Metabones® Firmware Pushes A7 Mark III Maximum AF-C Frame Rate up to 10 fps


Press text:

Vancouver, Canada, June 24, 2019 – Two years ago, Metabones® added support for Sony A9 with a maximum continuous autofocus (AF-C) frame rate of 10 fps by firmware to its EF-E Speed Booster® and EF-E Smart Adapter™ lines of fully-electronic adapters. Today, the same feat is extended to A7 Mark III.

How to upgrade:

  • EF-E Speed Booster ULTRA I/II, EF-E CINE Speed Booster ULTRA, EF-E Smart Adapter IV/V and EF-E CINE Smart Adapter are equipped with USB ports and they can be upgraded to firmware v62 by downloading the latest Metabones App. Choose the “Advanced Mode” checkbox before clicking the “Update” button. To encourage new firmware adoption, the user is assured that the upgrade is reversible to any previous version released in the last 2 years.
  • New customers may set the adapter to “Advanced Mode” with Metabones App or by following the procedure in the online user manual.
  • Even the original EF-E Smart Adapter I/II from 2012 and the original EF-E Speed Booster from 2013 can be updated to v62 and benefit from 10 fps AF-C with A9 and A7 Mark III, but without any USB ports, factory service is required to upgrade the firmware of these discontinued products, and they work only in APS-C mode. EF-E Smart Adapter III (2013) can also be factory-serviced to v62 and is the earliest adapter with full-frame camera support. Please contact Metabones customer service for details.

To achieve the highest possible AF-C frame rate on A7 Mark III, the adapter is set to “Advanced Mode”. On the camera we recommend setting “Priority Set in AF-C” to “AF” for the best accuracy and the highest hit rate, even though that will decrease the frame rate. 10 fps is the theoretical maximum and just how close we get to that is highly dependent upon the AF speed of the lens used and the speed of subject movement.

The fastest frame rate is achieved when the subject is at or near the center where phase-detection autofocus (PDAF) is used. Unfortunately only the central PDAF points are effective, because using all of the PDAF points of the camera would have required metadata about the optical formula of the specific lens used, which we do not have. All the PDAF points can be used by setting the Speed Booster or Smart Adapter to “Green Mode”, although the periphery points will still not be as effective as the central ones.

Some older lenses may have reduced accuracy and/or speed in “Advanced Mode”, but they can still be used in “Green Mode” on A7 Mark III at a lower frame rate (3 fps). “Green Mode” is also faster at single autofocus (AF-S).

With Speed Boosters and Smart Adapters breaking down compatibility barriers, Metabones believes that the products themselves need to be continuously updated with new firmware to cope with new technologies, new cameras and new lenses. Patrons see value in Metabones products in the long term for compatibility with the broadest range of cameras and lenses and for the firmware updates. Leverage the 10 fps continuous autofocus feature of the best-selling full-frame mirrorless camera today using 32 years’ worth of EF Mount lenses.

Download and support page:


(SR5) More Tamron 17-28mm FE info: Costs more than the 28-75mm FE and will start shipping out in July!


Multiple sources confirmed that tomorrow (June 26) we shall get more info about the Tamron 17-28mm FE pricing and shipment start. What I can confirm with 100% certainity is this:

1) At least in Europe the new 17-28mm FE lens will cost more than the 28-75mm FE
2) The lens will start shipping out in early July (Europe) late July (HongKong) and/or early August (Taiwan)
3) The price in Taiwan is
29,500 TWD (Approx 955USD)

17-28mm FE product pages at BHphoto, FocusCamera and Adorama.


Andorra Store lists the new Tamron 17-28mm FE lens


A store in Andorra has listed the 17-28mm FE lens for 699 Euro and mid July shipment start. But please note that Andorra is a fiscal paradise with prices that are usually much lower than regular EU price.

I guess the “normal” EU price will be something between 899 and 999 Euro


(SR5) Sigma will soon launch the fastest FE autofocus lens ever made: The new 35mm f/1.2 FE prime!


Samyang 35mm f/1.4 vs Zeiss 35mm f/1.4 vs Zeiss 35mm f/2.8 via Camerasize

Two highly reliable sources shared to me the first specs of the next Sigma FE prime lens:

  • Sigma will launch a new 35mm f/1.2 FE lens soon (could be in July)
  • This will be Sigma’s first lens designed specifically for Full Frame mirrorless
  • Thanks to the f/1.2 aperture this will be the fastest autofocus lens in the FE lens lineup.

While I like the idea to have a f/1.2 fast prime I hope this lens will not be super big. If it’s about the same size of the current Samyang-Zeiss lenses I would be really happy with it!

One more thing: I have been told there are more natively designed FE lenses to come in 2019!!!

