). Let’s see how long it can hold this top position. In the meantime check out these new videos.

Sony A7III preorder links:
Sony A7III in USA at Adorama, BHphoto,Ā Amazon, BestBuy, FocusCamera, BuyDig.
Sony a7III in Europe at Calumet Germany, ParkCameras UK, WexUK.

Important note: I would appreciate if you use those preorder links to preorder your camera. It rewards me for the work on SAR. I get a small commission and you don’t pay any cent more for that. Thanks:)

Join our Sony A7III Facebook group!


Sony A7III manual now available for download!


The Sony A7III manual is now available for download (Click here for the PDF). Thanks Greg for finding this!

Sony A7III preorder links:
Sony A7III in USA at Adorama, BHphoto,Ā Amazon, BestBuy, FocusCamera, BuyDig.
Sony a7III in Europe at Calumet Germany, ParkCameras UK, WexUK.

Important note: I would appreciate if you use those preorder links to preorder your camera. It rewards me for the work on SAR. I get a small commission and you don’t pay any cent more for that. Thanks:)

Join our Sony A7III Facebook group!



First real world images of the new Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 FE zoom mounted on the Sony


via Mapcamera.

This is the new Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 FE lens (listed here at BHphoto) mounted on the Sony A9. Tamron lens will match the quality of the Sony 24-70mm f/2.8 GM but have the much lower price of the slower Zeiss 24-70mm f/4.0 (check price at Amazon US and Amazon DE).

via Dpreview:

via Zapa:


First real world images of the new Voigtlander 110mm and 21mm FE lenses


Here are the first real world images of the two new Voigtlander 110mm f/2.5 macro FE and 21mm f/3.5 FE lenses:

via Seiren:

via Dave:

via Mapcamera:


Max Yuryev says the “a7III beats out EVERYTHING in high iso lowlight comparison”


Sony A7III preorder links:
Sony A7III in USA at Adorama, BHphoto,Ā Amazon,Ā  BestBuy, FocusCamera, BuyDig.
Sony a7III in Europe at Calumet Germany, ParkCameras UK, WexUK.

Important note: I would appreciate if you use those preorder links to preorder your camera. It rewards me for the work on SAR. I get a small commission and you don’t pay any cent more for that. Thanks:)

– – –

Max Yuryev posted that very first Sony A7III ISO comparison video and his conclusion is:

“The a7III beats out EVERYTHING in high iso lowlight comparison!”


First images of the new Sony 400mm f/2.8 FE GM lens at the CP+ show!


AT the Cp+ show in Japan Sony is finally showing the prototype of the new Sony 400mm f/2.8 FE GM lens! Here are the images via The lens will be available in September according to BHphoto.

Images from SAR reader Daniele:
