The Spanish site DSLRmagazine is the first one sharing a full size image sample of the new Voigtländer 15mm f/4,5 III M-mount lens. The lens has a new optical design to get rid of the corner issues when using it on the Sony A7/r/s camera. Here is the full size image samples taken with the A7s (Click on image to enlarge):
Also Newsshooter posted two image samples again taken witht he A7s:
I got to put the lens on my a7S and was very happy with the lenses performance. As claimed the edge to edge sharpness was very impressive although it does have some barrel distortion towards the edges of frame which is quite noticeable. I really liked the feel and the handling of this lens on the Sony a7S and the images look very impressive whether your taking video or photographs.
And here is also a video they made with it:
Newsshooter at CP+ Tokyo 2015- Voigtlander Super Wide-Heliar Aspherical III VM 15mm f/4.5 Lens First Look from Matthew Allard ACS on Vimeo.
Of course the A7s is the one camera that because of the larger pixels always had less issues with such lenses. That said the picture shows a very improved quality on corners. And let me add that the lens looks quite good on the A7s! I really think that is going to land in my camera bag soon :)
The lens will ship in March according to Australian Store In Japan it will cost 95,000 YEN. The US price should be a bit higher than that of the current [shoplink 33438 ebay]Heliar 15mm II (here on eBay)[/shoplink] but it has yet to be confirmed.