In summary:
It’s going to be a busy summer. Tamron 17-28mm f/2.8 pricing will be announced this week, than we will have the fast Sigma prime lens announcement and probably some more Sigma FE lenses too. And in August-September we might get new Sony FE lenses along the A9II announcement?

Links to current Sigma FE lenses:
Sigma 14mm f/1.8 at BHphoto, FocusCamera, Amazon and Adorama.
Sigma 20mm f/1.4 at BHphoto, FocusCamera, Amazon and Adorama.
Sigma 24mm f/1.4 at BHphoto, FocusCamera, Amazon and Adorama.
Sigma 35mm f/1.4 at BHphoto, FocusCamera, Amazon and Adorama.
Sigma 50mm f/1.4 at BHphoto, FocusCamera, Amazon and Adorama.
Sigma 70mm macro at BHphoto, FocusCamera, Amazon and  Adorama.
Sigma 85mm f/1.4 at BHphoto, FocusCamera, Amazon and Adorama.
Sigma 105mm f/1.4 at BHphoto, FocusCamera, Amazon and Adorama.
Sigma 135mm f/1.8 at BHphoto, FocusCamera, Amazon and Adorama.

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If you have some “rumor” to share just send me an anonymous messages here:
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Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!


Today only: WD and G-Technology storage deals at BHphoto


Today only you save big on WD and G-Technology storage at BHphoto.

Tokina and Sigma rebates:
First $150 price drop on the Tokina Firin 20mm f/2.0 FE autofocus lens sold at BHphoto, Amazon and Adorama.
Save $250 on the Sigma 35mm f/1.4 FE lens sold by Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto and FocusCamera.

Kickstarter projects:

  1. You can now preorder the new Kamlan 50mm f/1.1 E-mount lens for $199 on Kickstarter.
  2. New Peak Design superlight tripod on Kickstarter.
  3. DUO photographers bag on Kickstarter.

New Sony Tele lens Preorders:
200-600mm FE at Amazon, BHphoto, FocusCamera, BuyDig, Adorama, Calumet DE. WexUK. Calumet NL.
600mm FE GM at Amazon, BHphoto, FocusCamera, BuyDig, Adorama, Calumet DE. WexUK. Calumet NL.


First impression review of the new Sony 200-600 G by Gustav Kiburg



200-600mm FE at Amazon, BHphoto, FocusCamera, BuyDig, Adorama, Calumet DE. WexUK. Calumet NL.
600mm FE GM at Amazon, BHphoto, FocusCamera, BuyDig, Adorama, Calumet DE. WexUK. Calumet NL.


This is the first impression report by Dutch wildlife shooter Gustav Kiburg:

This is not a test, but my impression and feeling about the new 200-600 G of SONY:

First, the look of the lens is very nice, very good build, also the hood is very strong. But the most important thing is how it acts in the field.
I am a wildlife photographer, and SONY-ambassador this is the lens we were waiting for, because a lot of time the 100-400 is not enough. I am not making a comparison between this lens and the 100-400 GM, I only looked on how it performs in real world:

The lens is pretty fast, and sharp. I don’t say that it as fast and sharp as the 100-400, but it comes close, very close. Personally I think you cannot compare them, because its 400 at the end,  against 600mm at the end. But the sharpness and the speed is very good.

I also used the 1.4 TC, to see if there is a big loss of detail, but there is not as you can see from the image samples. When using the teleconverter you can sustain the autofocus speed, by using the right focus-limiter: You have FULL , 2.4 till 10 METER , and from 10 till infinite. If you chose the right focus limiter, it helps enough to get the bird fast enough in focus.

Ii like the internal zoom. For me, this lens is a must have:  Specially for wildlife, in hides, or outdoor sports, its is a great lens and it cost around 2100 euro.

To be clear: I got this lens as a loan from Sony, and I have to give it back. I don’t get paid by Sony either. This is my honest first impression to help people if they want to buy this lens,

Gustav Kiburg

Here are the images shot with the 200-600mm G lens. Please download this ZIP file to see the full size versions!

Here are the images shot with the 200-600mm G lens and 1.4x teleconverter. Please download this ZIP file to see the full size versions!

All images are under copyright from Gustav Kiburg and cannot be reposted without his permission!

USA Preorders:
Sony 200-600mm FE at Amazon, BHphoto, FocusCamera, BuyDig and Adorama.
Sony 600mm FE GM at Amazon, BHphoto, FocusCamera, BuyDig and Adorama.
EU Preorders:
Sony 200-600mm FE at Calumet DE. WexUK. ParkCameras. Calumet NL. Cameratools NL.
Sony 600mm FE GM at Calumet DE. WexUK. ParkCameras. Calumet NL. Cameratools NL.
Asia Preorders:
Sony 200-600mm FE at Sony Japan. Sony Australia.
Sony 600mm FE GM at Sony Japan. Sony Australia.
