RUMOR: The new Tamron70-180mm, 20mm, 24mm and 35mm f/2.8 FE lenses will be announced next week on October 22!


The four new FE  lenses will be announced on October 22! UPDATE: The lenses will be announced on October 22 and  the press conference is on October 24.

– 70-180mm f/2.8 (ships 2020)
– 20mm f/2.8 (ships 2020)
– 24mm f/2.8 (ships 2019)
– 35mm f/2.8 (ships 2019)

Reminder: Sony has their press event on October 23 but I don’t know if they will announce some new lenses…so far I heard nothing.


New Shimoda Action X Camera Bags (individually configurable and expandable)


Shimoda has launched their new ActionX Camera Bags on Kickstarter (full details here).

What’s special with these bags is that they are fully configurable and expandable and designed with a lot of handy features for photographers like:

  • rear and side access
  • tripod holder
  • heavy base panel protection
  • internal frame support that resists pressure
  • internal dividers
  • weather proof

ActionX Camera Bags on Kickstarter (full details here).



Sony Tidbits…


Sony FX9 Camera in Detail, with Alister Chapman

SONY A6400 & SmallRig Vlogging setup (HR images).
16-55mm E review at Dyxum.
Sony a6600 + 1655 2.8 review at mobile01
Stabilize Small Cameras with the New Zhiyun-Tech CRANE-M2 Handheld Gimbal (Explora).
Sony E 16-55mm F2.8 G sample gallery (Dpreview).
Sony 200-600 vs. 100-400 comparison (Juan Pons).
Go Wide or Go Macro… or Go Both with Venus Optics Laowa Lenses (Explora).

Personal photos and tests from SAR Admin Andrea on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and 500px.

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Sony A7rIV gets Gold Award at Dpreview: “frankly, the camera to beat right now”


The  A7rIV sells great in the USA (full ranking here)

Dpreview published the full Sony A7rIV review:

“Although the a7R IV’s borderline-bonkers 60MP of resolution grabbed most of the headlines upon its release (and understandably so), the real story here is how busy Sony has been working on refinements to the body and the interface. The result is a camera that gets out of your way much more so than any a7-series camera before it, so that you can focus on your photography and really make the most of all those megapixels on tap. For professional wedding photographers, landscape shooters and studio portraitists, the Sony a7R IV is, frankly, the camera to beat right now.”

Now let’s see what Sony will bring on the A7rV in 2/3 years….100 Megapixels?

Sony A7rIV and new accessories:
Sony A7rIV in USA/CA at BHphoto, Adorama, FocusCamera, Amazon, BuyDig, Henrys.
Sony A7rIV in EU at Calumet DE, ParkUK, WexUK, Calumet NL.
Sony A7rIV in Asia at Sony Japan. Sony Australia.
Sony VG-C4EM grip in USA at BHphoto, Adorama, Amazon, FocusCamera, BuyDig, ParkUK, WexUK.
ECM-B1M Digital Audio Shotgun Microphone at BHphoto, Adorama, Amazon, FocusCamera, BuyDig, Park UK.
XLR-K3M Mic at BHphoto, Adorama, Amazon, FocusCamera, BuyDig, Park UK.


RUMOR: Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8, 70-200mm f/2.8 and maybe 100-400mm lenses coming next?


I have heard that Sigma is nearly  ready to launch two new FE zoom lenses:

24-70mm f/2.8
70-200mm f/2.8

And I heard also about one more lens which might be the 100-400mm FE.

I don’t know yet if some of these lenses will be announced  at the Photo Plus Show in October.

The new Sigma FE lenses:
Sigma 35mm f/1.2 FE at Adorama, BHphoto, Amazon, FocusCamera, Henrys. In EU at Calumet DE, ParkUK, WexUK.
Sigma 14-24mm f/2.8 FE at Adorama, BHphoto, Amazon, FocusCamera, Henrys. In EU at Calumet DE, ParkUK, WexUK.
Sigma 45mm f/2.8 FE at Adorama, BHphoto, Amazon, FocusCamera, Henrys. In EU at Calumet DE, ParkUK, WexUK.


Samyang AF 50mm f/1.4 FE review by Opticallimits: “bit of a disappointment”


Opticallimits tested the Samyang AF 50mm f/1.4 FE  and concluded:

The Samyang AF 50mm f/1.4 FE is a bit of a disappointment. It’s not exactly a small lens and it’s obvious that Samyang spent some efforts designing it but the performance is just not good enough for a high-resolution sensor. The center quality is fine but the resolution falls apart towards the outer image field at large-aperture settings. Conversely, the results are great at medium apertures but that’s not the sole reason for buying such a lens. To be fair, however – in real life this may not be that much of an issue. How often do you require sharp corners at f/1.4 or f/2 after all? Lateral CAs are low – at the borders at least – whereas axial CAs are very pronounced. The native image distortion is very low. The vignetting is taken care of by image auto-correction. In RAW mode, the light falloff is high at f/1.4 though. The quality of the bokeh has two sides. Highlights are nicely rendered in the center zone, less so in the corners. The rendering of the general out-of-focus blur could be better in the background.
The build quality is impressive but stays just short of professional-grade expectations. Namely, weather-sealing is absent. That being said the all-metal construction is solid. The AF speed is quite fast and it’s near-silent. While the focus ring is very smooth to handle, the actual focusing is a bit on the coarse side in manual (by-wire) mode.
Overall we are not convinced that the Samyang AF 50mm f/1.4 FE is a good choice in this class. That’s, of course, easily said given the price tag of the Sony/Zeiss alternative. If you are on a budget and can stand the weight, maybe consider the Sigma 50mm f/1.4 DG HSM ART or settle for something slower like the Zeiss Sonnar T* FE 55mm f/1.8 ZA.
The Samyang 50mm f/1.4 FE lens is the last “not so good” lens they made. All newer lenses like the 85mm lens perform way better and are highly recommended!