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Ops…Hasselbald actually wanted Fuji (and not Sony) as primary partner.


Quesabesde (translation here) reports an interesting story. Hasselblad goal was to partner with Fuji but Fuji showed their back to the Swedish company. Sony was “only” the second choice. Maybe Fuji managers saw the sketch of their Lunar project and run away before to sign the partnership agreement? Don’t be mad at me Hasselblad…It’s a joke ;)

I think (and hope) you can do great things with together with Sony. Share your medium format knowledge for the next high level Full Frame or Medium Format cameras from Sony. That would be a nice start! I am certinaly a bit “retro” but I would love to see a Full Frame [shoplink 16919 ebay]Hassleblad X-Pan[/shoplink] styled E-mount camera!

[shoplink 16919 ebay][/shoplink]

P.S: The X-Pan acutions on [shoplink 16919 ebay]eBay (Click here)[/shoplink].

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